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BETA TESTING PocketShield for Omnia2/Pro

Guest buckley10

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Guest buckley10

Guys from Pocketshield have just released a beta version for Omnia2!

Hello Omnia2/Pro users. We are starting to work on the version for these 2 devices which run WM6.5 and have proximity sensor(will replace light sensor to be more accurate and work at any light conditions).

The problem is: we have none of those devices yet smilie2.gif, we are just trusting the latest Samsungs SDK.

So we will start releasing a first "blind" build which you can test and report the issues.

Main aspects to test:

1. Incoming call protection

2. Gestures unlok

3. Proximity unlock (after power on, should unlock only if no object is closer than 7cm)

Log file:

Each time you start PS, a log file will be created under \Program Files\Pocketshield\LOG.txt

This log file will be deleted and reset every time you restart PS, so if you are going to send us a log make sure you do it before restarting PS.

WARNING: Will have lots of bugs! smilie1.gif

Source: http://forums.jdbp.mobi/phorum/read.php?9,5680

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