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Missing items from logcat? Here's the fix!

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Guest PaulOBrien


Out of the box, Honor / Huawei devices seem to strip certain items from logcat. If you've added logging in your app... you may notice it never appears. Strange eh? This is a huge problem for app developers.

Thankfully, you can disable the 'stripped down' logcat functionality, restoring app debug and verbose logging.

To do so...

  • launch the dialler on your device
  • dial *#*#2846579#*#*
  • Select Project Menu / Background Setting / Log setting 
  • Check 'AP Log' to enable app logging
  • Check 'CP Log' to enable debug / verbose logging
  • Reset your device

This probably has a tiny impact on battery and performance, so it's likely worth turning off if you don't need the additional log data.


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ShaneDiNozzo
Posted (edited)

Thank you very much! But the system hides the app crash dialogs too. I don't know why. Do you know that if this methon helps to show them?

/Sorry if my english is not so good. :-)/



No, the system is still not show the app crash dialogs. :-(

Edited by ShaneDiNozzo
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