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[WM6.5 Omnia 2] Solved!: How to enable new panels to the new WM6.5 plugin screen (Titanium)?

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Guest emperorben
Posted (edited)

Credit to sys-error and Forelli for their help & advice in helping realise the existence of SPlugins_480x800.cpr. Credit must also go to the guys @ XDA-developers.com for their awesome CHome/Titanium Plugins.




Q. What is CHome/Titanium plugin?

A. CHome is the name of the new default WM6.5 plugin which display information in the Microsoft Zune format. (Think of it as a "Vertical HTC Manila/Touchflo 3D" plugin). Titanium refers to the default manner in which the information is displayed. Other manners of display include Bliss, Neo-titanium, WM7 titanium, etc. (More on that in a future update of this post).

And yes, this plugin is ONLY available for WM6.5 (sorry WM6.1 folks).

To activate the plugin on Samsung i8000, goto Settings-->Display and Light-->Items on Today. Uncheck "Samsung WidgetPlus" and check "Windows Default".

Q. I really like the CHome plugin. How do I customise or add new panels?

A. To customise the panels, please use the excellent CHome Editor by Showaco which can be downloaded here. Basic functions include arranging the order of the panels (don't forget to tap "Save to Registry" to register the changes). Advanced functions include editing the registry component of each panel, i.e. customising the software to be opened when the right soft key in a panel is pressed, etc.

A list of popular customed panels can be found here. Please install the panels in the main memory; most of the panels are less than 300kb in size.

Q. I have installed one of the panels in the link above. Why doesn't installed panel appear?

A. Now this question is the very reason why this thread is started. There are 2 reasons why the installed panels do not appear.

Mortscript (can be downloaded
) is not installed.
MortScript interprets a (quite) simple batch language. If you know .bat files in DOS or shell scripts: it's something like that. Its focus is to remote control or launch other applications. Mortscript is required for most of the panels (and good programs from XDA-developers) to work. It's a small program and should be installed in the main memory (ver 4.2 or 4.3beta is fine).

"SPlugins_480X800.cpr" in "\Windows" is not updated
. The CPR file contains the parameters of how each panel should look like, i.e. font type, font size, image location, etc. In most other WM6.5 devices, the default CPR used by the system is Titanium_480x800.cpr. When you install any customed panels, the parameters of the new panels are updated into Titanium_480x800.cpr. However, in the case of Omnia i8000, SPlugins_480x800.cpr (which is also found in "\Windows") is used instead. It must some great smart idea of one Samsung engineer which resulted in hours lost and wall banging for most Omnia users including myself. :) . Therefore, the parameters of the installed panels (which resides in Titanium_480x800.cpr) must be copied into SPlugins_480x800.cpr.

Q. How do I edit the CPR files then?

The CPR files can be edited by Windows XP/Vista/7 Notepad program or Total Commander if you are editing it on your Omnia i8000. The code in the CPR file is in XML. All the CPR files are hidden and you have to enable "Show all files" on either Total Commander or File Explorer/Manager.

Noobs & Novices
You can use my CPR file below which is based on panels I used for my system. Just overwrite your CPR file in \Windows folder. Please note that I took away the CPR codes for some of the default panels like Samsung SMS panel (SText), Samsung Email panel (SEmail), etc to meet the size limit for the file.

If you wish to add new panels, simply copy the panel's CPR code into the SPlugins_480x800.CPR. Again, you may need to watch the size limit. CPR codes for the panels can be found in

i) Titanium_480x800.cpr in \Windows folder. Remember that CPR codes is always updated into this file by default.

ii) this thread. I hope to update some CPR codes for users' convenience in the next update and

iii) XDA-developer.com (do a search in this

Advance users

i) There's an online tool created by Twolf of Xda-developers. You can find the tool
. In short, you can use this tool to create the necessary CPR code and the corresponding registry entry for any panel! Please note that Omnia 2 I8000 is WVGA in resolution.

ii) There is another tool @ Xda-devlopers which provide visual editing of the CPR files. Now we are talking! You can find the tool

My Titanium Settings & CPR

I provide my settings and CPR file to help some of you to save you the headaches and get you started right away on what I think are the good panels around. The CPR file is based on my personal usage. Please feel free to edit the CPR for your own use.

