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Guest tacchan23
Posted (edited)

Please help me by posting any new tweaks/FAQ/Guide here and I'll try to keep the thread updated.

I decied to make a new and more organized thread for the Omnia2 Tips&FAQ.

I'll try to reply any questions if I have any clue about it. If I ignore your answer it means I really have no idea/suggestions about it. (this has been my first new phone in 5 years and first PPC in general so you can imagine how completely inexperienced I was and still I am^^)

As said before, almost everything is just taken from other people comments and posts over the internet, I just edited it a bit and added some little comments. Thanks and Credits to them for making my experience on Omnia2 all the better!

Contents (click or simply scroll down)

  • Windows Mobile 6.5 ROMs: Tweaks tested and working on newer wm 6.5 firmware
  • Windows Mobile 6.1 ROMs: Tweaks tested and working on older wm 6.1 firmware, usually up to H3. Some may still works on newer rom but not tested yet
  • Cabs for easy and fast Registry Tweaking
  • Guide on how to Flash ROM
  • Small guide/memo on what to do after Flashing a new ROM
  • Suggested programs review
  • Themes (suggested UI and screenshots)
  • FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
  • LINKS to other useful/informative threads

Edited by tacchan23
Guest tacchan23
Posted (edited)

Windows Mobile 6.5 ROMs: Tweaks tested and working on newer wm 6.5 firmware on i8000 (if you want to try on i920 some tweaks may not work, please report back!)

Front Camera

  • Taking pictures with front camera (DOESN'T WORK WITH VERIZON i920: if you applied the tweak anyway and you camera isn't working anymore, all you have to do is change the HKCU/Software/Samsung/Camera "shooting mode" reg key to 0 after deleting the front camera reg tweak)

    Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Samsung/Camera

    Create new Dword: SupportFrontCamera = 1

    Start camera

    Go to "Shooting mode" (second left icon from the top)

    Select "Self"

    and you have your front camera (640 x 480)


    • Turn Off Keyboard from Automatically Popping Up


      Create or change DWORD > TurnOffAutoDeploy from 0 to 1


      • Enable Samsung skinned Email application: In more recent ROMs the Samsung messaging application has only included the SMS folders unlike older Samsung ROMs which allowed you to setup and navigate through email accounts within the Samsung messaging app. If you would like to re-enable this feature you can edit this registry setting: HKLM\Software\Samsung\JINBOX - change the ShowEmailAccounts entry from 0 to 1. Restart the Samsung messaging app and now you will have access to the email folders as well as SMS.
        • Disable the Threading SMS in Samsung SMS skinned application

          Go to HKLM/Software/Samsung/JINBOX and set "ThreadedViewDisabled" from 0 to 1.

          After changing you need to softreset your device.

          • Disable the skinned apps for email (1) and sms (2) and enable threading message (3) [using tmail.exe]. You will need to change 3 registry entry:

            1) HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MsgTypes\IPM\Note\DLL

            change the value from emform.dll to htmlnote.dll
            (in current firmware IJ6 this is already set)

            2) HKCU\Sofware\Microsoft\Inbox\MsgTypes\IPM\SMStext\DLL

            change the value from mms.dll to htmlnote.dll

            3) HKCU\Sofware\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\OEM\SMSInboxThreadingDisabled

            change the value from 1 to 0

            There are a couple of side effects to this though.

            1) No name-type-ahead for the SMSes that you compose via tmail. You have to select the recipients from the address book. (
            This could be fixed if you disable T9 and enable the WinMo text prediction, read the Inputing section)

            2) You're not able to MMS.

            • Threaded SMS Input Space: if you using the default Tmail for Threaded SMS (and not some 3rd party program… I recently gave up on VITO SMS-chat after too many bugs/problems for me), you will notice that the space to input text is really too small. To change it, look for the file \Windows\thread_sms.htm You can open the file with Word Mobile to edit it:

              Find the line <Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell ......>

              and modify the value of height from 35 to 65 or 70, to get 3 line spacing for the input

              Save the edited file somewhere and then use Total Commander or Resco Explorer to move it to Windows overwriting the old file.

              • Using 3rd party programs as the default SMS

                Go to: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shell/Rai/:MSINBOX

                Change key 1 (default : Tmail.exe) with your software

                ---Example to use VITO SMS-Chat, change to: "\Program Files\VITO\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe"

                ---Example to use the Sms program from Resco Contact, change to: RPhoneMan -sms

                By the way, if you also want to change to Resco Contact Manager change this key:


                Change key labelled 1 to :RPMContacts

                • Remove the Samsung skinned SMS application and SMS sent notification (this can be done with SKtools and AdvConfigTools too, after disabling Samsung SMS app.)

                  Go To: HKCU > Software > Microsoft > Inbox > MsgTypes > IPM > SMSText

                  Change: DLL value from mms.dll to htmlnote.dll

                  Soft reset and then

                  Go To: HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Inbox > Settings

                  Change: MMSNoSentMsg name to SMSNoSentMsg
                  (just in case you have it)

                  Change: SMSNoSentMsg value to 1

                  Soft Reset

                  Note: can be done with SKtools too: TuneUp/Phone Edition/Do not show "Message sent" bubble

                  • Remove SMS sent notification without disabling the Samsung skinned SMS application (by AndrewTan, not tested myself yet)

                    Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Samsung\MMS\setting and change the value from 1 to 0 of

                    - disable sms/mms successful send notification

                    - disable delivery notification

                    Garmin XT configs (for me they work good and I can get a fix in 1-2mins)

                    • Go to General Settings - GPS
                      1) GPS program port : COM 7
                      2) GPS hardware port : COM 9
                      3) Baud Rate : 9600
                      4) Enable Manage GPS automatically5)
                      5) Make sure to download the XTRA data every week or so while connecting to internet trough Active Sync
                      • Under Garmin XT - Click signal bar ( top left icon ) 1) MAKE SURE its COM7 : COM7
                        2) IF NOT then click disable button
                        3) Click Use serial GPS - set it to COM 7
                        4) Then Enable it back.

                        Landscape Screen

                      • To be able to manually rotate the screen in any application: go to registry hk_local machine – system – gdi – rotation; in key HideOrientationUi change 1 to 0. Then open Settings – Personal – Buttons and assign to any button the command “Rotate Screen” (you can see this option after you change the registry and only in winmo setting page) (working well for me, I prefer to be able to choose when I want to view something in landscape mode than relaying on how I rotate my phone…)
                      • If you want to disable the auto rotate function available for some applications: just go to \windows\startup\ and delete the autorotation.lnk and soft reset

                      • To enable autorotate in any application, you can check this thread
                      • To add manually in the registry which application to autorotate:
                        Go to hklm\Software\Autorotation (I noticed here you can also find the registry to disable autoration: disable = 1)
                        create a string value named 6 if the previous one was 5 (and so on)
                        in the value put your application name (the name displayed in the taskbar)
                        increment the value of the dword Count accordingly.
                        soft reset.


                      [*]Encrese the screen responsiveness Go to HKLM>system>GWE>touch>filter and set "minimumtaptime" to 0

                    [*]Enable VoIP/SIP support

                    1. Download and install WM6VoIPFull.cab. This adds the necessary drivers, tools to set up the account and the number formatting (dialplan), and the Internet Calling applet for the old-school today screen. Link:

                    Run the SIP Config and the SIP DialPlan tools and set up your VoIP account and dialplan. Switch to the old-school today screen and add the Internet Calling applet (I actually have it 2 times in the list). This is so that you can see the connection status. Now the issue is that upon clicking the applet, you get Samsung's interface which has no option to actually allow internet calling. This way the phone never actually attempts to use VoIP.

