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Where can I buy i8000L ??

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Guest guy.user


Can someone please kindly tell me where I can buy i8000L (Latin American version)?

I can't even find it on eBay.

I've been googling and no luck so far...

Thanks in advance!!!

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Guest guy.user
its not released yet... you must to wait til december.

weird...I've seen people saying their Omnia II picked up 850/1900 3G connection.

If that's not the i8000L, could it be any other variation?

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Guest Rothariger

well, when i bought my phone in UK there wasnt any official release, but i buy it anyway... i dont know...

there are 2 things, or the have made a modification like the i900 or they have bought the L in some place... :D send to them a PM asking where they get it...

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Guest Drachen23
weird...I've seen people saying their Omnia II picked up 850/1900 3G connection.

If that's not the i8000L, could it be any other variation?

I have an Omnia II from Singapore on AT&T in New York City and it picks up the 1900 MHz 3G band just fine. It doesn't support 850 MHz 3G, so it goes to EDGE every once in a while, but I'm on 3G or 3G+ (HSDPA) about 95% of the time.

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Guest rodrigofd

OK, just to clear this up,

Im sorry to correct you but there are no official plans from Samsung of releasing a L version of omnia2 I8000, similar to the Omnia case. It is just people's assumption that it would be manufactured and the rumour was spread.

And as it is clearly stated on specs, Omnia 2 supports 2G four bands, and three 3G bands: 1900 (one of both used in America, but lacks 850) and 900/2100 (Europe/Asia). This configuration is universal to all Omnia2 devices, there are no special editions with diferrent bands.

In practice, this means that the phone WILL work on every europe/asia 3 network available, and, as regards America:

In theory, it should work in most if not all 3g networks, as carriers, by convention tend to implement both 850 and 1900.

But THIS IS NOT ALWAYS THE CASE. Some US regions/carriers only support 850 and not 1900, as many users have reported of 3G not working in their areas.

Ahora, asumiendo que sos argentino segun tu perfil, te cuento mi experiencia aca en nuestro pais:

Tanto las redes de Claro como de Personal, implementan 3G en 850 y 1900, por lo tanto el 3G funciona perfecto con el Omnia2 (probado por mi con chips de ambas compañías, y en varias zonas).

Esto te logarantizo al menos en AMBA (Capital Federal y GBA), pero es posible que en algunos lugares del país que Claro/Personal marcan como '3G', algunas de sus antenas tegan 850 y no 1900.... me pasó, por ejemplo, en partes de Mar del Plata...

Esto es así porque asumieron que los equipos que usen 3G en Argentina, soporten ambas bandas 850/1900, entonces no les calienta si se saltean alguna de las dos, en antenas puntuales (vaya a saber porque, tal vez esa banda está ocupada allí)..

MOVISTAR es un caso aparte... al día 20 de octubre, Movistar Argentina trabaja 3G exlusivamente con banda 850Mhz, NO FUNCIONA EL 3G DE OMNIA2, POR NO SOPORTAR ESA BANDA 3G 850Mhz.

Esto lo confirmo para CapFed y GBA, no lo probé más allá, pero es altamente probable que sea igual en todo el país.

A pesar de esto, la mayoría de personal de Movistar informa que deberia funcionar ya que ellos utilizan las bandas "850/1900", pero eso es de papel, porque en la realidad sus antenas no emiten 3G en 1900 Mhz, está comprobado. Tal vez sea un error operativo, comercial o técnico, que sea solucionado en el futuro.

Como dato interesante, te comento que en este momento estoy de viaje en Santiago, Chile, y tengo activado el omnia2 con roaming, ... usando mi chip movistar, LEVANTO 3G CON EL OMNIA2, o sea que Movistar sede Chile no cometió el mismo error o problema de las bandas, ...

Lo probé con un chip claro mio, y tambien levanta 3G en Chile .

Espero que te haya aclarado el panorama, en resumen, si te intersa el Omnia2, para usar en ARG, ... olvidate de esperar el i8000L, compra este y arreglatelas con la situacion de las cias., o bien busca un equipo especificametne con 3G americano 850/1900..


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Guest guy.user

Thanks for the replies, rodrigofd & secany,

I am kinda happy and disappointed at the same time.

I'm happy to know that i8000 will work on NA 3G band,

but disappointed that it's not yet released (which means the model carried by our carrier is probably just i8000, not i8000L)....

secany, do you have any clue when i8000L will be available?

Thanks in advance!

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