Q. *NEW* Why don't you include all the panels CPR code in 1 mega CPR file?

I suspect the maximum file size for the SPlugins_480x800.CPR is between 65-68kb. Please correct me if I am mistaken on this.

I was mistaken previously. There is no size limit on the CPR file.(However, please note that Total Commander cannot open/edit text files higher than 64kb, therefore you have to use Notepad on the PC to edit). Therefore, I created a MEGA Splugins_480x800.CPR that holds most of the popular panel settings.

MY CPR FILE- SPlugins_480x800.zip

Default Panels

CAppointment- default WM6.5 appointment panel (modified to display appt in condensed mode)

CFavourites- default WM6.5 favourites panel

CWindows Live

CText- default WM6.5 messaging panel

CEmail- default WM6.5 email panel

CMusic- default WM6.5 media player panel

CPhotos- default WM6.5 photos panel

SCalendar- Samsung WM6.5 appointment panel

SClock- Samsung WM6.5 clock panel

Sphone- Samsung missed call panel

SMusic- Samsung Touch Player panel

SFavourites- Samsung Opera favourites panel

SText- Samsung Text Messaging panel

Customed Installed Panels

CDigiClock- Manila-styled clock with appointment display. (link)

CHeroClock- HTC Hero-styled clock with appointment cum weather display. (link)

The weather function of the CHeroClock panel is independent of Titanium Weather, i.e. you can disable or uninstall the Titanium Weather.

Warning- apparently some xda-developer users complained that CDigiClock & CHeroClock drained battery very fast! But during the 2 days i have been using CDigiClock, I found the battery drain to be satisfactory; I am still able to yield 2 days of usage before charging.

JMLToday 5.3 (CyB Theme) with JPanex (JMLToday, CyB Theme, JML Panex)

A solid today panel which display clock, date, messages, missed calls, weather, bluetooth status and battery level. JMLPanex enables each icon to be "clickable" to assess the respective functions.

IMPORTANT: Please delete the CPR information for the JMLToday if you are going to install the latest version of the JMLToday. If not, the JMLToday will not display correctly.

JMLStocks- grabs stocks, currency info from Yahoo Finance (link)

CComm- Comm Manager panel which enables user to turn on/off Phone, Bluetooth, Wifi & Flight Mode from today screen (link)

Settings- Wifi Option 1, Bluetooth on/off (1st option), Icon

Titanium notifications- missed call, voice mail, sms, emails (link)

Titanium Weather (post #27)

Twitter- Artesea Twitter Panel (link)

Favourite People- by AppStar (link)

CLaunch- favourite applications panel (link)

CSettings- favourite settings panel (link)

CS2P- Panel for Slide 2 Play (link)

CPlayer- Panel for Nitrogen Music Player (link)

As mentioned above, a whole list of all popular custom panels can be found here.

If any of you have a good panel to recommend, let me know so i can compile it into the CPR file.


Original post (to help readers make sense of the replies in this thread)

Installed Showaco's CHome Editor. Installed plugins like Favourite Contacts, Facebook, etc.

But the newly installed panels just does NOT appear.

Have already installed according to instructions:

1. Disable Titanium

2. Install Panel cab file

3. Soft-reset

4. Enable Titanium

Still nothing. In fact, newly created panels using the CHome Editor also does not appear.

However, I can use the CHome editor to change the properties of the default panels (i.e. clock, pictures, favourites).

Can anyone help?








Edited by emperorben
Guest emperorben
Posted (edited)

Kind of answered my own question.

Downloaded this theme, WM7 Titanium project and it has all the panels I need.


Very nice!

