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O2Compass and O2Flash

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Guest Rapid81


Current version: 3.31

Updated: 04/06/2010

This is a compass application with extra features listed below.


Simple start the application. If you see the "Calibration Screen" then do what it says, rotate your phone in the 3 axis with full circles. If you away from any electronic and magnetic interference, the calibration takes 3-5 seconds. If you can't wait to complete the process, you can skip it, but then the compass may not be accurate.

To use you need to install the .NET Compact Framework 3.5!

It works on these devices:

- Samsung Omnia 2 (i8000)

- Samsung Omnia 2 (i920)

- Omnia Pro (B7610)

- WM6.1 & WM6.5 & WM6.5.3

Samsung SDK in the installer changed to 2.2 therefore theoretically works on these 2 devices too:

- SCH-M710/715 T*Omnia II

- SPH-M7350 Oz Omnia

FAQ in Post #324

Themes in Post #325

You can create your own Compass and page skins:

0. Download the 3.3 SDK file from here.

1. In this, you can find everything what you need to know to create your own compass skin and page backgrounds or full theme.

2. The PSD files are the samples. To the compass creation, you found a Tutorial document with screenshots in the Compass folder. With that, you can create it easily.

3. In every folder in this compressed file you found a Folder.txt. This contain the appropriate folder where you need to put your own skins.

4. The program automatically put the new skin to the list of skins in the Skins page.

5. Enjoy!

6. Upload it somewhere and share with us!

Changes in V3.31 (04/06/2010):

  • New theme selection mode. Now the changing is not works page by page, just at once. When you change a theme, everything is changing (buttons, backgrounds, checkboxes, etc.)
  • Settings now saved to the registry
  • New icons
  • The Themes structure now is the following:
    • Installation directory\Themes\Theme's name\
      • Backgrounds\
        • DestBack.jpg - Destination's background
        • DetectorBack.jpg - Metal detector background
        • DetectorBar.jpg - Metal detector's progressbar
        • LevelBack.jpg - Spirit level's background
        • LightSensorBack.jpg - LightSensor's background
        • OptionsBack.jpg - background of Options

        • Compass\
          • 0-180.jpg - the compass
          • Background.jpg - bacgkround of the compass

          • Images\
            • Buttons\
              • addtolist_dn.jpg
              • addtolist_up.jpg
              • deldest_disable.jpg
              • deldest_dn.jpg
              • deldest_up.jpg
              • delselected_dn.jpg
              • delselected_up.jpg
              • delwaypoint_disable.jpg
              • delwaypoint_dn.jpg
              • delwaypoint_up.jpg
              • hidelist_dn.jpg
              • hidelist_up.jpg
              • savecurrloc_disable.jpg
              • savecurrloc_dn.jpg
              • savecurrloc_up.jpg
              • setdest_dn.jpg
              • setdest_up.jpg
              • setwaypoint_dn.jpg
              • setwaypoint_up.jpg
              • showlist_dn.jpg
              • showlist_up.jpg
              • startdetector_dn.jpg
              • startdetector_up.jpg
              • stopdetector_dn.jpg
              • stopdetector_up.jpg


              [*]bubblehoriz.jpg - Spirit level's bubble (horizontal)

              [*]bubblevert.jpg - Spirit level's bubble (vertical)

              [*]horizontal.jpg - Horizontal center marker

              [*]vertical.jpg - Vertical center marker




              [*]checked.jpg - checked checkbox



              [*]unchecked.jpg - unchecked checkbox

              Changes in V3.3 (27/02/2010):

              - Added: Light Sensor

              - Added: Saveable destinations list

              - Added: Decimal minutes coordinate format

              - Added: "Add current location to the list" button

              - Skin changing method changed. Now skin can changeable with up-down finger sliding

              - Memory usage cut down to the possibly minimal. On average usage it's 3-4MB.

              - Copy-Paste-Clear context menu added to the coordinate input fields

              - minor and bigger bugfixes

              Changes in V3.21 (13/02/2010):

              - Added: Main menu - Options / Skins / Minimize / Exit - Thx the idea to Alex.Shastov

              - At minimized state, the app doesn't eat any CPU time (just the GPS stays on, if it's on).

