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[WM6.5 Omnia 2] Solved!: How to enable new panels to the new WM6.5 plugin screen (Titanium)?

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Guest Calan Boo

I didn't find any info on it in this thread and I saw someone asking it before, but is it possible to change what application is opened for a plugin?

Basically I want to use the regular calendar plugin but open up Samsungs scheduler instead when clicking it. Same with email, favvo people, wireless manager etc. Whenever there's a samsung app I'd rather use that instead over the regular windows ones. So non-samsung-plugins linked to samsung-applications is what Im after.

Is it at all possible?

Guest Pawel Virtuss Omega
Posted (edited)


Edited by Pawel Virtuss Omega

I am sorry I am so new to this kind of thing but I have been struggeling with the custom pannels.

I get them to appear but whatever I try to open I get a message I cannot open it and if I keep getting the problem to reinstall the app or I get giant curcles with X's in them instead of the icons I should see.

i have lost my 'SCalender' page in chome editor and can no longer get 'CAppointments' to show up on my home screen no matter how many times i enable/disable it and reset...

any ideas??

Try replacing your SPlugin.cpr file and Titanium.cpr file. you need to get the default cpr's (no modifications). That'll bring back your SCalender.

Guest dgmorland

Has anyone manage to get the Samsung Calendar plugin (SCalendar) to work linking to SBSH Calendar Touch? This application comes with shortcuts to go straight to a week or month view, add appointment etc. The shortcuts are .lnk files.

If I edit the registry settings for SCalendar to point to these shortcuts, I get an error when trying to tap on the item in Titanium indicating it couldnt open the shortcut. If i replace the .lnk with a .exe file it works ok - the Samsung plugin doesn't seem to work with .lnk files. If I use a file manager to open the .lnk files they work correctly.

I am wondering it is possible to create aliases in the registry for each of the SBSH Calendar shortcuts (like there are aliases for Resco Contacts Manager such as :RPMCONTACTS). I know that I had a similar problem with the SText samsung titanium plugin not being able to open a shortcut file - it worked when I used an alias instead.

Guest dgmorland
I am wondering it is possible to create aliases in the registry for each of the SBSH Calendar shortcuts (like there are aliases for Resco Contacts Manager such as :RPMCONTACTS). I know that I had a similar problem with the SText samsung titanium plugin not being able to open a shortcut file - it worked when I used an alias instead.

Solved my own problem. the Samsung Calendar plugin does not allow you to specify a .lnk shortcut as the application to launch. It has to be an .exe or an alias.

I checked what the SBSH Calendar shortcut files were pointing to. They all point to "\Program Files\SBSHCalendar\SBSHCalender.exe" XXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXX is something like OPEN|DAILY|0 or OPEN|MONTHLY|0 depending on the shortcut (note the path will vary depending where you installed it to).

I created a new registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:CALTOUCHDAY. I created two string values for this key. The first is named 0 with value Day View and the second is named 1 with value "\Program Files\SBSHCalendar\SBSHCalender.exe" OPEN|DAILY|0

I was then able to change the registry entry for HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\SCalendar\Page1\ACTIONURL to my new alias of :CALTOUCHDAY and after reloading Titanium it now launched SBSH Calendar Touch in Day View.

The same technique can be used to create another Alias for the new appointment link then assign this to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\SCalendar\Page1\SK2URL i to open the SBSH Calendar Create New Appointment Dialog when the right softkey is pressed.

NOTE: I am a rookie when it comes to adding new items to the registry so I can't guarantee that this wont have any other unwanted side-effects. It is working for me :)

Posted (edited)

hi people...i have a problem. ive installed the CHero clock...but it appears to be need setup is it? the icons does display correctly but i dont seem to be able to the clock setup. When i tap the Setup, it says that no application associated with "setup". run the app first then open this file within the application. Anyone pls help me on this.....

Edited by ky_guy

oh guys...i got CHero installed already!! finally!! the time is workin but the weather aint working....the cloudy sunny icons just don't appear and it dont seem to be able to locate the location i wanted to be...any advise on this? :)

Guest unholygid2006
oh guys...i got CHero installed already!! finally!! the time is workin but the weather aint working....the cloudy sunny icons just don't appear and it dont seem to be able to locate the location i wanted to be...any advise on this? :)

the answer is nearby......

oh guys...i got CHero installed already!! finally!! the time is workin but the weather aint working....the cloudy sunny icons just don't appear and it dont seem to be able to locate the location i wanted to be...any advise on this? :)

Maybe its a clear day ? :D

Guest duckshoe
hi all

I solution my problem

I modification the CDigiClock file (Titanium_480x800.cpr and Titanium_800x480.cpr)

so it looks better in WM7 Titanium project

also can enable SMusic (Samsung's panels) in WM7 Titanium project

but anyone knows how to make the CDigiClock point to Samsung's default alarm clock

I got mine to work with the default alarm by modifying CDigiClock.mscr to point to the Samsung alarm part of the registry.

it's in HKCU\Software\Samsung\Clock\Alarm\

I used the "Use" value. Cheers.

hope that helps.

Guest the_KIT


Anyone noes of a good Task panel to use? Not task manager... imeant tasks to do...


Guest dgmorland

I have the SPhone plugin enable but I want to change it so that it opens the Resco contact Manager Call Log instead of the samsung one. I edited the registry to change the value of ...\SPhone\Page1\ACTIONURL from \Windows\calllog.exe;3 to :RPBCallHist and the same with ...\SPhone\Page1\SK2URL. I then disabled and re-enabled titanium and the shortcuts and tapping on the phone panel and right soft button take me to the Resco call log. But if I actually receive a missed call the values have returned to the samsung ones and it opens the Samsung missed call log again. I checked in the registry and my previously updated keys have gone back to the original Samsung values. oes anyone know how i can change these permanently?

