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Coming Soon: Stuntman Evolution

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Digital Concepts, authors of the fantastic Rocket Elite Gold, will soon be releasing 'Stuntman Evolution' for Smartphone.

Ful details can be found at the Stuntman Evolution Website

The game features:

Non-linear Gameplay: Game is designed to be free-roaming experience where players can explore levels, find items, and complete objectives in the order they wish.

Vehicles: Game includes a number of vehicles for the player to locate and pilot varying from high speed hovercrafts to bulldozers.

Game Engine: Includes object physics, transparencies, particle effects, and a familair deformable isometric terrain combined with a custom 3D real-time renderer that includes real-time lighting, texture mapping, and anti-aliasing.

Replayability: Unlimited Replayability. In addition to all the levels that come with the game, players can create or download additional levels.

Music: Original soundtrack.

Controls: Multiple & configurable control options.

Fingers crossed for another corker from Digital Concepts!


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