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[DEV][ROM][20.10.] LineageOS 13 (Android 6.0.1) for Chuwi Vi10 Plus, Hi10 Plus, Hi10 Pro, Hibook, Hibook Pro & Hi12

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Guest KonstaT
12 hours ago, kostyamat said:

Hi KonstaT.

I installed your ROM and patch for HiBook. It works, but...

Connected usb-drive does not appear in the file explorer. Fuse mounts for usb seems to be broked too. The files are visible in /mnt/media_rw/*********** but in /storage/************ not.

mediaserver crahes evry time if I use any Camera apk other then native one.


AFAIK that's by design and just how OTG storage works with Marshmallow. You're allowed to access files with Android's built-in file manager (Settings->Storage) and that's it.

I haven't had time to look into camera issues yet.

5 hours ago, nico2048 said:


I am a french user of the vi10plus and I installed cm13 my worries is that my wifi is very slow.
Is it normal or is there a solution

thank you in advance for your help

There's shouldn't be any issue with wifi speed with this ROM. I'm getting the same speeds as with my other devices.

Guest nico2048


Thanks for the answer I fixed my problem of wifi by changing channel.

I have a worry the tablet at certain time stops in one fell swoop this is it already happened to another.

Thanks for the help and the work

Guest benkores

Sorry to keep bothering you but still no news on kernel source for the HiBook Pro Remix? It's been almost 2 weeks already. 

Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, benkores said:

Sorry to keep bothering you but still no news on kernel source for the HiBook Pro Remix? It's been almost 2 weeks already. 

Jide has since replied with a link to their GitHub and I've replied with "it's not there".

Nothing stopping you from emailing yourself since you actually own the device.

Edited by KonstaT
Guest benkores
6 hours ago, KonstaT said:

Jide has since replied with a link to their GitHub and I've replied with "it's not there".

Nothing stopping you from emailing yourself since you actually own the device.


I actually don't own it yet. I said I was considering buying it provided that there would be CM13 support for it to replace the crappy stock ROM and get the features of Marshmallow.

Guest FatFreddyDK

I actually got a random reboot today, the only one i months. Its appenrently still possible. Nothing can cure Chuwi tablet 100% from crashing 😄 Still Vi10plus is the fantastic bargain thanks to KonstaT.

Guest fabicska

Hello Everyone,

I Installed my Vi10 Plus device this rom. I am pretty satisfied, but I find a bug. The bluetooth speaker mute after the first restart too. I cant use my bt speaker. The integrated speaker, and the 3,5mm speaker output operate very well. Any advice, maybe an update rom?




Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, fabicska said:

Hello Everyone,

I Installed my Vi10 Plus device this rom. I am pretty satisfied, but I find a bug. The bluetooth speaker mute after the first restart too. I cant use my bt speaker. The integrated speaker, and the 3,5mm speaker output operate very well. Any advice, maybe an update rom?



Audio is prebuilt blobs from Lollipop. Bluetooth is prebuilt blobs from Marshmallow (from another device with same Realtek bt hardware). It's a small miracle if it's working at all. ;)

I'll look into building bluetooth from source later and see if that makes any difference. I don't own any bluetooth speakers to test with, though.

Edited by KonstaT
Guest fabicska
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, KonstaT said:

Audio is prebuilt blobs from Lollipop. Bluetooth is prebuilt blobs from Marshmallow (from another device with same Realtek bt hardware). It's a small miracle if it's working at all. ;)

I'll look into building bluetooth from source later and see if that makes any difference. I don't own any bluetooth speakers to test with, though.

Thank you the fast reply. What do you think, this problem appear at your Cyanogen 12.1 ROM, or 13.12 Remix OS?

And my last question is, what do you think, where can I find a factory Remix OS for my tablet? I saw the link at the official Chuwi forum, but the dropbox link is dead, because the too high transmission.


Edited by fabicska
Guest KonstaT
14 minutes ago, fabicska said:

Thank you the fast reply. What do you think, this problem appear at your Cyanogen 12.1 ROM, or 13.12 Remix OS?

And my last question is, what do you think, where can I find a factory Remix OS for my tablet? I saw the link at the official Chuwi forum, but the dropbox link is dead, because the too high transmission.

Neither CM12.1 or Remix OS should have any issue with bluetooth audio.

Chuwi Dropbox is down every once in a while. Give it a few days and try again. I don't know if anyone has mirrored official firmware files.

Guest shakeador

Hello, does this work with Chuwi HI10 Plus with Z8350 processor?


Thank you

Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, shakeador said:

Hello, does this work with Chuwi HI10 Plus with Z8350 processor?

Thank you

Yes, it should work on all Hi10 Plus devices (unless there's a new batch I'm not aware of). No compatibility patch required or anything.

AFAIK there's three batches of Hi10 Pro and CM13 should work with compatibility patch on first two batches, but not the latest (serial no HQ64). It's getting quite difficult to keep track all these devices, different production batches (same name - minor hardware changes that essentially makes it a different device), and stock firmware versions they were shipped with...