              - Minor bugfixes

              Changes in V3.2 (12/02/2010):

              - Added: GPS turn on/off option

              - Added: Decimal / Sexagesimal coordinates format support

              - Added: Changeable Metal detector background and progressbar

              - Waypoint changed to Destination

              - Minor bugfixes

              Changes in V3.1 (06/02/2010):

              - Added: GPS coordinates (decimal), waypoint (decimal), altitude, speed and GPS signal strength writeouts

              - Added: spirit level

              - Added: metal detector

              - Added: options and skins page

              - Added: skinnable compass and pages, easy skin changing

              - Added: command line parameter to start the flashlight alone (-flash)

              - The calibration screen appears when the accuracy go down below 100%

              - Haptic feedback

              - Keeps the backlight on

              - Minor bugfixes

              Changes in V2.0 (31/12/2009):

              - The FlashLight function works properly


              If you appreciate my work, donate me.


              (Current version: 1.2)

              I'm also created a separate application to run just the flahlight. That's the O2Flash. You can download it from

              here. The O2Flash are integrated to the O2Compass installer, but if you need it alone...

              Changes in V1.2:

              - The flash does not turn off when you switch off the screen. (THX to NetRipper)

              Changes in V1.1:

              - The application does not let the phone to sleep, so the flash doesn't turn off when the screens turn off.

              Special thanx to the donors:

              €2 + €2 - Eleftherios K. - my very first donor, thank you

              €5 - David L. - thank you

              €10 - Miguel Arranz S. - thank you

              €6.99 + €7.34- dwallersv - thank you

              €5 - Pető G. - thank you

              €6 - skoda60 - thank you

              €10 - tbturker - thanks

              €5 - Daniele T. - thanx

              €5 - rbean - Thank you

              To do list (no priority order at all):

              - inclinometer

              - proctractor

              - integrated Google Maps

              - Beep sound for Metal detector

              - Port the whole project to OpenGL ES


Edited by Rapid81
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Guest JasonMa
O2Compass V1.0

I was made a new compass application to Omnia 2. Not a fancy one, but better and has a better looking like the others we saw 'till now.

Unfortunately the application needs the Samsung SDK 2.0.

Known issues:

If the compass' needle doesn't work properly then shake the phone until it works. The magnetic sensor needs to be calibrate.


thanks a lot, great job. :)

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Guest Rapid81

I was improved the program a little. :) I was implemented a FlashLight function. You found the new installer at the #1 post.


I found a problem. ;) After the first run, the flashlight doesn't works just after a soft reset. I don't understand, but I'm working on it.

Edited by Rapid81
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O2Compass V1.1

I was made a new compass application to Omnia 2. Not a fancy one, but better and has a better looking like the others we saw 'till now.

Unfortunately the application needs the Samsung SDK 2.0.

Known issues:

If the compass' needle doesn't work properly then shake the phone until it works. The magnetic sensor needs to be calibrate.



I was implemented a FlashLight function. Just touch the "FlashLight" menu to turn on/off the phone's light.

Dude, you own.

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Guest Rapid81
Hi Rapid81, thanks for the nice compass. Is there any chance you could make the compass skinable and maybe add a readout in degrees?

I'm really noob in VC++. I used to work in Delphi, but Delphi does not have the capability to create apps to WM. I'll try to move this project to VB, it's a more understandable language, VC++ is a big mess. :) If I can port it to Visual Basic then we'll talk about the skins and readouts.

Right now, I can't understand why the flashlight stops working after one run. And a top of that, I can't understand if I install the program, it's not working, and the standalone .exe doesn't works too. When I uninstall it, the standalone .exe in my sd card starts working. ;) I'm at the point when I want to put my computer on fire. B)

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Guest dwallersv
I'm really noob in VC++. I used to work in Delphi, but Delphi does not have the capability to create apps to WM. I'll try to move this project to VB, it's a more understandable language, VC++ is a big mess. :) If I can port it to Visual Basic then we'll talk about the skins and readouts.