                    2. To remedy that, download and install the Setup VoIP tool from

                    Open it, go to the Options tab and switch internet calling to "whenever available". You can also check the box to have the phone use VoIP over 3G.

                    Note: Of course the fact that internet calling cannot be quickly enabled/disabled from the today screen is a big problem. It means that you gotta watch out that you don't call e.g. mobile numbers through VoIP when your carrier's rate is cheaper.

                    Increasing ring problem

                    [*]No registry fix working for me, I tried looking around on many forums but any suggested fix didn't work.

                    [*]Personally I edited the first 3 seconds of my favorite ringtone to be louder (the result is not really that good becouse I am REALLY noob at it, but still better than nothing)

                    Show Windows Setting in Start Menu

                    [*]Open any registry editor, go to path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\ amd change Value 'HideSettings' to '0' (credits to rodrigofd)

                    [*]Also you can enable it using SKtools

                    Enabling NetCompactFramework 3.5

                    [*]Open any registry editor, go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETCompactFramework

                    change 2.0.7045.00 from 1 to 0

                    then change 3.5.7283.00 from 0 to 1

                    wait 30 secs then soft reset

                    Disabling the Samsung dialer (I didn't test this myself yet)

                    [*]Open any registry editor, go to HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin

                    change Enabled > 1 to 0

                    [*]Warning: This disable video call and MMS

                    [*]Can save 10MB Program Memory and also speed up searching through contacts & sent SMS.

                    [*]Can be done with SKtools too: TuneUp/Phone Edition/OEM Dialer skin

                    Photo Album: exclude unwanted folders

                    [*]Open any registry editor, go to HKLM/Software/TecAce/PhotoAlbum/ExcludeFolders

                    Add a new string value for every folder you want to exclude, you must give them the name of 000, 001, 002,... etc

                    As string data you must add the folder address, you must separate folder with the symbol \

                    Example: If you want to exclude Program files folder, you have to make a new string value like "001" and you have to add \My storage\Program files

                    Notice that you have to clean the thumbnails that Photo Album creates! You can use the clean option of SKTools

                    Caller ID: problem about not recognizing contacts in country code format

                    [*]This is due to the Call ID Match issue, some values may be too long for some country numbers or too for other countries.

                    Just change the value to match your country need. (It starts countingt from behind)

                    Go to HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\CalIidMatch and set the desidered value

                    [*]Can be done with Advanced Configuration Tools and SKtools (TuneUp/Phone Edition/Call ID match) too.

                    Various Sound issues

                    [*]CAMERA SOUNDS: to remove the sounds of the camera you can put the phone in Silent mode or you can also replace the following files in Windows directory (Shutter01.wav, Shutter02.wav, Shutter03.wav, ShutterContinuous.wav, ShutterSound.wav, Recording.wav, RecEnd.wav, autofocus.wav, autofocusfail.wav) with empty files having the same names as the replaced files (For this you can also use the Silence.wav file already present in the Windows directory.

                    Copy it to another folder, make more copies and rename them to shutter01.wav, shutter02.wav, etc.

                    Use Resco File Manager or Total Commander to move them to Windows directory and overwrite the original files.

                    (In case you want to restore the original files, simply delete your modified files and on next soft-reset the ROM files will be restored) )

                    [*]SAMSUNG TUNE and Start up Screen: to disable them replace the following files with some empty files having the same name (For this you can also use the Silence.wav file already present in the Windows directory, see above): \windows\power_on.gif; \windows\PowerOn.wav; \windows\power_off.gif; \windows\PowerOff.wav

                    Note: Can be done with SKtools too: TuneUp/Other/PowerOff-PowerOn sound

[*]Incoming Call Notice: if you have very very low sound notice when someone else is calling during another call. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\CallWaiting\"Sound"="xxxxx.wav" and check which file is there. Then go to windows folder take xxxxx.wav and using sound editor (for example sony sound forge) increase volume level (20-50%) and put it back. Or take you own file and put in windows folder and change "xxxxx.wav" to the new file name. Also you can add vibration, for example set "Script" = "pv1w3pv1w3pv1w3r" (original value is "pw3p")

Edited by tacchan23
Guest tacchan23
Posted (edited)

Windows Mobile 6.1 ROMs: Tweaks tested and working on older wm 6.1 firmware, usually up to H3. Some may still works on newer rom but not tested yet

Incoming SMS low volume

  • If your incoming SMS tone/volume is too low you can convert them to .wav (it’s low volume just as .mp3 file (Tested and confirmed by FerdiBorbon)
  • The other option to fix the problem is to record a louder version of the incoming sms alarm and replace it (what I did and it’s working well)

    Increasing ring problem
    • To fix the increasing ring problem, go to registry \HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Ring; Change the DWORD: AttenuationCategory to Value: 1

      Various Sound issues
      • CAMERA SOUNDS: to remove the sounds of the camera you can put the phone in Silent mode or you can also replace the following files in Windows directory (Shutter01.wav, Shutter02.wav, Shutter03.wav, ShutterContinuous.wav, ShutterSound.wav) with empty files having the same names as the replaced files (For this you can also use the Silence.wav file already present in the Windows directory.
        Copy it to another folder, make more copies and rename them to shutter01.wav, shutter02.wav, etc.
        Use Resco File Manager or Total Commander to move them to Windows directory and overwrite the original files.
        (In case you want to restore the original files, simply delete your modified files and on next soft-reset the ROM files will be restored) )
      • SAMSUNG TUNE and Start up Screen: to disable them replace the following files with some empty files having the same name (For this you can also use the Silence.wav file already present in the Windows directory, see above): \windows\power_on.gif; \windows\PowerOn.wav; \windows\power_off.gif; \windows\PowerOff.wav
      • RINGTONES: if you have some problem with custom ringtones, you can move them directly into \windows folder or \My Storage folder
      • Codes to increase all volume levels on Omnia II. Just dial this *#0002*28346# ---> Audio gain screen will pop up----> click on music speaker----> then click again----> Under output volume change the following values: L1VL2 – 110; HPG7 – 1110; L3L7 – 10; OVL7 – 00001001; OVR7 - 00010010 --->then click apply, a small screen will pop up, click ok on it----> once on the main screen again, you can apply the same values for all other areas like ringtone, force speaker, voice, speaker and once done, click on menu and exit. Note that these values will not be changed after the soft reset but they will go back to manufacture values after a hard reset. These are the default values to set everything like before: L1VL2 – 101; HPG7 – 1011; L3VL7 – 10; OVL7 – 00011000; OVR7 - 00011000

        Active Sync
        • How to stop ActiveSync from turning itself on all the time: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=463013 (It’s working for me but ONLY if I not remove the fake server; the first time I tried to remove it as suggested but Active Sync started again later)

          • To be able to manually rotate the screen in any application: go to registry hk_local machine – system – gdi – rotation; in key HideOrientationUi change 1 to 0. Then open Settings – Personal – Buttons and assign to any button the command “Rotate Screen” (you can see this option after you change the registry and only in winmo setting page) (working well for me, I prefer to be able to choose when I want to view something in landscape mode than relaying on how I rotate my phone…)

