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What will happen if the battery runs out of charge?

Guest shampoo

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Guest shampoo


I have just seen a message on my SPV E200 saying the battery is low and to prevent data loss, I should recharge it now. I have a compaq Ipaq and when that completely runs out of charge, everything you have ever put on the ipaq is lost (with the exception of contacts for some reason) - will I lose stuff if the phone runs out of charge as well?

Matt (desperately hoping to find a working car charger soon!)

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I'm not entirely sure about this for the e200 - but with the e100, mine ran out of battery a few times, & gave me that warning message, but it never actually did anything! Hasn't happened with e200 yet, so can't say for sure ...

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Well I haven't let the e200 run out yet, but it happened to me a few times with my original spv, a few times I got away with no damage, but twice the phone had hard reset itself, so I had to de-certify again and re-install everything. This also happened to me after a crash and battery pull.


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Guest AdrianFRST

I've let my E200 go flat to the point of switching itself off, and I've not lost anything. It's just the same as turning it off as normal.

I have plugged it in as soon as it it turned off though, so maybe leaving it longer would cause it to loose data?

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