Edited by KonstaT
On 2017. 01. 08. at 4:52 PM, fabicska said:

Helló mindenki,

Telepítettem én Vi10 Plus készülék ezen rom. Elégedett vagyok, de én meg a hibát. A bluetooth hangszóró némítás után az első újraindítás is. Nem tudok használni a bt hangszóró. Az integrált hangszóró és a 3,5 mm-es hangszóró kimenet nagyon jól működnek. Minden tanácsot, talán egy frissítés rom?




The Bluetooth headset does not work! Contact is created, but is deaf!
During the same 12.1 cm perfect!
Maybe we'll Solution...

Guest KonstaT
2 hours ago, Beers said:

The Bluetooth headset does not work! Contact is created, but is deaf!
During the same 12.1 cm perfect!
Maybe we'll Solution...

Logcat? Like said, I don't own any bluetooth headsets/speakers to test with.

Guest ryunker73

I installed cm13 and it is running great. The only issue is when I go in to settings and hit security, it says "unfortunately settings has stopped "and it force closes settings.  Is there any fix for this? I need to be able to select unknown sources. Thank you! 

Guest KonstaT
25 minutes ago, ryunker73 said:

I installed cm13 and it is running great. The only issue is when I go in to settings and hit security, it says "unfortunately settings has stopped "and it force closes settings.  Is there any fix for this? I need to be able to select unknown sources. Thank you! 


Can't reproduce that on my device. Make sure you've followed installation instructions in the third post.

Guest Hi12Guy

Hello, Thank you for your very great work, I bought the Hi12 to have great Tablet and now with CM 12.1 it's realy great.

Are there any news about Kernel Source from Chuwi because I really want higher ANDROID Version on my Hi12 :)

Thank you!! Keep up the great work! Gretings

Guest mirek190
Posted (edited)

Hello KonstaT

Thanks for your hard work !

I'm trying to compile your rom from the source like in description :

repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-13.0
curl --create-dirs -L -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_intel_cherrytrail.xml -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CM-CHT/android_local_manifest/cm-13.0/manifest_intel_cherrytrail.xml
repo sync


curl -L -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_intel_chuwi_vi10plus.xml -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CM-CHT/android_local_manifest/cm-13.0/manifest_intel_chuwi_vi10plus.xml
repo sync


so everything goes well until the kernel ...

I always getting the error even if I'm trying - make bootimage

 /home/rom/tablet/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-poky/bin/x86_64-poky-linux/x86_64-poky-linux-gcc: not found
make[3]: *** [kernel/bounds.s] Error 127
make[2]: *** [prepare0] Error 2
make[1]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory ` /home/rom/tablet/kernel/intel/cherrytrail'
make: *** [TARGET_KERNEL_BINARIES] Error 2

#### make failed to build some targets (04:06 (mm:ss)) ####


Looks like toolchain is not in path ..  had you such problem ?

Any idea how to fix it ?


I'm using ubuntu lts 12.04


Thanks for any help


Edited by mirek190
Guest zltnngy
1 hour ago, mirek190 said:

Hello KonstaT

Thanks for your hard work !

I'm trying to compile your rom from the source like in description :

repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-13.0
curl --create-dirs -L -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_intel_cherrytrail.xml -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CM-CHT/android_local_manifest/cm-13.0/manifest_intel_cherrytrail.xml
repo sync


curl -L -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_intel_chuwi_vi10plus.xml -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CM-CHT/android_local_manifest/cm-13.0/manifest_intel_chuwi_vi10plus.xml
repo sync


so everything goes well until the kernel ...

I always getting the error even if I'm trying - make bootimage

 /home/rom/tablet/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-poky/bin/x86_64-poky-linux/x86_64-poky-linux-gcc: not found
make[3]: *** [kernel/bounds.s] Error 127
make[2]: *** [prepare0] Error 2
make[1]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory ` /home/rom/tablet/kernel/intel/cherrytrail'
make: *** [TARGET_KERNEL_BINARIES] Error 2

#### make failed to build some targets (04:06 (mm:ss)) ####


Looks like toolchain is not in path ..  had you such problem ?

Any idea how to fix it ?


I'm using ubuntu lts 12.04


Thanks for any help


As a workaround use the poky toolchain recommended in the readme of https://github.com/CM-CHT/cherrytrail_kernel_build.

Guest mirek190
44 minutes ago, zltnngy said:

As a workaround use the poky toolchain recommended in the readme of https://github.com/CM-CHT/cherrytrail_kernel_build.

Hello agan

I think KonstaT  added proper prebuilt  toolchain but on my ubuntu was a problem to access it ( i don/t know that others tried build from the source )

I edited boardconfig.mk in device/intel/chuwi...


# Kernel
KERNEL_TOOLCHAIN := $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP)/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-poky/bin/x86_64-poky-linux
TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG := x86_64_chuwi_vi10plus_defconfig
TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE := kernel/intel/cherrytrail


# Kernel
KERNEL_TOOLCHAIN := $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP)/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-poky/bin/x86_64-poky-linux/x86_64-poky-linux-
TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG := x86_64_chuwi_vi10plus_defconfig
TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE := kernel/intel/cherrytrail


It seems toolchain prefix doesn't works properly so I switched it off.