However, it changes some of the default panels (i.e. Music panel now opens WMP instead of touch player), please take note.

Edited by emperorben
Guest Yury_A
However, it changes some of the default panels (i.e. Music panel now opens WMP instead of touch player), please take note.

This one can be fixed with CHome customizer. The native panels are preffixed with C, while Smasungs with S. So if you want youor Music panel to Touch Player you should hide the CMusic panel and add SMusic panel instead. The same works for sms, email, clock, phone panels.

Guest emperorben
This one can be fixed with CHome customizer. The native panels are preffixed with C, while Smasungs with S. So if you want youor Music panel to Touch Player you should hide the CMusic panel and add SMusic panel instead. The same works for sms, email, clock, phone panels.

Hi Yury,

Doesn't work for me. my problems are as follows:

With default WM6.5 Titanium

Cannot enable any third party plugins/panels

With the WM7 Titanium theme

Cannot enable Samsung's panels.

I have used both CHome Editor and Titanium Customizer but to no avail

Posted (edited)
This one can be fixed with CHome customizer. The native panels are preffixed with C, while Smasungs with S. So if you want youor Music panel to Touch Player you should hide the CMusic panel and add SMusic panel instead. The same works for sms, email, clock, phone panels.

So... anyway to get weather working? cuz i get an error with titanium project (seems to be the case for all htc programs)

And I have the same pb as Emperorben, can't activate the Samsung pannels...

any one know anything?


Edited by Will.
Guest dgmorland
Posted (edited)

This is probably a dumb question but how do you "enable" Titanium once you have installed the CAB? I haven't used it before. I see icons for Titanium Weather CHome Editor and Titanium Refresh appearing after I installed the CAB but it doesnt appear to be running after a restart and I cant see how you enable it (searched settings etc). Maybe it is hidden because of the Samsung versions of Settings etc? I am using with Secaney's 6.5 ROM

Answered my own question - I had to re-enable "windows default" in the show on today settings

Edited by dgmorland
This is probably a dumb question but how do you "enable" Titanium once you have installed the CAB? I haven't used it before. I see icons for Titanium Weather CHome Editor and Titanium Refresh appearing after I installed the CAB but it doesnt appear to be running after a restart and I cant see how you enable it (searched settings etc). Maybe it is hidden because of the Samsung versions of Settings etc? I am using with Secaney's 6.5 ROM

Answered my own question - I had to re-enable "windows default" in the show on today settings


Guest kohanson
Kind of answered my own question.

Downloaded this theme, WM7 Titanium project and it has all the panels I need.


Very nice!

However, it changes some of the default panels (i.e. Music panel now opens WMP instead of touch player), please take note.

Thanks for the theme! It is nice but most of the functions are for HTC..

Thanks for the theme! It is nice but most of the functions are for HTC..

I second that, we would need to be able to change the mapping to our programs. Now that would be awesome

Guest Encarnation

Ok. I had the same problem with my phone, and I found out that it's because the apps are "unsigned". It means that it's always going to pop up the security dialog when you try to install a program.

To fix this, I used this procedure:

Get a registry editor and change the following Keys, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Securities\Policies\Policies:

00001001 = 2

Set to 1

00001005 = 16

Set to 40

00001017 = 128

Set to 144

Then, exit your registry editor, and soft reset (pressing the END (the down right button, to turn of the device.) DO NOT RESET BY UNPLUGGING THE BATTERY OR PRESSING THE RESET BUTTON!!!

When the phone starts again, then you should be able to install themes, plugins, and whatever.

Guest emperorben
Ok. I had the same problem with my phone, and I found out that it's because the apps are "unsigned". It means that it's always going to pop up the security dialog when you try to install a program.

To fix this, I used this procedure:

Get a registry editor and change the following Keys, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Securities\Policies\Policies:

00001001 = 2

Set to 1

00001005 = 16

Set to 40

00001017 = 128

Set to 144

Then, exit your registry editor, and soft reset (pressing the END (the down right button, to turn of the device.) DO NOT RESET BY UNPLUGGING THE BATTERY OR PRESSING THE RESET BUTTON!!!

