Guest dwallersv Posted February 18, 2010 Report Posted February 18, 2010 Hey gang -- I think we've solved the problem! Check out this thread. Thanks to Rudd for pulling this together.
Guest damienloh Posted February 19, 2010 Report Posted February 19, 2010 No problem at all. Believe it or not: I managed to open a PDF with up to 4 GB even over the network! The file has been created by uncompressed scanned 600dpi DIN-A4 TIFs. Just couldn't believe it but it worked pretty well without extensive usage of RAM. Actually it seemed to be no difference to normal files. Performance wasn't excellent for sure but it worked extremely stable. Great job by Acrobat! In general I think you should not run in problems with any of your PDFs. Just give it a try. I suspect WM6.1 uses a swap file similar to Windows XP \windows\_memmap_.tmp (10MB)
Guest speedfrog Posted February 20, 2010 Report Posted February 20, 2010 why does the omnia ii just has 144.23 mb program memory? when the htc hd2 has 453.07 mb program memory!
Guest absolutshame Posted February 22, 2010 Report Posted February 22, 2010 why does the omnia ii just has 144.23 mb program memory? when the htc hd2 has 453.07 mb program memory! Doesn't the Omnia 2 have an additional 8gb of internal memory for programs? I know I never install apps on my main storage with the exception of a few apps only.
Guest prosxpal Posted March 8, 2010 Report Posted March 8, 2010 [Now, what are in that 96mb of reserved memory? 1) GSM/3G module occupies 32mb of RAM. 16mb of radio FW is most likely has been copied there on boot time and rest 16mb are used for variables and other data to work. 2) 16mb of shared RAM between GSM/3G and Samsung CPU. It's required for communication. 3) Video Frame Buffers including overlays, directdraw ~10mb 4) 3D buffers occupied ~16mb of RAM. first let me tell you that I'm not an expert or into this kinda stuff very before you laugh consider that I'm only trying to find some answers to enlighten me. I still don't get why so much allocated ram needed for this device, so here are my questions: what i don't understand is why gsm/3g module needs 32mb of ram? and why + 16mb is needed to share with cpu? correct me if I'm wrong I'm not into this stuff but when I think of it there is samsung jet that uses the same cpu (not winmo, I get it ok) but if that much ram is needed for gsm/3g/cpu, does jet has it inside? i mean it must be standart for all the same hardware.. also winmo and windows(xp/vista whatever) are different but in theory the hardware and software system must be alike? I mean I don't have allocated ram for any of this in my pc, do I?(except gpu maybe) cpus do have memory cache for this and what is the size of it on a pc 1mb/2mb? why does samsung 800mhz needs 16 mb allocated ram memory to comminucate with other services? also samsung software kills apps when ram is below some mb. so why do you need to allocate this from the beginning? you free as much as ram for the system and if it needs more for 3g,3d, gsm whatever it can kill other apps. + in a pc when I'm suffering for more ram it warns me that it needs more so I can kill unused or unwanted apps by myself. or simply I don't start that app which needs more ram, or I reboot etc. in a pc more free ram is more speed right? or more ram is more speed right?is it the same for winmo? so what is the point to allocate 100mb ram from the beginning? so wouldn't it be more useful for me to take control of the device if I can manage it by myself(samsung software is still free to kill all the apps when needed(ie. emergency)) or if I don't know how to handle the winmo system (inexperienced user) existing system of o2 would be reasonable. so wouldn't be used an option for this in settings. it would be lovely for the user to have an option. why does the omnia ii just has 144.23 mb program memory? when the htc hd2 has 453.07 mb program memory! o2 has 256mb ram which most of it is allocated so you have ~140 for yourself.
Guest Chainfire Posted March 8, 2010 Report Posted March 8, 2010 AutoClosePatch solves the issue for me - then again, I wrote it <_<
Guest prosxpal Posted March 12, 2010 Report Posted March 12, 2010 AutoClosePatch solves the issue for me - then again, I wrote it <_< thanks for this app. it seems very useful. but I find this solution is just temporary. it does not solve the reserved ram problem. personaly I did not need much multitasking yet so I'm mainly focusing to understand the issue. but I'll use this when I need it. Thank you again. do any of you know a contact info (email) of samsung HQ in korea? maybe we can send some mail about our problems including reserved ram issue and ask for an explanation why so much reserved ram is needed? Also I doubt they answer us but it may be useful if they get too many complaints about this, they release a solution? Because I don't think they track back the issues on the net. Like:;topic=12567 Yes sometimes I dream so much :mellow: on a side note, does this have to do something with eboot part? does eboot reserves ram when booting the device? if so can it be edited? I googled this but no luck. there are some eboot editors for psp but I didn't see any editor for winmo devices. also I found: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\FlashLite ActiveX\Memory Settings:Dynamic Memory(in MB) is 128 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\FlashLite ActiveX\Memory Settings:Static Memory(in KB) is 128 anything to do with this? do they affect reserved ram? 'cause flash does not work properly in o2. just some thoughts...