            Hard reset
            • 1. Turn OFF the phone; 2. Press VolumeUp and Lock buttons (do not release); 3. Press Call/Green and then HangUp/Red (do not release all buttons); 4. Phone should Vibrate and turn on; 5. Count to 3 and release all buttons; You will have a choice to FORMAT or CANCEL the operation.
            • Master Reset of Omnia by DialPad: You can also key in the following code to the dial pad to do a Master Reset: *2767*3855#

              Rejecting calls and auto-reply Sms
              • Go to Phonebook, the 4th tab (Reject), click New and there you can choose the contacts to reject and also you can add the Sms to be automatically sent when you decide to ignore a call

                Test functions
                • To access the test functions, you can enter *#0*# on the dial pad or launch the file /windows/LCDTest.exe; the digital compass can be launched from /windows/CompassTestMode.exe (Thus, you can potentially create shortcut icons to these applications)

                  Lock screen
                  • If you use the default Samsung Lock screen, in case you have a missed call, the phone will remain unlocked A solution is using S2U2 to lock your phone. Using the Slide to Answer feature also prevents accidentally refusing a call by misclicking or while taking the phone out of a pocket.

                    • Use Data Connection from your phone to access internet with your laptop/PC: 1) You'll need to put the USB Connection in Activesyn mode and tick the Enable Advance Network Functionality. There is also a standard steps you MUST follow: a-1) Make sure that your USB connection is set to activesyn with advance network enabled a-2) Make sure that you disable your auto disconnection in your data connection setting. a) Connect the device to the PC using the USB cable. :) Get connected to the activesyn/Windows Mobile Device Center first. c) Start ICS. d) Press connect 2) You might be getting disconnected intermittenly when connected through ICS. This is due to the Data Connection settings you've done. If you've set that the data connection will be automatically disconnected after X mins, basically, as long as there are no packets, it will be disconnected. 3) When connected through ICS, if there are any call/sms/mms coming in, your connection will be lost. This will only happen if you use GPRS connection. You WON'T get disconnected if you use 3G connection
                    • Disabling Data Connection: you can use some of the following freeware programs: NoData, NoDataInRoaming, Conn Manager
                    • Auto disconnect Data Connection: go towireless manager -> menu -> data connection settings -> No packet for xx minutes
                    • Use the internet connection from laptop/PC on your ppc: you need to get the phone to be connected to the computer through Active Sync and you need to go to setting->general setting->usb connection and enable the "enable advanced network functionality" option.


                    [*]Disable the skinned apps for email and sms and enable threading message. You will need to change 3 registry entry:

                    1) HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\MsgTypes\IPM\Note\DLL

                    change the value from emform.dll to htmlnote.dll

                    2) HKCU\Sofware\Microsoft\Inbox\MsgTypes\IPM\SMStext\DLL

                    change the value from mms.dll to htmlnote.dll

                    3) HKCU\Sofware\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\OEM\SMSInboxThreadingDisabled

                    change the value from 1 to 0

                    There are a couple of side effects to this though.

                    1) No name-type-ahead for the SMSes that you compose via tmail. You have to select the recipients from the address book. (
                    This could be fixed if you disable T9 and enable the WinMo text prediction, read the Inputing section)

                    2) You're not able to MMS.

                    [*]Threaded SMS Input Space: if you using the default Tmail for Threaded SMS (and not some 3rd party program… I recently gave up on VITO SMS-chat after too many bugs/problems for me), you will notice that the space to input text is really too small. To change it, look for the file \Windows\thread_sms.htm You can open the file with Word Mobile to edit it:

                    Find the line <Inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBJECT" width="98%" height=35 spell ......>

                    and modify the value of height from 35 to 65 or 70, to get 3 line spacing for the input

                    Save the edited file somewhere and then use Total Commander or Resco Explorer to move it to Windows overwriting the old file.

                    [*]Using 3rd party programs as the default SMS

                    Go to: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shell/Rai/:MSINBOX

                    Change key 1 (default : Tmail.exe) with your software

                    ---Example to use VITO SMS-Chat, change to: "\Program Files\VITO\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe"

                    ---Example to use the Sms program from Resco Contact, change to: RPhoneMan -sms

                    By the way, if you also want to change to Resco Contact Manager change this key:


                    Change key labelled 1 to :RPMContacts

                    [*]Remove the SMS sent notification

                    Go To: HKCU > Software > Microsoft > Inbox > MsgTypes > IPM > SMSText

                    Change: DLL value from mms.dll to htmlnote.dll

                    Soft reset and then

                    Go To: HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Inbox > Settings

                    Change: MMSNoSentMsg name to SMSNoSentMsg

                    Change: SMSNoSentMsg value to 1

                    Then: Soft Reset

                    [*]The Message Sent notification is tied to your MMS alert. Remove the sound/vibration for MMS and it'll remove for Message Sent as well. (but I also read somewhere that this is related to the firmware so it may not work for everybody)


                    [*]Set the zoom level for both writing and typing: go to Setting > Advance Setting > System > Input Method > Option

                    [*]Change from Samsung Qwerty to Keypad:Tap and hold on the XT9 button, you will see the option.

                    [*]Disable Samsung's XT9 and uses Windows text prediction (but must backspace to see the matched entries).

                    Go to: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\layouts\e0010409

                    Edit: Ime File from \Windows\XT9ime.dll to \Windows\compime.dll

                    Edit Layout Text from Samsung Keypad to COMP IME

                    In case you want to go back, revert to old values.


                    [*]Use a TV-Out cable for Nokia N95 (I have it and it’s working well)

                    [*]Before buying the Nokia cable, I did buy a random RCA cable but it’s not working for me

                    Video Playback

                    [*]Subtitle format for Touch Player: SAMI (.smi). To convert subtitles to .smi you can use Subtitle Workshop (It works good, the only problem for me is that the SAMI format will not display on TV while on TV-Out mode)

                    [*]I also tried to use TCPMP with subtitle plugin (this way the subs are displayed on TV too) but the quality of DGI mode is really really not good enough to watch a movie on TV

                    [*]CorePlayer v1.3.5 settings for quality playback on OMNIA II: Video\Video Output --> DirectDraw; DirectDraw\ --> Tick only Overlay with colorkey (don't select the other 2 options) (Honestly I didn’t try this one)

                    [*]Video encoding settings for Touch Player at HD quality: using AVS Converter, mpeg4 profile @1500kbs 24fps with a few adjusted settings in the mpeg4 profile. Link to a tread with attached jpg of the settings: http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000-omnia-...ing-assistance/


                    [*]Record incoming call: after the call is connected, press note, display recording bar, and press record (or you can install a 3rd party program for more easy usage and auto recording)

                    [*] Display contacts as "Firstname Lastname": you can use shubaroo.com’s Contact changer - currently at version 1.3 (some Contact Manager programs, such as Resco, have this option too)

                    [*] Mobile Tracker: Settings> Security > Mobile Tracker will send out an sms automatically when it detects a different sim card inserted; the settings will remain there even if the phone is hard reset (there are more advanced security programs with GPS functions too, but this one has the advantage of not being disabled by hard reset)

                    [*]Application Store: You may find the program under \Windows\Application Store. At first launch it will download an update and install under \Program Files\Application Store.