At the moment toolchain works perfectly to compile the kernel or bootimage

Of course I had to also built before otatools for minigzip binary - that should be added automatically before compiling bootimage or the whole rom ... i try to fix it later ass well ;-) 


thanks for help



Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, mirek190 said:

Looks like toolchain is not in path ..  had you such problem ?

No, I didn't have any problem with poky. Will investigate.

8 hours ago, mirek190 said:

I edited boardconfig.mk in device/intel/chuwi...

Since you removed x86_64-poky-linux- prefix you're going to have trouble with kernel modules (see this).

Edited by KonstaT
Guest mirek190
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, KonstaT said:

No, I didn't have any problem with poky. Will investigate.

Since you removed x86_64-poky-linux- prefix you're going to have trouble with kernel modules (see this).

You right !

I compiled recovery image and doesn't work ... I will recover toolchain prefix and will test later today.

I noticed that while compiling the kernel ( modules )

CC [M]  drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/core/rtw_cmd.o
cc1: error: -Werror=date-time: no option -Wdate-time
make[5]: *** [drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/core/rtw_cmd.o] Error 1
make[4]: *** [drivers/staging/rtl8723bs] Error 2
make[3]: *** [drivers/staging] Error 2
make[2]: *** [drivers] Error 2
make[1]: *** [sub-make] Error 2


But compilation goes to the end even I had that error.


ps. in root folder ( kernel folder from the  out/target/product/chuwi.../)  should be modules folder with modules is it?

At the moment I do not have it - maybe because i removed prefix . 



update - I added prefix and now I can't compile - looks like can't find toolchain - the code below is after make clobber


make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rom/tablet/LTE-6.0/kernel/intel/cherrytrail'
Building Kernel
make  -C kernel/intel/cherrytrail O=/home/rom/tablet/out/target/product/chuwi_vi10plus/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE=" /home/rom/tablet/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-poky/bin/x86_64-poky-linux/x86_64-poky-linux-/x86_64-poky-linux-" bzImage
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/mirek190/MICROTECH/etab-pro/LTE-6.0/kernel/intel/cherrytrail'
make[2]: /home/rom/tablet/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-poky/bin/x86_64-poky-linux/x86_64-poky-linux-/x86_64-poky-linux-gcc: Command not found
  GEN     /home/rom/tablet/out/target/product/chuwi_vi10plus/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/Makefile
scripts/kconfig/conf --silentoldconfig Kconfig
drivers/external_drivers/camera/drivers/media/i2c/mt9e013/Kconfig:16:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/external_drivers/camera/drivers/media/i2c/mt9e013/Kconfig:25:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
drivers/external_drivers/camera/drivers/media/i2c/mt9e013/Kconfig:34:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
/home/rom/tablet/kernel/intel/cherrytrail/arch/x86/Makefile:119: stack-protector enabled but compiler support broken
/home/rom/tablet/kernel/intel/cherrytrail/Makefile:610: Cannot use CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_REGULAR: -fstack-protector not supported by compiler
make[2]: /home/rom/tablet/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-poky/bin/x86_64-poky-linux/x86_64-poky-linux-/x86_64-poky-linux-gcc: Command not found
  SYSHDR  arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/asm/unistd_32_ia32.h
  SYSHDR  arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/asm/unistd_64_x32.h
  SYSTBL  arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/asm/syscalls_64.h
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `relocs'.
  CHK     include/config/kernel.release
  UPD     include/config/kernel.release
  Using /home/rom/tablet/kernel/intel/cherrytrail as source for kernel
  GEN     /home/rom/tablet/out/target/product/chuwi_vi10plus/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/Makefile
  CHK     include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h
  CHK     include/generated/utsrelease.h
  UPD     include/generated/utsrelease.h
  CC      kernel/bounds.s
/bin/sh: 1: /home/rom/tablet/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-poky/bin/x86_64-poky-linux/x86_64-poky-linux-/x86_64-poky-linux-gcc: not found
make[3]: *** [kernel/bounds.s] Error 127
make[2]: *** [prepare0] Error 2
make[1]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rom/tablet/kernel/intel/cherrytrail'
make: *** [TARGET_KERNEL_BINARIES] Error 2

#### make failed to build some targets (01:30 (mm:ss)) ####





maybe the problem is my system .... what system are you using ?




thanks for advice

Edited by mirek190
Guest PalmTrees

@mirek190is your work intended for the Teclast tablets, you've been doing roms for? Welcome to MoDaCo :)

Guest mirek190

... yes ( i have that tablet and  for teclast maybe later  :)   but first I have to compile the source for chuwi properly first if i want to do something more .

Guest KonstaT
1 hour ago, mirek190 said:

maybe the problem is my system .... what system are you using ?

Ubuntu 12.04.

It's always an option to revert this and use kernel build env to build the kernel/modules.

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