Guest nap_rz Posted April 15, 2010 Report Posted April 15, 2010 Hi, after reading last posts from this thread i thought i'd drop some light to the issue, so you can better understand some facts myself and others, already have dig into... First of all, at least I8000 and I8000L, DO HAVE 256 MB of physical RAM memory. That is a fact. (there are complex technical proofs into WM core and i won't bother with that here). Second, WinMobile 6.5 has some common components, and a particular, device-specific part, (kernel) that is written BY PHONE MANUFACTURER.. That is to say, samsung wrote WM 6.5 kernel for Omnia2 I8000. Among other tasks, this kernel is resposible for handling or memory related tasks, and of course determines how much physical memory can be allocated by windows programs, services and drivers. At least with current means, no chef can mess with this kernel, so rom cooking cannot in any way modify fixed available memory (which varies between 139 - 140 MB of RAM , for various WM 6.5 published roms) . So cooked roms will have same avail. memory as their base roms. This kernel cannot in ANY WAY be used from another device, not even another samsung one. However, program closing issues, seems to be more related to a WM configuration issue, than of a kernel issue, which however is not completely discarded. Proof of this are those several reg.changes that can improve this annoyance. At the moment i've heard and read about lots of people complaining about a disastrous memory handling or availability in all omnia2 -similar generation models (920, B7610, I8000, I8000L etc) .. After lot of investigation, and collaboration from WM hacker experts, all clues point that remaining physical memory is used DIRECTLY by some hardware components and windows drivers... much likely the video controller within CPU S3C6410... (3D, 2D etc)... In any case, all this stuff is hard-coded in kernel (NK.EXE).. so either, 1) an insanely skilled programmer manages to hack and crack I8000 kernel, so as to make more available physical memory, assuming that at least some of it ACTUALLY CAN BE MADE AVAILABLE, and stealed for whatever use it is being given to ... or 2) wait for a samsung update that changes this situation.... i talked to a XDA guru (cmonex) who is willing to help (as a job = $$$) and i am collecting a bounty to do so .. she will dig into it on february ... so what happened to this bounty project?
Guest thund3r Posted April 15, 2010 Report Posted April 15, 2010 AutoClosePatch solves the issue for me - then again, I wrote it :P MAN U R A GENIUS !!! Simple and.. yeah genius app, ok why coudn't the samsung/microsoft guys predict an issue of such sort and we're stuck patching our devices to get the base features runnig right ;) ;) ;)
Guest TheGoDxxxx Posted April 16, 2010 Report Posted April 16, 2010 MAN U R A GENIUS !!! Simple and.. yeah genius app, ok why coudn't the samsung/microsoft guys predict an issue of such sort and we're stuck patching our devices to get the base features runnig right ;) ;) ;) The funny (or sad?) thing is, this isn't an issue. Samsung seems to think of this as some kind of feature, the delibertly put it in!
Guest thund3r Posted April 17, 2010 Report Posted April 17, 2010 So... couldn't WE, the users, express our complains to Samsung and hope for a better update, is it so hard ? Or they just say it's over with that buggy winmo omnia, we're making bada now ;) ...
Guest jebise Posted April 17, 2010 Report Posted April 17, 2010 well they are still releasing updates for the phone, so they might make improvements. Improvements that should have been there from the beginning. I wish they just supported all there i8000 world wide and not just europe. I have not even seen one update for my samsung i8000L from canada. I don't even know if we will get 6.5.3 officially which really pisses me off.
Guest dwallersv Posted April 17, 2010 Report Posted April 17, 2010 The funny (or sad?) thing is, this isn't an issue. Samsung seems to think of this as some kind of feature, the delibertly put it in! Well, actually, it is, given the WM6 memory model and the inadequate RAM Samsung designed into the O2. 256MB was an incredibly idiotic design decision. Given the power of the hardware, and all the fancy software that could be expected to be run on it by even a sub-moron looking at the market, a minimum of 384MB should have been in the design. 512 would have been the cat's meow -- like, uh, some of the competition.