When the phone starts again, then you should be able to install themes, plugins, and whatever.

Hi, thanks for the tip. Have already edited the registry based on your suggestion. The newly installed titanium panels still doesn't appear. (have already used Showaco CHome Editor to enable the panels and to save the registry).

Guest Encarnation

Try uninstalling them, everyone of them, Find a titanium theme, like Bliss or Bufed (the one I use), and try reinstalling them again.

Guest zhvihti
Try uninstalling them, everyone of them, Find a titanium theme, like Bliss or Bufed (the one I use), and try reinstalling them again.

Before installing anything I did the registry change (though not all of the default values were what you provide). However, still no luck, I have the same issues as emperorben:

With default WM6.5 Titanium

Cannot enable any third party plugins/panels

With the WM7 Titanium theme

Cannot enable Samsung's panels.

I'm on 6.5 official from Samsung (not Secany's, though they are the same build).

Guest monyozt
Ok. I had the same problem with my phone, and I found out that it's because the apps are "unsigned". It means that it's always going to pop up the security dialog when you try to install a program.

To fix this, I used this procedure:

Get a registry editor and change the following Keys, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Securities\Policies\Policies:

00001001 = 2

Set to 1

00001005 = 16

Set to 40

00001017 = 128

Set to 144

Then, exit your registry editor, and soft reset (pressing the END (the down right button, to turn of the device.) DO NOT RESET BY UNPLUGGING THE BATTERY OR PRESSING THE RESET BUTTON!!!

When the phone starts again, then you should be able to install themes, plugins, and whatever.

ok will a try. coz im also face same problem installing cHero Clock on my wm 6.5

Guest emperorben
Before installing anything I did the registry change (though not all of the default values were what you provide). However, still no luck, I have the same issues as emperorben:

I'm on 6.5 official from Samsung (not Secany's, though they are the same build).

For me, I hard-reseted and tried the tips. Still no luck.

One thing i did notice is that in the \Windows\Startup, there's a CHomeManager.lnk. Not sure if that is samsung's own customisation for titanium.

Guest monyozt

yup.after performe reggistry tweak, still can't install any software pannel like Cherro clock :)


anyone managed to get CHome editor working? i also cant get the panels to appear even it's already enabled in CHome editor but when exit still nothing

Guest emperorben

Just edited the subject heading to call for help. I'm still stumped as well. Anyone who is able to enable newly installed panels (aside from installing the Windows 7 complete titanium theme) please advise.

Guest forelli

To all of you people who have problems with panels not appearing: you forgot to install a very important component not all the time mentioned.


1. Uninstall all the panels you added (actually, I would do a hard reset because some like Cdigiclock won't be uninstalled).

2. Download and install Mortscript 4.2 or 4.3 (it doesn't make any difference).

3. Install your panels AND configure them straight away: Don't restart your device before ALL panels have been set up!

4. If you're to install a clock, disable Cclock from within the Chome editor or Titanium customizer first! Otherwise it will conflict with Cclock and your clock (rpereira CAnalogclock, CDigiclock or JML clock won't appear also it's installed and supposed to be there).

5. Check all your panels and verify that the setup for all panels is completed.

Now you can restart your device and enjoy your panels.

Working on my Omnia 2 without any modification:

Titaniumweather, CDigiclock, rpereira CAnalog clock0.6.3b, CHome (Notifications), CComm v0.32manager, AT Fave contacts (or fave people), Showaco CHome editor v1.6b, COffice, Cfacebook, CLauncher, CVolume and settings for default WM 6.5 theme.

Have fun!

p.s: I can provide the cabs for all of the above panels when I'll be at home (around 19.30 CEST).

Guest unholygid2006
To all of you people who have problems with panels not appearing: you forgot to install a very important component not all the time mentioned.