I thought about using CPhone instead of SPhone but I cant see where I can customise this to point to the Resco Contacts Manager. The registry structure under the CHome\CPhone section doesnt seem to have the ACTIONURL and SK2URL values to change.

I am able to change these two key values under the SText section of the registy and the changes dont get reset to the samsung values at all so this problem seems to be specific to the SPhone plugin

Guest unholygid2006

ANyone knows how to create blank panels in titanium?

Guest dgmorland
ANyone knows how to create blank panels in titanium?

I tried to create using CHome editor. I was able to create them but they don't show in Titatnium when they have been enable. I saw a posting on XDA that desccibes others having this poblem depending on ROM version. Probably the same problem I have on Omnia II.

Guest dgmorland

I had all sorts of problems trying to get JML Today v5.5 working in Titanium. Withe the help of Micha at XDA Developers I managed to sort it out. So that others can avoid the same problems I had ...

1) Make sure your SPlugins_800x40.cpr in \Windows folder is not flagged as readonly

2) Make sure you disable Titanium before installing

3) Make sure your existing SPlugins_800x40.cpr does not contain any existing sections for JML Today (the sample SPlugins file on the first post in this thread has this section so beware!)

4) Install the JML Today CAB as per normal JML Today installation instructions (including installation of JML Panex and any other related addons)

Note that the installer uses TICS and it will update your SPlugins CPR file automatically unlike other plugins which update the standard Titanium CPR file and then you have to copy the section it inserted across to your Samsung SPlugins file.

5) Use CHome editor to enable the new JML Today panel (I suggest you move it to the top of the list)

6) Re-enable Titanium

I had problems because I had used the SPlugins file from the first post. When I had JML Today working it was causing conflicts with the built in skin-changer which lets you make changes via .plg files in the JML Today folder rather than having to update the main SPlugins CPR file all the time.

Guest dgmorland
anyone can use the Titanium-Hero theme below?


it seems have to edit the SPlugins.cpr, not just copy & plaste,

any brother can help me to edit.....since i don't know how to mix two cpr....


i tried this and it just messed up my titanium. I already had a Titamium Hero Clock plugin working before I installed this. I checked the Titanium_480x800.cpr after I installed all the cabs and the only section i could see one section added. I would be interested too if anyone can get this working on Omnia II

Guest dgmorland
CHeroClock- HTC Hero-styled clock with appointment cum weather display. (link)

The weather function of the CHeroClock panel is independent of Titanium Weather, i.e. you can disable or uninstall the Titanium Weather.

Warning- apparently some xda-developer users complained that CDigiClock & CHeroClock drained battery very fast! But during the 2 days i have been using CDigiClock, I found the battery drain to be satisfactory; I am still able to yield 2 days of usage before charging.

Warning: I noticed in TaskManager that I had an instance of Mortscript running that was using 5-10% CPU constantly. It turned out to be the CHeroClock Titanium plugin I had installed. It was still running even though I didnt have the "Windows Default" as my active Today screen. After I uninstalled the CHeroClock plugin and restarted there was no Mortscript eating up my CPU. I guess that is why it is mentioned as being a cause of battery drain.

Guest costipl
Posted (edited)

First of all, I'm new here, so hello to everyone :D

Now, my problem: I wanted to change the UI of my i8000 and decided to start with the Bliss theme (this one).

However, I encountered a problem with SPlugins_480x800.cpr - I know I have to replace its contents with Titanium_480x800.cpr, but the problem is I cannot change the SPlugins_480x800.cpr file - I can't delete it, I can't overwrite it, if I edit it in Notepad on my PC (win7) I can't save it in the place that it's in (My Device\Windows\).

Is there any way to stop WinMo from treating it as a protected system file, and therefore prohibiting any changes to it?

Or a way to make Windows use Titanium_480x800.cpr as it should?

On a side note, whoever is responsible for software engineering in Samsung should get fired pronto... what sane person would come up with the idea to change stuff like that (not to mention reducing functionality between WM6.1 and 6.5)?

EDIT: my rom version:




Edited by costipl

Have you tried using either Resco Explorer or Total Commander?

Guest costipl

Total Commander on the phone worked, thanks.

However, everything got royally screwed up, instead of the theme I got two panels (Chome and CPhone, I think) in the middle of the screen, on top of each other...

Is there a step-by-step tutorial on modding Titanium for a complete noob somewhere? Maybe I'll try setting up my own theme, instead of using a preconfigured one, so that at least I know what goes where...

Guest Dblocker

Has anyone using the Hero Clock noticed that there's a big gap of maybe 100 pixels between the top of the screen and the top of expanded clock plugin? (I have HeroClock set up as the first panel). I've been looking through the cpr file and the registry to see if there's a way to close this gap and move the expanded panel up higher. This would probably give me room to see another panel at the bottom without having to scroll down.

So curious if other Omnia II owners are also seeing this gap using CHeroClock and 2) has anyone found a fix?


Guest Omega Ra

Okay, I just got my Verizon Omnia II today and I can't get these stinking panels to work. I tried just copying the SPlugins file from the beginning of this thread but that didn't work, it only gave me music and text and that was it. I have mortscript 4.3b but can't get anything to work.

Guest Dblocker
Okay, I just got my Verizon Omnia II today and I can't get these stinking panels to work. I tried just copying the SPlugins file from the beginning of this thread but that didn't work, it only gave me music and text and that was it. I have mortscript 4.3b but can't get anything to work.

I have a working Splugins cpr file that includes HeroClock, Opera Favorites and ATFavorites. Tried attaching but I guess the site won't let me upload cpr files. If you have an email address I can send it to you. Or when I have time I can try to figure out how to post it here...

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