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Quickmark, problem with exe file

Guest teamkillexpert

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Guest teamkillexpert

please, if you don't want to believe me, there is no point to keep reading.

so when I tell you that this version of Quickmark works on i8000, you shouldn't question that, or you might as well question if I have a real problem at all.

here is the thing, when I install Quickmark, it usually won't work. It shows a message which says something like it's not singed or whatever, and please reinstall.

I will also tell you that redownloading or reinstalling will not work, please don't suggest me these simple fixes.

But I have a clue that might help to solve the problem, in the right hands. The message that shows up is the same message if you make an empty shortcut. which means if you make a shortcut which leads to a program that doesn't exist, this exact same message will appear.

obviously, I am aware that it could've been the same problem but I have checked and it isn't. The same message will appear even if you press the exe file directly, which does not involve a shortcut.

this leaves 2 possibilities. One, the exe file itself has some sort of problem, but that cannot explain why sometimes it works. Two, the exe file is written in such a way that it messes with Windows's file system, and it causes it self to be invisible sometimes.

and thanks I don't need another qr code reader, unless it reads things in japanese and chinese, with proper spaces and text wrap, which i-nigma doesn't have.

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