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A FingerMouse Mode Toggle Command

Guest chaimd

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Phuket72
I made an small tool that only toggle Finger Mouse Mode between 4-way and Mouse.

You can change the mode immediately with this.

I'm using this assign to Camera Button. B)


Noob Alert! First post, too. I just got my VZW Omnia this week and would like to install this great functionality for the optical mouse. Can someone post a step by step install guide, please? I would not even know how to make a short cut, or where to store the file. Or if there is already one in the forum point me in the right direction?

Any guidance would be appreciated.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Aldine Yap

Excellent.. Thank you very much. :D

Before, I feel difficult to switch between finger mouse and D-pad.

Now, very ok.

I just need to create a shortcut to your app and mapping a button for a quick switch.

Thank you again.

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Guest Aldine Yap
Just a NOTE as well.. The Today 2 interface that you can install and add in has this toggle right on the settings page .. That page also has WIFI, FLASHLITE, USB, BLUETOOTH, VIBRATE MOTION and Flight Mode.

That's true if you upgrade the firmware to WM6.1.

but we still need a real practical way to switch functions between finger mouse and D-pad,

for example, if we open an application and do not want to go to Today Screen to switch.

So, thank's a lot to the creator of this app. :D

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  • 3 months later...
Guest komarak
Awesome toggle - this should have been built into the rom, and you should get a royalty if it's included in future rom updates!

Also great idea about Wireless Manager - evad

Any way to pass parameters to your toggle app ?? I am using s2u2 and when the optica mouse is in pointer mode (arrow) and s2u2 is active - the mouse pointer flickers through the screen saver. I want to run a scrip that always toggles the mouse off, then turns on s2u2. If I use your toggle program the way it is, then when the script runs if the mouse is on it turns it off, then turns on s2u2. The problem is if I run my script and the mouse is OFF, then the toggle program turns it ON, then turns on s2u2 - the exact thing I don't want. I am looking for a paramater that when I execute your toggle program if the mouse pointer is ON, then it turns it OFF, if the mouse pointer is OFF, then it stays OFF. Any way to do that ?


Kevin K.

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Guest dprice23
Noob Alert! First post, too. I just got my VZW Omnia this week and would like to install this great functionality for the optical mouse. Can someone post a step by step install guide, please? I would not even know how to make a short cut, or where to store the file. Or if there is already one in the forum point me in the right direction?

Any guidance would be appreciated.

1. Copy the exe file to your phone. You can put it anywhere, I put it in My Storage to save Device space.

2. Using File Explorer, navigate to the exe.

3. Click the Menu soft key, and choose Edit > Copy.

4. Navigate to My Device\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

5. Click the Menu soft key > Edit > Paste Shortcut.

6. Close File Explorer.

7. Click Start > Settings > Personal tab > Buttons.

8. Highlight the button you want to use in the first column under Select a button.

9. Click the dropdown under Assign a progam and choose Shortcut to chgFingerMouse.

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