Right now, I can't understand why the flashlight stops working after one run. And a top of that, I can't understand if I install the program, it's not working, and the standalone .exe doesn't works too. When I uninstall it, the standalone .exe in my sd card starts working. ;) I'm at the point when I want to put my computer on fire. B)

Just a guess: There are resources used by the Framework to manage the light, and it can't be left in an "on" state when the program exits -- this screws up the state management.

The solution is to make the program a single instance app, and simply minimize it when someone "closes" it if the light is on; then, when they run it again, the OS will simply bring the process/app to the foreground, and you can turn off the light through the API when invoked.

I've been planning to implement a Flashlight app to do this in exactly this manner, toggling the light each time it's invoked. No user interface -- just a Programs icon that you press to turn it on, and again to turn it off -- at which time it will exit.

Maybe I'll get around to it today...

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Guest Rapid81
Just a guess: There are resources used by the Framework to manage the light, and it can't be left in an "on" state when the program exits -- this screws up the state management.

The solution is to make the program a single instance app, and simply minimize it when someone "closes" it if the light is on; then, when they run it again, the OS will simply bring the process/app to the foreground, and you can turn off the light through the API when invoked.

I've been planning to implement a Flashlight app to do this in exactly this manner, toggling the light each time it's invoked. No user interface -- just a Programs icon that you press to turn it on, and again to turn it off -- at which time it will exit.

Maybe I'll get around to it today...

I can managed to get it work in VB so I'm working on the VB version of this app. It's sooooo easy in VB! :)

The 2.0 version will have:

- Correct work of the Lamp

- Changeable background image AKA compass image

- Degree writeout

- Changeable needle position to align it to the background image

- The compass will not appear until the magnetic sensor not initialize correctly

- maybe changeable compass needle

- and I don't know what else... ;)

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Guest hiperjp

Doesn't work for me. The arrow doesn't move.

Also I have installed SDK 2.1 and rebooted the phone. Same result.

Flashlight function works pretty good.

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Guest Rapid81
Doesn't work for me. The arrow doesn't move.

Also I have installed SDK 2.1 and rebooted the phone. Same result.

Flashlight function works pretty good.

Known issues:

If the compass' needle doesn't work properly then shake the phone until it works. The magnetic sensor needs to be calibrate.

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Guest Rapid81

I can managed to receive the correct values of the magnetic sensor in Visual Basic. I'll start develop the graphical appearance tomorrow. That's enough for one day. :)

The FlashLight function works properly.

I'm waiting for any idea to improve this app.

Functions, configuration capabilities, etc. (for example spirit-level function or something like that)


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Thanks. Works well. I am having the issue with repeated runs of the program opening up multiple instances and having to soft reset to get the flashlight to work again.

Edited by Snow02
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Hi again Rapid81, how about an option to show 2 needles (different colours) on the same compass where one would point north and the other would remain pointing in a user defined direction. Maybe some nice features to incorporate would be a pedometer using the accelerometer or an odometer/altimeter/speedometer/trip computer thingy using the GPS. :)

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Guest .:stn:.

gr8 job man!

works ok on b7610 as well, though flashlight option stops also others apps forum using LEDs, maybe that is a key? it reserves some "memory" and doesn't "let go" after using?

the colors on needle should be more visible!

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Guest bobobird

Fine first app. Only issue is the flashlight - works first time app is run, but close app and restart and flashlight does not work anymore.

Small suggestion ; Compass itself does not need to be so large and some parts of the screen could be used for other info. Also the North triangle would be better if it was coloured differently.

Thanks for sharing the app.

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I can managed to receive the correct values of the magnetic sensor in Visual Basic. I'll start develop the graphical appearance tomorrow. That's enough for one day. :)

The FlashLight function works properly.

I'm waiting for any idea to improve this app.

Functions, configuration capabilities, etc. (for example spirit-level function or something like that)

Make it skinnable.  Also, what's a spirit level?

Never heard that before.

Oh nevermind, I'm a dumbass...I've always just called it a level...but yeah, great idea man give it a shot!

Thanks again for this great work.

Edited by surgex
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Guest Mr Man2003

Thanks man... Great app...

Would like to suggest to have the ability to name a city, then compass will show its direction... You can use (GPS or GSM or Manual Entry of current location) to calculate the current location...

Highly appreciate your effort...

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