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error playing youtube videos

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hi..i'm not too sure if this has been asked before..if that's the case, sorry for posting again.

but i really need help on how to make youtube videos play in omnia 2.

i've tried several times but i always get error in "streaming player" "server or data timeout"

hope you guys will help me out...thanks

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hi..i'm not too sure if this has been asked before..if that's the case, sorry for posting again.

but i really need help on how to make youtube videos play in omnia 2.

i've tried several times but i always get error in "streaming player" "server or data timeout"

hope you guys will help me out...thanks

Check the proxy settings in streaming player and remove them.

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Check the proxy settings in streaming player and remove them.

hello..i've checked the settings of my streaming player..below is what i saw...hope i'm looking at the right place though^^

when i launched streaming player, i clicked on menu then options..then it took me to two tabs..

first one is "RTSP" tab

my settings here are:

Buffer = 7sec

UDP port range = 6970 - 32000

Transport = automatic

Select network = internet (i'm using wifi by the way)

Next tab is "Proxy" which basically has nothing in it because i don't have the "RTSP Proxy" enabled (unchecked)

I would appreciate it if yo could tell me which one to remove or disable here.

Thanks a lot.

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I am using youtube player over WIFI or 3G (sometimes) but never had an issue. Maybe you should check your proxy settings etc. or try using this youtube player


PS this player requires you to be online (WIFI/3G)

i'm using wifi also...no problems getting to the youtube site..it's just that I can't play the vids..i tried other site that streams video too..but to no avail..i'm guessing my problem is with flash..maybe i need a different flash player.

let me try this one then i'll let you know..by the way, is this youtube player exclusive only for youtube videos? how about other sites that play flash videos?


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Guest Albertri
i'm using wifi also...no problems getting to the youtube site..it's just that I can't play the vids..i tried other site that streams video too..but to no avail..i'm guessing my problem is with flash..maybe i need a different flash player.

let me try this one then i'll let you know..by the way, is this youtube player exclusive only for youtube videos? how about other sites that play flash videos?


Yes this is youtube player only :)

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Guest silencer22
i'm using wifi also...no problems getting to the youtube site..it's just that I can't play the vids..i tried other site that streams video too..but to no avail..i'm guessing my problem is with flash..maybe i need a different flash player.

let me try this one then i'll let you know..by the way, is this youtube player exclusive only for youtube videos? how about other sites that play flash videos?


if u r using use wireless@sg, their firewall blocks off the ports used by the streaming player

otherwise, check ur wifi device, see if it is blocking the ports

for youtube, go to www.youtube.com

if it redirects u to m.youtube.com

scroll to the bottom of the page, select view desktop mode

tt allows u to view the full version of the videos

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if u r using use wireless@sg, their firewall blocks off the ports used by the streaming player

otherwise, check ur wifi device, see if it is blocking the ports

for youtube, go to www.youtube.com

if it redirects u to m.youtube.com

scroll to the bottom of the page, select view desktop mode

tt allows u to view the full version of the videos

wht da...

hahaha...can't believe it's that simple..so stupid^^

tnx a bunch silencer...by the way, i'm on starhub

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