                    [*]Incoming Call Notice: very very low sound notice when someone else is calling during another call. I read it was fixed in some new firmware but need confirmation

Edited by tacchan23
Guest tacchan23
Posted (edited)

Cabs for easy and fast Registry Tweaking

In this thread you can find Cabs (made by Tylwith) that will make applying some of the Registry Tweaks posted above a lot more easy and fast.

Below a short description:

CameraSoundSh1.cab Disable autofocus sound, recording sound and SHUTTER1

DisableCameraSound.cab Disable autofocus sound, recording sound and SHUTTER3 (so you need to set the camera to SHUTTER3)

Enable_Settings_rotation.cab Enables the settings menu in 6.5 rom and also allow to map the rotation to a hard key

EnableDialerSkin.cab Enable Samsung Dialer

DisableDialerSkin.cab Disable Samsung Dialer

Touch.cab Encrese the screen responsiveness/sensitivity

DisableSkinSmsEmail.cab Disable Samsung Skinned Email and Sms application

EnableThreadedSms.cab It only works after using disableSkinSmSEmail.cab

4RowsMenuWithHoneyComb.cab Make 4 rows for windows 6.5 start up menu with honeycomb

StartMenu_Grid_5.CAB Make 5 rows for windows 6.5 start up menu without honeycomb (from XDa forum)

OldStyleStart.CAB Old style (but big size and fingerfriendly) Start Menu for people who don't like wm6.5 start menu

Shetlander_Honeycomb_Start_Menu.cab (by XDA developers) Enable "3 columns with big icons" Honeycomb in start menu

SettingMenu.cab Add 6.1 menusettings for people who want to enable/disable touchwizUI on wm6.5 (Uninstall the cab after use)

DisableStartShutdownSounds.cab Disable Start and ShutDown sounds

lightsensorfix.cab fixes the light sensor refresh rate on WM 6.1 (On 6.1 the sensor refresh is too short so basicly the screen change every second of brightness so it's no good for visual effect nor for battery life.) (Tested on H5)

EnableFrontCamera.cab enables the front camera


Edited by tacchan23
Guest tacchan23
Posted (edited)

Small guide/memo on what to do after Flashing a new ROM

(this is just a small list I made for myself to make it easier to remember what to do/install every time, so of course it refers to my most used programs and settings but maybe the general layout could be usefull to someone else too):

A) Hard reset + eeprom re-init by dialing *2767*3855# (the "eeprom reset" wipes the My Storage too and is suggested by Secany in his thread; Sorg disagree to it as there is NO eeprom in Omnia II, you can read about it here)

B) Disable WidgetPlus: Samsung Settings - Display and Light - Items on Today

C) Disable sound/vibro on touch: Sound Settings - Touch Alert - None

D) Review/modify all Samsung Options

E) Soft Rest to recognise the SIM and set Data Connection Info automatically

F) Fill Device Name for registering products

0) ConnManager (or any programs NoData style to prevent unwanted data usage)

1) Resco file explorer (modify the settings, the layout and disable the Recycle Bin option)

2) SKtools:

disable/enable Samsung Dialer - TuneUp/Phone Edition/OEM Dialer skin

problem with caller id - TuneUp/Phone Edition/Call ID match

sms sent notification (only work after disabling Samsung SMS application) - TuneUp/Phone Edition/Do not show "Message sent" bubble

TuneUp/Security/Disable warning when installing non-certified applications

TuneUp/Other/PowerOff-PowerOn sound

3) tweaks registry (manually or installing the Cabs): IMPORTANT - unhide WM settings and review all settings

4) Net Framework 3.5

4) SPB Mobile shell or PointUI+PointSense

5) ComicReader

6) AllReader+ (import preferences)

7) SDkcert & Taskbar

8) AE Button+

9) MDict

10) S2U2 (edit/import preferences, customize looks)

11) ReRemind

12) MagiCall (edit/import lists)

13) Backup software

14) SPB screenshot

15) ThumbCal (edit settings)

16) GoogleMaps (cab in Windows folder, if not already installed)

17) WKtask (not sure if it produce a conflict with the remapping of Volume buttons)

18) Garmin

19) Opera Mini 5 and Opera 9.7 latest betas available

Edited by tacchan23
Guest tacchan23
Posted (edited)

Suggested programs review by category

Here I'll try to list some, in my opinion, usefull programs (both shareware and freeware).

For every category, in Bold text are my preferred choices; in non-bold text are some more programs which it may be worth considering in a future updated version or are in need of further testing or have a very specialized use which could make them useful just to few people.

Please suggest me any more usefull programs to add to the list.

- System


HTCSensorSDK.zip (by GinKage): Emulates HTC's G-Sensor API on i8000, that is used in a number of applications, and in many games.

Auto-Rotate screen applications: applications to auto-rotate screen in any application of your choice. (I prefer to assign a hardware button to rotate)

DiamondVGA.zip: modified Black theme, with less black backgrounds to avoid problems with some applications having black text on black background. (works well, but it's not really a real Black theme anymore^^)

SRS WOW HD for Omnia2 (by whiskeybro): it changes the whole sys output drive to SRS WOW, so it'll work with any media player but samsung one; it'll disable SRS if u launch samsung player.

- System Utilities

SKtools: Simply too many features to list for system maintenance and system tweaking. Registry Editor included.

Just some interesting system&phone tweaks:

disable/enable Samsung Dialer - TuneUp/Phone Edition/OEM Dialer skin

problem with caller id - TuneUp/Phone Edition/Call ID match

sms sent notification (only work after disabling Samsung SMS application) - TuneUp/Phone Edition/Do not show "Message sent" bubble

TuneUp/Security/Disable warning when installing non-certified applications

TuneUp/Other/PowerOff-PowerOn sound

Other usefull functions:

Cleaning cache and free RAM memory


Registry Explorer

Move Installed programs changing the shortcuts to the new values

Manage startup programs

Manage Contacts and PIM

MemMaid: Better user-friendly interface then SKtools but less features.

SASHIMI (Freeware): a must have for ONLY people who like to Flash their ROM very very often, make reinstalling every programs much faster! (you must register to download it from the link). You can find a guide Here

JWMD Icon Changer for WM6.5 (freeware): change icons and can arrange order of apps in the WM6.5 Start Menu

SK Shortcut Manager: it helps manage/edit/create your shortcut and change icons (useful but not essential, here and here 2 guides to creating shortcuts manually or you can use Resco Explorer too). Mostly useful if you want to change icons (which may not really be needed anymore on WM 6.5)

JZ SmartMort v1.62 (Freeware): JZ SmartMort is a simple productivity tool (Copy/Paste- Opera Mini & Mobile, NetFront, Skyfire) (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Tweaks2k2: collection of many registry hacks (not really recommended, the freeware Advanced Configuration Tools listed below can do about the same)

Xtreme Tweaks for wm6.5: some WM 6.5 registry tweaks, fingerfriendly. (not really recommended, the freeware Advanced Configuration Tools listed below can do about the same)

Pocket Mechanic Professional: maintenance utility (not really recommended, less powerfull than SKtools and many users reported data loss)

Custom Colors: you can change the colors on your Pocket PC (not much that SKtools can’t do too)

SpeedBooster: it allows you to focus the CPU power to various programs running on your device (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

PPC Configurator (Freeware): This tool will configure your Phone not to see some of the SIP Programs you dont often use (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Mobile SafeMode: provides work in safe mode for Windows Mobile PPC (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Airscanner Mobile Encrypter v2.91: you can create volumes that hold all your sensitive data, or maintain granular control over the encryption/decryption at files or folder level (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Airscanner Mobile Sniffer v2.21: Airscanner Mobile Sniffer packs the power of a full-scale sniffer into an application for portable devices, may be useful to some people (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

The following is a list of freeware programs which may be useful to replace some shareware utilities (mostly SKtools):

cleanRAM v1.91: Release/free memory.