1. Uninstall all the panels you added (actually, I would do a hard reset because some like Cdigiclock won't be uninstalled).

2. Download and install Mortscript 4.2 or 4.3 (it doesn't make any difference).

3. Install your panels AND configure them straight away: Don't restart your device before ALL panels have been set up!

4. If you're to install a clock, disable Cclock from within the Chome editor or Titanium customizer first! Otherwise it will conflict with Cclock and your clock (rpereira CAnalogclock, CDigiclock or JML clock won't appear also it's installed and supposed to be there).

5. Check all your panels and verify that the setup for all panels is completed.

Now you can restart your device and enjoy your panels.

Working on my Omnia 2 without any modification:

Titaniumweather, CDigiclock, rpereira CAnalog clock0.6.3b, CHome (Notifications), CComm v0.32manager, AT Fave contacts (or fave people), Showaco CHome editor v1.6b, COffice, Cfacebook, CLauncher, CVolume and settings for default WM 6.5 theme.

Have fun!

p.s: I can provide the cabs for all of the above panels when I'll be at home (around 19.30 CEST).

Thanks a millon!! :)

Guest forelli
Thanks a millon!! :)

Very welcome! It's a pleasure to help people!

Guest monyozt
To all of you people who have problems with panels not appearing: you forgot to install a very important component not all the time mentioned.


1. Uninstall all the panels you added (actually, I would do a hard reset because some like Cdigiclock won't be uninstalled).

2. Download and install Mortscript 4.2 or 4.3 (it doesn't make any difference).

3. Install your panels AND configure them straight away: Don't restart your device before ALL panels have been set up!

4. If you're to install a clock, disable Cclock from within the Chome editor or Titanium customizer first! Otherwise it will conflict with Cclock and your clock (rpereira CAnalogclock, CDigiclock or JML clock won't appear also it's installed and supposed to be there).

5. Check all your panels and verify that the setup for all panels is completed.

Now you can restart your device and enjoy your panels.

Working on my Omnia 2 without any modification:

Titaniumweather, CDigiclock, rpereira CAnalog clock0.6.3b, CHome (Notifications), CComm v0.32manager, AT Fave contacts (or fave people), Showaco CHome editor v1.6b, COffice, Cfacebook, CLauncher, CVolume and settings for default WM 6.5 theme.

Have fun!

p.s: I can provide the cabs for all of the above panels when I'll be at home (around 19.30 CEST).

waiting your cab

1. Uninstall all the panels you added (actually, I would do a hard reset because some like Cdigiclock won't be uninstalled).

2. Download and install Mortscript 4.2 or 4.3 (it doesn't make any difference).

3. Install your panels AND configure them straight away: Don't restart your device before ALL panels have been set up!

4. If you're to install a clock, disable Cclock from within the Chome editor or Titanium customizer first! Otherwise it will conflict with Cclock and your clock (rpereira CAnalogclock, CDigiclock or JML clock won't appear also it's installed and supposed to be there).

5. Check all your panels and verify that the setup for all panels is completed.

Now you can restart your device and enjoy your panels.

hi, i tried ur way but still cant get any self-installed panels to show up. I even went to the extent of deleting all the 'S' panels and Cclock. then i tried installing Ccom and using CHome editor, i only enable Ccom and Cphoto( cant rmb the exact name for tis, it just shows ur photo gallery). then i restarted my O2 and enable titanium and all that is there is the Cphoto. i think im giving up on customising the titanium

Guest emperorben
hi, i tried ur way but still cant get any self-installed panels to show up. I even went to the extent of deleting all the 'S' panels and Cclock. then i tried installing Ccom and using CHome editor, i only enable Ccom and Cphoto( cant rmb the exact name for tis, it just shows ur photo gallery). then i restarted my O2 and enable titanium and all that is there is the Cphoto. i think im giving up on customising the titanium

Same here. It didn't work for me as well. sigh.....

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