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Boxy Pocket > Final release <

Guest STuFF

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Guest STuFF

Boxy Pocket, sokoban clone by STuFF

- 17 pur oldschool soundchips (by Rez & Med)

- Sooo GREAT dezign (by STuFF :))

- Original 50 levels

All these in 870ko uncompressed, isn't it good ?



> it is HERE (267 Kb cab file) <

Don't forget to read the "readme" file...

(this is unsigned and freeware of course...)

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Guest spacemonkey

Hey, congratulations... looks good... couldn't get it to download direct to the phone... I'll try again when I get home...

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Guest ShAkY

This is realy nice i have played this like crazy way back on my amiga

Guess you must have done that too since the lv layout are the same :)

even tho on the amige time was no factor but moves was

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Guest STuFF

the cab could not be installed directely from web to SPV because of the web serveur I think, *.cab are not recognised and are displayed instead of downloaded.

Le levels are "ripped" from the original game a long long long time ago ! (think it was on an atari console)

In the original game, the time was not important, but the "moves" and the "pushes" were. I decided to use time instead to add a kind of "stress" factor.

I didnt do that game on amiga :) I made BOXY the first time on Atari ST (but never released) then on PC DOS (some friends have this version) and now on smartphone.

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Guest spacemonkey

Just got it going.... that is a sweet implementation. Had to quickly spot how to switch off the sound, it really got some attention around the office :)

The Cab direct download thing is weird, I mirrored it onto some web space of mine and tried again and same thing of displaying the cab. Might be some signature bytes at the top the IE looks for to decide to download it? In the end I renamed as a .wav to get it downloaded, renamed it back on the phone and it installed fine. (I just couldn't wait till I got home)

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Guest STuFF

im going to look what's wrong with cab files, playing with the header with a php script to dl the cab.

To switch off the sound, just switch it off in the main menu, there's a special option to do that :)

(the state is saved)

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Guest spacemonkey

The sound switch off was obvious and not a problem, it was just those few moments of loud tune across the office when eveyone realised I wasn't working.

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Guest shadieb

Brilliant :) Used to play something similar on the Amiga years ago. Can't remember its name off the top of my head.

What would be really nice would be if you had an option to rotate the screen for left handed people as well as for right handed. its just a little awkward to control when yer a south paw like me ;)

Still its only a minor niggle and an excellent game to boot.


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Guest ShAkY
Can't remember its name off the top of my head.

Well i can tell you that it was called "Dragon Cave" and the graphics in the

3D mode was taken from the dungeonmaster game

And just like this fine game by STuFF it had 50 levels the difference was just that it had 49 more levels that you could design yourself

(Feel free to do that STuFF) :) he he

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Guest crimminsky

great game, well done but the sound does not work for me, all the files are there in the songs dir, but still no sound :) any ideas

edit: D'oh :oops: someone had turned my earpiece volume down :oops:

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Guest STuFF

thx for all :)

I've planned to make a Columns Clone and a Bomberman Clone.

But i must admit that I'm NOT REALLY a good coder. (I'll NEVER release BOXY's source code to not shock real coders !)

My prefered work in a game is graphism (i am a graphist in fact, see by yourself www.stuffweb.net)

So, if someone want to code a columns or bomberman clone instead of me, and is looking for a graphist, i am your man. If nobody is interrested, I will try by myself, but it can took me a LOT of time ;)

So dont expect new stuff by STuFF :D during next months !

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Guest Syvwlch


Just gave an extra nudge to that last box and shoved it against a wall... Again! X'C

I know it's against the rules, but could I have a one-move undo, puhleez?


I love this game.

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Guest STuFF

sorry, no undo :)

I really dont want to do any change to the game ;)

And no, im not working for an entry for paul's logo contest, i even dont know what it is :D

I'm french and i spend my time on smartphony.org, just coming here time to time...

I've just seen the post for the contest. I dont think i will have the time, but i will think about it !

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Guest MrSpoons

for anyone struggling to get past level 11 (like me) theres a solver here


just key in the map on the right hand side using # for walls, . for places to drop your boxes, $ for the boxes and @ for the little bloke. Then click Text In and solve.

866 moves for level 11! no wonder i'm getting RSI

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