ClearTemp: It allows you to clear temporary/unused files and unused registry keys/values on your system easily and more.

Advanced Configuration Tools Allows you to easily modify more than 200 settings for Windows Mobile system and applications.

Settings+ v0.2 : sms threaded option, WM colors and fonts settings

Tonality: tweak the various hidden sound events deep within the registry

PHM Registry Editor: A registry editor if you don't have Sktools or Resco Explorer or in case of same special needs

- System Data Utilities

SPB Backup: Many features to make and restore backup of datas and installed programs.

Sprite Backup: should be on par with SPB Backup, but simply never tried it.

Raise Data Recovery: data recovery of lost information (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

CardRecovery: data recovery of lost information (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Wizcode Undelete Mobile v.1.04.005: data recovery of lost information (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

RAR 3.90 for Pocket PC (freeware) (no need if you use Resco Explorer or Total Commander)

7-Zip_9.05_alpha.CAB (freeware)

- Encyclopaedia/Wikipedia

Wikipedia in Mdict (mdx) format update on May 2009 (Freeware): The entire English wikipedia in your Omnia2. The file itself is 2.7 GB. Dumped on May 28 2009. Also there are Wikipedia version of other languages. No data connection needed, all the file in your storage card. Personally I find it very useful.

Upvise Wikipedia (Freeware): download instantly the entire Wikipedia article specially formatted for mobile device. It’s obviously more up to date but need a data connection. (personally not tested it because I prefer to have everything on my storage card but for people with data plan I guess it’s better)

The Wikipedia Encyclopedia for TomeRaider3 updated on May 2008: it’s older and not free… but it may be worth checking for future updates.

AbsoluteWord RoadLingua Geographical Atlas: Geographical Atlas with information about country location, population, economy, and military, map and flag. Didn’t try it and it’s a bit expensive^^ but still I decided to put it in my list of “maybe useful in the future” programs

- eBook readers

AllReader Plus: really the best eBook reader by far! So many option and features. Only downside is it doesn’t support PDF files so you’ll need also another reader if you don’t want to convert your pdf files first to txt.

RepliGo: it’s good for reading pdf files with a lot of images (otherwise difficult to convert properly to txt) but personally I’d use the already installed and free Adobe Reader 2.5 LE (or 2.0)

uBook: can read many formats and seems to be good with documents that have images in them, like PDF; very bad interface. (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Foxit Reader: another reader for PDF, I read some positive comments (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

PocketXpdf (freeware): a viewer for native PDF files (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

- Office/Productivity

SoftMaker Office 2008: This is best software for office compatible on WM, lot better than Microsoft's Office Mobile itself to open Microsoft Office files without data loss

uConvert: units and currency converter with a built-in calculator (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Panoramic Calc Pro Lite v2.8.0: 16 functions calculator with European currency converter and custom skins (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

HTC Calculator Build1920 (freeware): the HTC calculator from HTC Leo (NOT TESTED MYSELF, I guess it may be intersting just for the graphical changes)

Scan2Pdf Mobile: uses your mobile phone to scan documents and convert them to PDF files, it may be useful

Wizcode PhotoCopy v1.01.003: uses your mobile phone to scan documents and convert them to PDF files, it may be useful (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Jetcet Print: lets you print documents, photos, email, etc from your Windows Mobile Pocket PC phone. (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Below a list of CAD applications which I’ll be testing next year when I’ll go back to my real job of Civil Engineer


ProCad. CAD for PocketPC (Freeware) (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

ShortCAD Lite (Freeware) (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

BlitzCAD v24.9.8.1 (Freeware) (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

- Notepad/Memo (what I looking for: finger friendly, allow both typing and writing in the same sheet, alarm reminders, voice memo)

PhatNotes + PhatPad: installing both programs (from the same producer) you can get alarm reminders, voice memo, typing and hand writing but still the integration is not really good

AgileNotes v2.0 (note that the new version v3.0 is really crap and doesn’t support handwriting anymore): too bad it’s a very old release so it’s not finger friendly; also no alarm reminders.

VsNotepad: very very nice interface but doesn’t support typing and can’t save to Storage/Memory Card

Evernote: Type a text note. Clip a web page. Snap a photo. Grab a screenshot. Evernote will keep it organized. (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET, but it sounds interesting)


ThumbCal v1.3.5: very efficient and finger friendly calendar and tasks application. The other 2 suggested PIM below offer very powerful features to create links between, tasks, appointments, contacts, etc… but that comes at the price of needing a lot of time for learning how to use them. So if you are looking for a real user friendly solution, efficient, immediate to use and don’t need any “strange” features for you appointment/tasks managment, ThumbCal is the best choice.

Agenda One: I didn’t test the latest version, should be more finger friendly than the past (could be a good choice for people who need a more “powerful” PIM than ThumbCal)

Pocket Informant: I didn’t test the latest version, should be more finger friendly than the past (could be a good choice for people who need a more “powerful” PIM than ThumbCal)

SPB Diary: it’s a Today plugin, so it may be useful for people who don’t know how to fill their Today screen (couse using some other UI)

TodayAgenda (freware): as above, but it’s freeware^^

- Lock Screen

S2U2 (freeware): many great features (such as slide to answer and slide to ignore; vibration notify on connect; etc) and very customizable look. Too bad there are some issues anyway, like some hardware buttons not being locked (such as the camera button, but only with the screen locked not in sleep mode) and a major problem with the Caller ID function (sometime there is a conflict with the WinMo caller screen and it gets difficult to answer… it doesn’t happen very often but it’s annoying when it does.) So overall, I suggest it (and I’m using it too) to at least give it a try and see if the Caller ID is working well for you and anyway is a good choice for everybody who don’t want to use the Caller ID function.

Tylwith_s2u2_omnia_2_mod_with_config_fixed.cab: a mod (by Tylwith) for s2u2 to launch the samsung LockScreen. You can read more here

S2U2 customizer (freeware): Allow to easly customize the graphical aspects of S2U2. Too bad it supports only old versions and the development seems stopped at the moment.

PocketShield: Just started testing the new Beta for Omnia2. It looks nice but still to early to compare with S2U2 (which is free^^)

- Task Manager

Showcase (freeware): nice finger friendly Task Switcher/Manager, similar to the Samsung or SPB or PointUI Task switcher BUT with some very useful extras imho:

1) it’s accessible trough tapping the top right corner (so no need to map a hardware button for it and, still for my preferences, it’s better to tap on the top right corner where my thumb is usually around^^)

2) enhancement of the “x” button so that when you press it you can easly choose if to minimize or close a program (of course if you disable the relative option in the Samsung settings) or to access the task switcher itself

HTC taskmanager (not tested yet, reported not showing along with SPB mobile shell)

Indibar: perfect compliment of the above Showcase to show the icons of the running programs in the taskbar. Also comes with many features to be a complete and stand alone task manager/switcher but I choose to use it along with Showcase because Indibar task switcher is not very finger friendly or appealing graphic wise and because it can’t be accessed trough the top right corner (which at least makes it perfect to work along Showcase). Note: it’s not so easy to set the “correct” graphical settings but it can be definitely done.

