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Blog: The problem with HTC?

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest drblow

Still no sign of O getting the alleged 3rd gen replacements. I spoke to CS yesterday, and was talking to the fella about the fact that replacements come out of refurbished stock, so how O intends to release the 3rd gen phones is still a mystery. I can't see them giving everyone with a dust issue a brand new handset. Which really brings me to the conclusion that the whole 3rd gen handset thing may in the end be about as real as the possibility of O giving us all free calls for life! :twisted:

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Guest millay

I got my C500 in november and ahve absolutly no dutst problem, I get through phones incredibly quickly and this seems the best built so far...

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Guest Confucious

I got my phone in August and never had a problem with dust.

Until yesterday when I noticed it up at the top right of the screen by the battery meter. It's not to bad at the moment and I can only see it in certain lighting conditions but I guess it's noy gouing to get any better ;) Seems to be coming in by the camera button.

And there was me all smug with no dust and no Tss sound....

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Guest irnbru

Well, here's mine I never had this problem with the original SPV or E200 :roll:


I phoned OCS last week to see what they would do about it. I hit them with the fact that it's a design fault and there are loads of other people with the same issue. They basically told me to go into an Orange Store and get one of their Phone Trainers to call up OCS to confirm that the phone was unusable. Not sure about anyone else but I notice it more when the sun hits it.

Let's have a rating poll on how dusty everyone's C500 is lol..... :evil:

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Guest drblow
i think the new handsets will just be given to the new costomers (or the ones that complain alot)


After another marathon call to OCS, it would appear that the rumoured 3rd gen replacements are a myth. No one at O seems to know anything about them. I'm getting my 4th replacement since last August delivered tomorrow, but it will be a refurb. The guy I spoke to at O reckons that HTC may have the 3rd gen rerplacements, but there is no chance of O getting them. It would appear that we have been hoodwinked again by O. :evil:

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Guest pierre

Mine is getting more and more dusty with the time, but it's still bearable. I told myself I'd wait till it's too much and then will bring it back. The Orange Shop just confirmed by phone they send them for fixing or replacement. Gurantee is 2 years, so no worry.

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Guest chucky.egg

I'm probably going to have to send my one back soon.

Combination of bright sunlight and the dust meant that I couldn't see the display on the train today.

A while back I bought a second C500 for just these occassions. It's been repaired after a nasty scrape, so now it'll become my main while the original is being cleaned out.

Maybe that's the plan. Make people buy two phones to up profits.

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Guest chucky.egg

Cripes. Just noticed that huge picture of irnbru's

How do you guys put up with that! Mine looks good by comparison!

I wonder if they're going to start weighing the dust, and if there isn't more than 1Kg you have to pay for the servicing. ;)

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Guest irnbru

Well, took a trip down to the Orange store where the guy said he didn't understand why they had told me to go to them. He phones up OCS, puts the phone onto me (nothing on the account about the problem) and Voila, a replacement is winging it's way to me tomorrow morning. Didn't even need the guy to confirm the dust was an issue. Typical or what !!

Must remember to remove my memory card this time :roll:

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