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Talkin' about a homescreen revolution...

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest agent.m


Just get photoshop and do tutorials, once you get the hang of it its actually quite addictive :-)

For me its not the photoshop bit its more the html code to get used to. But i suppose im lazy :)

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Guest Speedy

I would not be that far thats true, but i am still a fan of freeware.

Is that a crime now?

Its my opinion that the quality and development of homescreens, apps etc would be better if more was free.

Not saying that midnight and rj have not done a great job and should of course have tremendous credit for it. :)

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Guest Dr_StrangeTrick

Hey there I love the homescreen :) Nice but simple.

I am no good at writing these, how difficult would it to change the top line that displays the IP address with an MRU instead :?:

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Guest sprinkles

wow! as soon as I get my spv, modaco plus is next on my list!

Could you please post some more about how it recieves the information? I'm hoping to create an auto updating euro 2004 feed

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Guest dude

Any chance one of you guys could do a animated GIF or a video in flash etc to show full functions working?

Maybe a nice little push towards Plus membership...lol

Its quite dispicable how excellent stuff like this isnt taken up by the creators! Itd be nice if Orange/MS or whoever said:

"Heres a cheque for Midnight and RemyJ and a cheque for Modaco - We'll buy the plugin off you while you work for us creating even more excellent plugins which your community can use, oh by the way we'll give you all the credit as well!"

But alas, nope!

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Guest sprinkles

hmm.... well I gues I'll have to subscibe to MoDaCo plus just to get the documentation, before I get my spv!

edit: right, I'm going to have a blind stab at this - readin the post about it, I'm guessing it can read text from a html page, so all I need to do is make a html page with the score on it, right? well, the reason I'm making it (Not being selfish here, I will let everyone use it :lol:) is so that I can get the scores in school without being rumbled by an sms alert :lol:, so it needs to update on it's own. In steps my master plan. I need to find an sms alert system which just texts the score, no commentary or anything, and will allow me to pay for it in a way other than text. The reason for this is, I'm hoping to do it like this,

SMS alert (ENG 48 GER 2) > My shortcode > My php script (already in place) > MySQL Database (Already In Place)

Then the html page will read the latest text alert from the databse, and display it on your phone :)

I'm not having much luck on the lookout for the text alerts, so if anyone could give me a hand, I'd be very greatful.

all the hard stuff is done now, all the framework is in place, and it just needs something to feed it the score now. Right then, back to that RE project I've been putting off.....

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Guest midnight

errr, or just find an updating rss feed of the football and then make an rss parser :)

it isnt that complex to do really

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Guest sprinkles

I think an rss feed is likely to have a lot of information - and for the sake of our gprs bills, i think I'll stick with that way :)

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Guest midnight

depends, i actually use an rss feed to get the last modaco nerws item, so make a parser and then extract only the information you want, eg, just the score of the england vs whatever match

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Guest Skilty

Midnight - is there any way you can post an idiot's guide to setting up an rss feed or creating your own html feed for this excellent plug-in.

If there was a program similar to Mobipocket's news creator that you could run off the p.c to set up the feeds that you want on the homepage it would be really useful.

I'm sure there's a few of you out there who are getting a lot more out of this plugin than the weather and modaco's news feed, so it would be much appreciated if any developments people have made (whether it hammers the GPRS bill or not!) are posted on here to help your fellow members who haven't a clue about setting up an html or rss feed.

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Guest lutzh

ohhhhhhh yes, that would be cool. beside the gprs bill this would be soooo smart. just in time news from whatever the newsfeed is...

thanks in advance, lutz

btw: SMS alert (ENG 48 GER 2) is funny like beckhamsters new tatoo...

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Guest midnight

well i'm currently developing a homescreen that has various things, including rss feeds (plenty of choice), so until i finish that homescreen i wont be releasing the source for it, i'm sure that if anyone is good enough to implement a php rss feed then they are clever enough to get rss feeds working on their own though :)

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