WkTask (freeware): if you need a utility to show the icons of the active running programs in the taskbar this is very useful, but it cannot be integrated with Showcase as both are accessed trough the top right corner and WkTask itself as a task switcher is not really finger friendly.

Magic Button (freeware): I tested it just few minutes, about the same as WkTask

Dotfred Task Manager (freeware): a powerful Task Manager, not for a fancy switching/closing of applications, but with REAL features like Process and Service stop/killing, Notification manager and much more.

HandySwitcher: not really tested myself, but looking at the screenshots it looks like a non finger friendly and non good looking version of Showcase with less features (and for pay too^^). Added just to keep a record of it for future releases.

- Call Filtering

Mobiion MagiCall v2.2: really the best choice for Call Filtering, I didn’t even bother listing the alternatives as MagiCall has many more features and because, unlike similar applications, it ignores a call from the beginning and not just after the first ring. Also in the upcoming v3.0 is planned to have a Hide SMS feature (at the moment can filter SMS but not really hide them) which it would make it the final Call/SMS security/filtering application.


PowerSMS: the main features are sending SMS to Group, Auto Reply and Schedule SMS. It doesn’t replace your phone's built-in text messaging features.

ArcsoftMMS (freeware): is an MMS composer, usefull if you remove the Samsung sms application but still want to use MMS (NOT TESTED YET MYSELF)

Skb Group SMS and Scheduler: more features than the above PowerSMS but bad and unfingerfriendly UI.

SMS Scheduler (freeware): can schedule and send SMS to groups. The only good point over the above apps is being a freeware.

SMS at Hand: application for Threaded SMS (just thested the new 2.1 version... still quite bad in my opinion)

Vito sms-chat: fingerfriendly application for Threaded SMS. It’s very popular application but personally I don’t like it… just a matter of taste maybe and I experienced some problems too.

Resco Contact Manager: have a lot of features, one of these being Threaded SMS inbox (it uses the standard WM or Samsung app to send/write SMS). It’s a good application, but I will suggest it for other features not for the Threaded SMS itself.

- SMS security

EasyHelper SMS Security v2.3: can hide the secret/important SMS messages (including incoming SMS messages and existing SMS messages in Inbox). The hidden SMS messages are encrypted and stored separately. Quite good, it can also hide itself; it only misses a Whitelist feature.

ZedSoft Sms Organizer v2.71: I didn’t test it yet, but it looks like having many features for hiding (also Whitelist) and filtering SMS as well as backup, auto reply and more.

EasyHelper Information Hide v1.0: you can hide your private contacts and existing SMS (not incoming SMS). Only worth it if you need to hide Contacts more than SMS.

PIMorganizer v1.0: the UI is really fingerfirendly and good looking. Many features but I had many problems with it and not really sure if it’s actually working… may be worth check for updates.

Skb SMS Manager and Organizer: I wasn’t able to make it work… maybe needs to be tested again or wait for new releases.

Hushsms v0.1 (Freeware): is a tool to sent a class zero message (aka Flash-SMS) or a stealthy PING message to another cell phone. The use is quite limited but it may be useful to some people, for example to be sure a specific phone is switched on and to be able to send information to a phone without it being stored (class zero message).

- eWallet

SPB Wallet v2.0.0: it’s fingerfriendly but can only launch IE when accessing links of stored internet accounts (Opera support should be planned for future releases)

Steganos Privacy Suite Mobile v1.0: the WVGA version is still not available so it needs to be tested but it looks like having a really nice UI. Worth to check when the WVGA versions is released.

Ilium Software eWallet Professional v6.1: not fingerfirendly and still shares the same problems as SPB Wallet. May be worth to check future releases.

- Data Connection

NoDataInRoaming (freeware): DISABLE AUTOMATICALLY and prevent re-connection of data/internet (gprs, umts, hdspa, MMS, internet connection, wap connection) during roaming and restore/enable (if previously enabled) AUTOMATICALLY data/internet during normal phone state under home network.

NoData (freeware): MANUALLY DISABLE and prevent re-connection of data/internet.

ConnManager (freeware): MANUALLY DISABLE and prevent re-connection of data/internet. (personally I am using this one but just by chance^^ any of the above apps is on the same level)

WMLongLife (freeware by Chainfire): is an automatic 2G/3G band-switching solution. It will keep your device in 2G when you do not need to use 3G, and will switch to 3G automatically when you do need it. For most users, having your device in 2G uses much less battery, and thus your phone lasts longer on a single charge. (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Spb Wireless Monitor: measures data traffic via all types of connections and calculating network usage costs according to your data plan. (personally I had some problems setting up a plan usage by time and not by traffic; also it doesn’t seem to count data usage if I connect my PC to the internet trough the Omnia2 data connection. BUT I just tested it very shortly, so maybe my mistake)

Efficasoft GPRS Traffic Monitor: allows you to monitor GPRS Internet data usage (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

- for Fun (freewares)

hdWobble: Give it a try, very funny ehehe. Remember to also install the HTCSensorSDK.zip (by GinKage)

Ring and Run v1.0: Ring the intercoms and hear people shouting at you. But beware: someone can have a watchdog... (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET)

Pocket Coffee Mobile 1.0: have your friends ever told you "cool phone, but does it makes coffe? No? A pity...". Well, now your device will also make coffee. (funny app^^)

Flix v1.0.9.3: is a Cinema Listings application for Windows Mobile. It’s based on the yahoo movie search engine and shows a wealth of information about your local movie theaters. (NOT TESTED MYELF YET)

Pedometer Lite: Pedometer uses the accelerometers of your Samsung device along with mathematical algorithms to calculate the steps you take whether you are walking, jogging or running (NOT TESTED MYSELF YET; can be downloaded trough Samsung Kies: Application Store on PC if the Samsung Mobile Store is not avaialble in your country yet)

MoCo 1.0: provides Motion Shortcuts to execute the mapped programs (not really easy/pratical to use in my opinion… more for Fun than for a real usage)

PestBuster: creates a high-decibel audio to drive out cockroaches and mosquitoes and insects. (I doubt it really works^^ also I couldn’t manage to install it properly but still sounds fun:P)

- Phone/Contacts/Dialer/CallerID (brief comparison of the main features of each application)

Phone Extension v2: my favourite application in this category, overall the best layout/graphics with good skins already available for download and also very easy to edit skins to your taste (even for noob like me); all the modules can be selected/activated separately, so it can mix its features well with other applications (such as S2U2 or Resco Contacts Manager or Inesoft)

.Call History, Favourites, Contacts, DialPad: the best layout and graphics in my opinion

.CallerID: nice 2-way slide; good functionality with many options and skin on par with Inesoft and S2U2.Phone: good, extra feature for opening Notes application.

Inesoft Phone v5.07: all the modules can be selected/activated separately, so it can mix its features well with other applications (such as S2U2 or Resco Contacts Manager); many extra features even if not really on par with other dedicated applications; quite good overall, but best suited for people who likes to have all the extra feature (even if not so good) inside one application.

.Call History, Favourites, Contacts, DialPad: the layout and graphics are not on par with the other applications in this category.

