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Application unlock (decert) your Orange UK MPx200

Guest alphaflux

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I've just had my phone returned to me from Motorola and I've tried to apply the .CAB files just as I did when I first got the phone, but I;m getting a message that's different to what I've read here;

"Installation failed. The program or setting cannot be installed because it is not digitally signed with s trusted certificate....."

Am I missing a trick here? I've just done a Hard Reset and the same applies...... :-(

I have the following version info;



Microsoft: 3.0.13258.0


File System: 3.0.13258.0

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Thanks for the info but unfortunately, nothing seems to be working. It's as if this Firmware version I have is unbreakable :?:

Anyway, I found something while trying to re-install jMMS (it won't install from the Motorola provided CD because it's not digitally signed); and it says.......

- All the exes and dlls are signed using the peta.pfx.  Hence please provision the certificate(peta.pfx) on to the device using the command sp2002dps /Device(sp2002dps is a Microsoft uitlity used to provision the device which is supplied with smartphone SDK).password for peta.pfx is 2222.

Can I download just the sp2002dps, or must I download the whole SDK? Also, is peta.pfx part of the SDK?

PS. I've looked at the CAB changes in the original Unlock files and tried to replicate them on the Smartphone using Resco's Registry editor, but whenever I try and change a vlue, it returns to its original state. Is it possible that the latest ROM is indeed Application Uncrackable?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest awarner [MVP]

Welcome to the site :D

If you are on Orange in the UK and with a new MPX200 the cab file may not work now, but the good news is the Orange developers site now does

the MPX200 ;)

Click on http://developer.orangews.com/orgspv/comdefq.aspx

If you are not in the UK then you do not need to unlock your phone as the US model is not application locked.

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Guest Zimbu

I'm so going to burst into tears. All I wanna do is play pocket clive....

This is what I have tried:

Hard Reset

Then Unlock (App Only) => Error security privies blah blah

Hard Reset

All sorts of combos of Alpha's fine (and obviously loved) patches.

Hard Reset

Official Site => Do not recognise IMEI number (blah blah blah)

Email Developers => No reply.

Tech Support => Uhhh cert-ti-fied....uhhhh... isn't that a microsoft problem?

Darn this Orange MPX200! I want to make it shiney and play games on it...

Now I *have* burst into tears.

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I also had problems with the official site not recognising my IMEI until I worked out that you need to enter it with the dashes, ie- "123456-12-123456-1" not "123456121234561", which is what I tried first.

Posted from my SmartPhone!

<EDIT>Grr... Stupid repeating messages!</EDIT>

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Guest Zimbu

Righty-ho, found my IMEI. Even went to the trouble of phoning a techhie to make sure it was the right one. It's printed inside my phone, it's in my phone's bios and it's on the techies screen, so I'm sure the numbers right. So I tried putting the number in the dashed format.

I'm SURE the phone number is in the right format (because when it fails it sends me an arm.cab which doesn't seem to do anything to my MPX200 other than install itself and disappear.

I'm pretty sure I'm using the right name, and I've tried all my email addresses (even my clean non-spammy ones).

To think I'm going through all this techie debacle just to get speccy 128k games on my phone.

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Guest Zimbu

Hmmm, I dunno if I was being dense or wether this is a real 'find' but the arm application worked when I installed it to the phone and not the card....

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Guest richpb7

Just for info, I had the unlock in place for months with no problems, but last week my MPx200 died on me and I had to send it back for repair. It just arrived back again, but now the same unlock file won't work on it anymore - they said they had to completely reinstall all the software so whatever they're using now is proofed against the unlock file.

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Guest nic399c

I downloaded the Alphaflux Unlock.cab file to my phone many times and opened it many times and after eveytime it still wouldnt install pocketTV.

I tried sending it to

IPSMWindowsStart MenuAccessories

IPSMWindowsStart Menu


IPSMMy Documents



Each time it would say that it was sucessful but it still would not let me install anything else.

Please help me

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Guest nic399c

I bought it from ebay and filmwere unlocked it so that everything but the os and base programs were wiped out inclusind mMode and others.

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Guest simonthegeek

Dear all,

after much tearing out of my hair and hours of trauling through forums like this (excellent) one I have discovered the following:

If you have a 'new' MPx200 (post april 2004) the cab files and exe's posted on this site WILL NOT ENABLE YOU TO USE ANY 3rd PARTY APPLICATIONS.

You will need to use the orange developrs site : http://developer.orangews.com/orgspv/SPV.aspx?U=T

(Click Here)

WHich can be a nightmare in itself. If your IMEI number is not found I recommend the SMS option rather than the PC download. (You will know what I'm on about when you try it.)

I can confirm that this does work as I now have apps installed on my brand new MPx200.

Really is a shame that we have to go thorugh all this!!! Why do Orange not trust us? All I want is to be able to read mail from more than one POP3 account!! If you are gonna supply a 2002 OS on 2004 model phones why stop up from adding useful updates? Tight gits.

Also, for your information, I have been told that Motorola will not be providing rom updates from 2003 to 2003. Ever.

Hope this helps and sorry that it appear on page 18 or whatever it is.


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Guest awarner [MVP]

The point of application unlocking is to help prevent rogue code

from damaging the phone or making outbaound calls etc without

our knowledge.

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Guest dazlaa

I have just recieved my replacement MPx200 as my other one broke, and mine must be post April as teh Alphaflux unlock wont wor. I have tried the orange developers link but after entering my details and clicking ok i get a blank screen. Is the download relative to the phones IMEI number? If not can someone who has downloaded it possible send it to me so I can enjoy my phone like the good old days!

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Guest dazlaa

An hour of searching later, Finally managed to de-cert my new MPx200

The actual address to start the unlocking process is actually


not the one that has been mentioned previously

I downloaded the register program to the pc (as network strength is an issue where i live) and it worked first time and will no doubt be useful in the future!

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Guest p0pid0l

nice post :) just unlocked mine the 'orange website way' no problems :lol:

i love my mpx loads, now i love it even more :lol:

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