Guest jebise Posted April 18, 2010 Report Posted April 18, 2010 Well, actually, it is, given the WM6 memory model and the inadequate RAM Samsung designed into the O2. 256MB was an incredibly idiotic design decision. Given the power of the hardware, and all the fancy software that could be expected to be run on it by even a sub-moron looking at the market, a minimum of 384MB should have been in the design. 512 would have been the cat's meow -- like, uh, some of the competition. not true most new phones that either just came out or are coming out have only 256MB. WP7 minimum is 256MB as well. RAM is not the issue it just how they use the RAM.
Guest prosxpal Posted April 18, 2010 Report Posted April 18, 2010 Yep the issue is how they use the ram but it should be better if they'd used 512mb ram with this "all in one" . Then we wouldn't have this topic. ;)
Guest jebise Posted April 18, 2010 Report Posted April 18, 2010 yeah minimum RAM for this phone should have been 384MB which would give us more then enough with the stock ROM. But what can you do? stupid decision on there part, how much for would it have cost them? $5 dollars i would glady pay that if i'm already paying 400 bucks.
Guest drorcun Posted April 23, 2010 Report Posted April 23, 2010 htc touch diamond 2 with stock rom has 185 mb usable and 105 mb free ram.. it has 288 mb ram totally.. so samsung should ask htc how to lower the amount of reserved ram...
Guest stylus1828 Posted April 23, 2010 Report Posted April 23, 2010 htc touch diamond 2 with stock rom has 185 mb usable and 105 mb free ram.. it has 288 mb ram totally.. so samsung should ask htc how to lower the amount of reserved ram... Yeah right! I bett we will never see better opengl drivers or more ram from Samsung. Even omnia HD has better drivers than omnia 2 and both phones use the same graphics chip!!!
Guest tees999 Posted April 23, 2010 Report Posted April 23, 2010 It should be my last Samsung, after having it for more than 4 phones over 5 years. Omnia2 cost me the most and disappoint me the most too.
Guest stylus1828 Posted April 23, 2010 Report Posted April 23, 2010 Same here. Definitly my last Samsung phone!!!!I'm going back to Nokia or HTC !
Guest pixiewave Posted May 7, 2010 Report Posted May 7, 2010 back to WM 6.1 but how do we do that? i can only upgrade, not downgrade :P I'm also curious, aside from a few people who already posted above, anyone else find this annoying and unacceptable? and yep, i find this greatly annoying and unacceptable :D:(
Guest phnikola Posted May 9, 2010 Report Posted May 9, 2010 (edited) It should be my last Samsung, after having it for more than 4 phones over 5 years. Omnia2 cost me the most and disappoint me the most too. Same here. Definitly my last Samsung phone!!!!I'm going back to Nokia or HTC ! Its a little bit offtopic, but I couldn't resist. Man, I switched to Omnia 2 after 4 HTC phones (over 5 years of usage) 1. It is actually quite impressive what Samsung succeeded in software part after only several tryouts in WM world. Their software has its own flaws, but Media Player, Camera software, Samsung Today have been 10x faster developed into usable apps versus their HTC competitors (Album, HTC Home, then Manilla etc) 2. In relate to hardware (build quality, not performance) I am completely certain right now that you can't find better-built WM devices than Samsung's. 3. In addition to all this, Omnia is WAY more affordable than HTC devices (and I am not speaking about HD2, but older ones) One of the reasons (for the last two bullets) is that Samsung actually provides mostly all phone parts. I was laughing while unboxing Omnia 2 when I saw that every phone part had its own serial No, and that I finaly got usable headphones, because I never got this with HTC. Edited May 9, 2010 by phnikola
Guest modacian Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 so, after almost a year of its release, we are still having the RAM memory issue! auto close patch is good, but it doesn't solve the fact that memory is lowered to 12 to 18MB usable after 2 days of heavy usage with no applications open, and after that you have to reset the phone to reclaim the lost 60MB... So still no solution? I don't need more ram, 66 to 76MB at startup is fine, but how do we keep it? of well, I am using schedule reset and automatically resetting the phone every night at 4AM...
Guest phnikola Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 so, after almost a year of its release, we are still having the RAM memory issue! auto close patch is good, but it doesn't solve the fact that memory is lowered to 12 to 18MB usable after 2 days of heavy usage with no applications open, and after that you have to reset the phone to reclaim the lost 60MB... So still no solution? I don't need more ram, 66 to 76MB at startup is fine, but how do we keep it? of well, I am using schedule reset and automatically resetting the phone every night at 4AM... This is purely ROM dependant. I use Rodrigofd ultralite 6.5 ROM, and have 88 MB after reboot, and approx. 76-80 MB after 7-10 days of heavy use. Cheers
Guest triplex76 Posted May 11, 2010 Report Posted May 11, 2010 just use sktools and enable in shadow processes release ram .... it works good
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