.CallerID: nice 3-way slide; good functionality with many options and skin on par with other apps; the only downside is it doesn’t have an option to set a custom background (which is available on Phone Extension)

.Phone: good

.Profiler: the brightness option doesn’t work correctly (at least on Omnia2); quite slow in changing the volume icon on the taskbar; it’s overall more limited than G-Profile, the only plus being it allows to set also sound+vibration profiles.

.Vibro On Disconnect: good, other applications only have the Vibro on Connect option.

.Reminders: good, even if there are some settings limitation if compared to ReRemind or MySentinel dedicated applications.

.CallFilter: not really on par with a good Filter such as MagiCall (no whitelist, no rules, few actions available).

Resco Contact Manager 2.02: good if used along with another CallerID app (for example the freeware S2U2); may be worth for people who don't care for a black theme and who wants a smaller DialPad to display more contacts/calls

.Call History, Favourites, Contacts: good but no skins available to make it look as nice as Phone Extension and also I couldn't manage to edit the existing skin

.CallerID: it shows a short initial overlapping with the WinMo default caller message; also quite lacking graphically and not skinnable as above

.Phone: "bad" as it uses the standard WinMo during a call.DialPad: maybe the best, not as big as other applications so it allows to actually have 5 contacts above it instead of 1 (as in all other applications)

.SMS inbox: good just for threaded SMS inbox, it still uses the standard WM or Samsung app to send/write SMS

.Profiler: quite useless, as it's usable only from Today plugin; also just Sounds profile available

iContacts + iDealer (freewares): no CallerID feature, not so bad black skin, but in the end not much different from the Samsung phone application... may be worth to give it a try just to see if you like it more and couse it's freeware.

S2U2 2.14 (freeware): the best lock screen application in my opinion has a very good CallerID feature too.

.CallerID: the best one for the graphics, at least for my taste, but it has some limitations (about picture of contacts and no extra buttons)

Awaiting for reviews:



CommMgrPro v2.6

Spb Phone Suite v.1.3.1 build 1745

G Profile

Pocketmax phoneAlarm Pro v.2.31 build.391 beta3


ReRemind V6.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=498161

MSentinel v2.5 : http://homar.webpark.pl/


VITO RingtoneEditor v1.24


GX5 Ringtone Shuffler 1.01:

-access PPC from PC

SOTI Pocket Controller Pro v6.02 (

MobileController Professional v1.72



SBSH PocketWeather v2.3.1

Elecont Weather v1.0.954

Weather Watcher Mobile v1.0.17

Spb Weather v2.1.1.Build.1532





Lowcaller (non usa internet, ma chiama un numero locale per poi fare il voip) http://www.lowcaller.com/en/

Express Talk (dicono meglio di AGEphone) http://www.nch.com.au/talk/index.html

Ageet Corporation AGEphone Mobile v2.76

VOIP in WM61


NimBuzz v2

Octro Talk v1.21


SetupVoip: http://www.touchxperience.com/en/setup-voip.html

viop sms http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=347726

VoIP CAB & SipConfigTool v2.0.0

Ninthbit Caller v1.0

guida al voip in generale (inutile): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread...on+Notification

Talkonaut v4.15

-Fake Calls/SMS

MobiTNT VirtualCaller v2.2

Fake Call v1.1

Fake Ringing


Speereo™ Voice Mailer v3.11:

Emoze Push Email

Voxit Mailer Voice Email 2003 v3.0


ProfiMail v3.20

-vocal commands/bluetooth

spereo voice launcher

Cyberon Voice Commander v2.5.1

VITO VoiceDialer v4.06

VITO Voice2Go

Microsoft Voice Command v1.6.4622

Jetware hands-free extension v1.31


-call recording

auto call recorder:

In Call Recorder v1.0 Build 1821.242:

Resco Audio Recorder: still eats more memory than audioNotes, and can't Catch the already known caller IDs.

VITO AudioNotes v1.37:

VITO Audio Notes Touch:


PhoneCreeper: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=527423

Windows Mobile Monitor v0.0.1.2 Beta:


4talk v1.3



Pocket Stock Monitor v5.8.1

Spb Finance 2.8.0


Talkonaut 5.02.22

mundu im: its better than any of the IM out there because its quite lightweight...





GoNews Touch v1.0

Viigo v3.0.44

SplashNews v2.0

SPB News v.2.0.0 build 3175:

NewsBreak v2.1.1.1107


Kais Internet Webcams:

Livecast (freeware):


IRCy 1.6:

zsIRC v2008.12.28 (Freeware)

-contatti bluetooth in raggio

Bluehoo v1.1 (freeware):

BuZZone 1.0:


Remote PC viewer PTvnc 2

.NET VNC Viewer v1.0.1.17


Mocha VNC v1.1

z2 Remote2PC v1.4 Build 1420

NetSupport Manager Mobile v10.00

LogMeIn Pro v2.30.511

PPC Tablet Remote Control Suite v4.1.1


Dont Sleep Wifi

WMWifiRouter v1.51 Build 1010

WiFi Monster v1.0.51.145

Panoramic WiFi Hero v1.1.0

Devicescape Easy Wi-Fi v2.0.51

Socket Wi-Fi Companion v2.10.13.0

Pocket Speed Test

wifi companion




Diamond TV v2.1

HandiTV v2.52

Web Video Downloader v1.3.0.0



Edited by tacchan23
Guest tacchan23
Posted (edited)

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

- What I have to setup so that I don't have to unlock the screen twice if I install S2U2?

- How to disable the Wm 6.5 lock screen?

You have to disable the wm 6.5 lock screen: Samsung settings - Display and light - Lock screen

- My Storage is missing, what I can do?

You can try to follow the suggestions in this thread; if it doesn't work the only solution is bringing the phone to a service center

- I can't find the file xxxxx in the specified folder, what can I do?

Maybe you are looking for a hidden or system file. So you need to use a more powerfull file explorer program such as Resco file esplorer or Total commander (and enable to show hidden and system files). (Maybe the defoult file explorers have some option like this but I never used them so I'm not sure.)

- How to auto-rotate screen?

To enable autorate in any application of your choice, you can check http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000-omnia-...orotation-v1-1/

If you want to disable the auto rotate function available for some applications: just go to \windows\startup\ and delete the autorotation.lnk and soft reset

If you want to be able to manually rotate the screen in any application: go to registry hk_local machine – system – gdi – rotation; in key HideOrientationUi change 1 to 0. Then open Settings – Personal – Buttons and assign to any button the command “Rotate Screen” (you can see this option after you change the registry and only in winmo setting page) (working well for me, I prefer to be able to choose when I want to view something in landscape mode than relaying on how I rotate my phone…)

- How to do a Hard Reset?

1. Turn OFF the phone;

2. Press VolumeUp and Lock buttons (do not release);

3. Press Call/Green and then HangUp/Red (do not release all buttons);

4. Phone should Vibrate and turn on;

5. Count to 3 and release all buttons;

You will have a choice to FORMAT or CANCEL the operation.

- Is SRS WOW HD available for Omnia II?

Yes, you can find the CAB/info here

- Why my Garmin XT can't get a fix quickly?

You can try the config (Baud Rate : 9600 or 38400) posted above, it works well for me

- How to change from Samsung Qwerty to Keypad?

Tap and hold on the XT9 button, you will see the option

- Can I disable the "Send & Ignore" feature whenever there's an incoming call?

The feature was removed with WM 6.5 rom, so I suggest to upgrade.

Or you can use some LockScreen programs such as S2U2 with Caller ID enabled

Note: in i920 the feature is still enabled also in WM 6.5, so the only solution is using a 3rd party program with caller id function

- Do you suggest to upgrade to WM6.5? Is ROM Flashing safe?

Yes, I suggest flashing to WM6.5 ROM.

It should be 100% safe if you just flash PDA and CSC parts. In case of errors during flashing, you can do it again with no problems. It happened 2 times to me to get stuck while flashing (once couse the ROM zip file was corrupted, once becouse I plugged my phone trough a USB hub) but everything was fine and I could flash again.

Read the guide above.

- How to enable Clock/Battery on taskbar?

WinMo Settings - System - Clock & Alarms - More (3rd tab)

- How to set clock in 12/24hr format?

This option is hidden behind the "time style" name (no word about 12/24 h).

If you test, you'll find:

1. 24 h option as "H:mm:ss"

2. 12 h option as "h:mm:ss"

3. Supposed you prefer a leading 0 for the hour "hh:mm:ss"

- How to dissemble your Omnia2?

You can find a step by step guide HERE

- Where is the Soft Rest button?

PAY ATTENTION! The diagram in the Manual points to a location for soft reset and instruct the user to use a toothpick to press that small slot. But the phone does not reset if you do that. Because that is the antenna slot and the phone can get damaged if someone follow the instruction in the manual..( Page 24 ).

The Reset button is the small golden hole between the SIM card and the MicroSD card.

Personally, when my phone is frozen/not responding, I just take off the battery... it's easier^^

- Can I use a Backup program to restore all my data after a ROM Flash?

You can use a Backup program to restore ONLY your data (Contacts, PIM, files, music, video, etc)

You can not use it to restore the installed programs becouse it will mess the registry. To make it quicker reinstalling everything after a Flash, I suggest you have a look at SASHIMI here (you need to register to download it).

- How to remove sounds from WidgetPlus? (original post here)

You need to get Total Commander : http://www.samsung-omnia.org/pre-installed...ach;attach=5224

Download this sound: http://www.samsung-omnia.org/pre-installed...ach;attach=5225

Then rename to "06_widget_icon_click" and copy to your PDA

Then open Total Commander, go to Windows Folder, File->Find files and find for "06_widget_icon_click"

I recommend make a backup of the file!

Just replace now this file with the other that you have download!!

Edited by tacchan23

Much prefer a thread like this, especially for Secany's ROMs. The Secany Facebook page isn't very intuitive, and it feels sort of disorganized with information spread everywhere (it took me 5 minutes to find the FAQ section). No offence to the creator of the facebook page, because it was a nice gesture for a huge contributor to this forum, but it makes alot more sense to centralize information in one location (Modaco), than spread it throughout the internet.

Guest superdarkyaya
Posted (edited)

Hello all !

I've just try the tweak to disconnect the hsdpa automaticly after a few time, which worked on my Omnia i 900 but here, on my new Omnia 2 it doesn't work !!

Hklm\com\commgr\planner\settings :

Dword => CacheTime = > put a value like 60 , 120 , 180 ( this is in seconds...) : not works under 60.

String => SuspendResume : ~gprs (change to) => gprs_bye_if_device_off

Soft reset.

Have a soluce friends ??!

Edit : can you make a cab to shut up the horrible sounds and bips when you switch on the fone !!!!??

Edited by superdarkyaya
Guest 01mpowers

could someone please tell me where i can find the appstore installation file? i Know its under program files but my brother deleted it coz he thought itd be funny.

can someone please upload the original installation cab/file for me or tell me where i can get it plzzz many thanks!!

could someone please tell me where i can find the appstore installation file? i Know its under program files but my brother deleted it coz he thought itd be funny.

can someone please upload the original installation cab/file for me or tell me where i can get it plzzz many thanks!!

Don't have a cable to transfer the CAB to this computer, but you could just hard reset your phone.

Guest 01mpowers
Don't have a cable to transfer the CAB to this computer, but you could just hard reset your phone.

tried that already..it didnt recover the file/folder for me :S..

Edit : can you make a cab to shut up the horrible sounds and bips when you switch on the fone !!!!??

Replace those camera's wave files with the Silence.wav under Windows folder. dun forget to rename the silence.wav to the appropriate names.

Guest tacchan23
Replace those camera's wave files with the Silence.wav under Windows folder. dun forget to rename the silence.wav to the appropriate names.

I think he wants to remove sounds on TurnON/OFF the phone.

I can't make a cab myself, but you can also use SKtools to do it, read above about it

Guest Tylwith

I will make a cab when i come home it was on my todo list anyway

Posted (edited)

I want to hiding or disable START or PROGRAMS from start menu, can someone help me how to do that..?


Edited by Baveto
Guest tacchan23
I've just try the tweak to disconnect the hsdpa which worked on my Omnia i 900 but here, on my new Omnia 2 it doesn't work !!

Hklm\com\commgr\planner\settings :

Dword => cachetime = > put what you want !

String => suspendresume~gprs ! => gprs_bye_if_device_off

Soft reset.

Have a soluce friends ??!

You mean you want to Enable/Disable HSDPA?

If so, there is option in Samsung Setting - Network Settings - HSDPA/HSUPA

Guest tacchan23

I am reading the documentation of SASHIMI... it really looks like a powerfull tool for people who likes to Flash ROM often and need to reinstall everything.

Guest tacchan23
Posted (edited)

Added the small/useless guide below... any suggestions appreciated!

When I come back from a short trip on Sunday I'll try to make a small list/review of my suggested/preferred programs.

Small guide/memo on what to do after Flashing a new ROM

(this is just a small list I made for myself to make it easier to remember what to do/install every time, so of course it refers to my most used programs and settings but maybe the general layout could be usefull to someone else too):

A) Hard reset + eeprom re-init by dialing *2767*3855#

:) Disable WidgetPlus: Samsung Settings - Display and Light - Items on Today

C) Disable sound/vibro on touch: Sound Settings - Touch Alert - None

D) Review/modify all Samsung Options

E) Soft Rest to recognise the SIM and set Data Connection Info automatically

F) Fill Device Name for registering products

0) ConnManager (or any programs NoData style to prevent unwanted data usage)

1) Resco file explorer (modify the settings, the layout and disable the Recycle Bin option)

2) SKtools:

disable/enable Samsung Dialer - TuneUp/Phone Edition/OEM Dialer skin

problem with caller id - TuneUp/Phone Edition/Call ID match

sms sent notification - TuneUp/Phone Edition/Do not show "Message sent" bubble

TuneUp/Security/Disable warning when installing non-certified applications

TuneUp/Other/PowerOff-PowerOn sound

3) tweaks registry (manually or installing the Cabs): IMPORTANT - unhide WM settings and review all settings

4) Net Framework 3.5

4) SPB Mobile shell or PointUI+PointSense

5) ComicReader

6) AllReader+ (import preferences)

7) SDkcert & Taskbar

8) AE Button+

9) MDict

10) S2U2 (edit/import preferences, customize looks)

11) ReRemind

12) MagiCall (edit/import lists)

13) Backup software

14) SPB screenshot

15) ThumbCal (edit settings)

16) GoogleMaps (cab in Windows folder, if not already installed)

17) WKtask (not sure if it produce a conflict with the remapping of Volume buttons)

18) Garmin

19) Opera Mini

Edited by tacchan23

the GPS part, set baud rate at 38400, garmin got locked on in 30 sec.

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