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Guest kdkinc
Posted (edited)

This Repository is a idea I copied from Tacchan23 & Lioryte

None of these Cabs were created or modified by me. I have used most all of these at one time or another.

With your help I would like to keep this updated to the latest versions of the cabs that most people use


Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3.3.cab By Schap XDA - Great app to with lots of tools to configure your phone operation (use with care)


GoogleMaps.CAB By Google - Versioin 4.1

Omarket.cab By Freeware - PocketPC - Marketplace type app.

Omarket.cab old Opnmarket

SRS HD WOW-Increase speaker phone loudness and help earphone- SRS_WOW_HD_OMNIA2.CAB By Wiskeybro - USE WITH SRS HD WOW . ***(install this before SRS WOW cab) Security_Off.cab By Wiskeybro - Site: http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000-verizo...-hd-for-omnia2/

Slide2ShutdownSetup_v1.1.CAB By Cythrelo at XDA - Excellent soft reset tool

Sparta_Startap_v1.0.cab By Sparta77 - Make phone sound like old HP desktop on start up

StartMenu_Grid_4.CAB By many people

DC23 STOCK ROM- Got a need to bring phone back to original state?? (boring) Thanks to -Radioman96P71 - SLOW DOWN LOAD_ PDA side ONLY


Edited by kdkinc
Guest kdkinc
Posted (edited)

BING- new update - 5.1.2010.6280 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en

Deluxe Moon_ version 1.23 http://www.lifewaresolutions.com/download....wm&type=cab By Lifeware solutions - What phase is the moon in

GPS Keep Alive v1.3, Keep your GPS fix even on standby no battery burn!GPS_Controller_CAB_v1_3.CAB By - ping your Gps at set times to get quicker start up. -By Royaldrew

Pandora_VGA_IVAN1_SC.cab Install This first b4 Pandora lunacieROM_tcpWindow.cab By Ivan1 XDA - Ok tool to use Pandora , font a little small

Start Menu for people who don't like wm6.5 start menu By Joe Wilcox XDA - http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment...mp;d=1258863605

O2Compass Current version: 3.31 Updated: 04/06/2010 http://www.4shared.com/dir/26909904/f338c302/O2Compass.html

Nice compass app PLUS more Site: http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000-verizo...ss-and-o2flash/

Orientation Detection v1.0 & AutoRotation v1.1, OR by mcbee, AR by Pompoko from KingMobile

AutoRotation v1.1 from KingMobile by Pompoko http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=40282

OrientationDetectionv1.0.3578.41931.rar *NEW* (Version 1.0.3578.41931) http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=40485

Site: http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000-verizo...orotation-v1-1/

S2U2 link lots to read http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=527523

CorePlayer BY dexlee http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=53898

Link to site http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000-verizo...-omnia-2-i8000/

SK Tools Trial $$ http://s-k-tools.com/sktools/SKTools5.ZIP Great tool many functions

7ZIP PC program http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z465.exe to open rar. Files plus more gotta have it!! Site: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html

Mainmenu MainMenu_Icon_changed.rar OPEN with 7ZIP. copy mainmenu exe. file to- windows<startmenu>programs> program a button to open I use button1 .Best menu going IMHO :huh:

OPENGLES http://www.khronos.org/opengles/ ------ http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=48241 AMDZero this one’s for you. I looked at it and my head hurt. LOL. (Probably not what you wanted)

Chrome Editor By Showaco XDA http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment...mp;d=1241663449 Site: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=506951

SpoonCharge - Fullscreen Battery Monitor By DotNetCoder XDA Site: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=669862 See from a distance how your phone is charging.

MarketPlace app http://mobile.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/...arketplace.mspx

Resco File Explorer -Trial $$ - http://www.resco.net/pocketpc/explorer/downloads.asp

Resco Photo Manager -Trial $$ - http://www.resco.net/pocketpc/photomanager/downloads.asp

SkyFire http://get.skyfire.com/m/tracking_redirect..._type=win_touch - SITE: http://www.skyfire.com/

CHROME EDITOR http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment...mp;d=1241663449 Site: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=506951

XM Radio Player - Listen to satellite radio SXRADIO2 by Steamtown Media Limited

***Must have XM Subscription ***


AutoClosePatch AutoClosePatch_1.1.cab SITE: http://www.chainfire.eu/articles/68/AutoCl...h_1_1_released/

Some devices, especially the new 2009 Omnia series from Samsung do not have a lot of memory available. Some of these are also configured to use rather aggressive memory management. The result is that you can hardly start any amount of applications (3 or 4, usually) before the system starts to shut down already running applications, while half or more of the available physical memory is not being used at all.

TreeSize Mobile See where and how big various program are. Takes a few seconds to load. TreeSizeMobile.CAB Site: http://www.jam-software.com/freeware/

SkyFire Web Browser - Site : http://www.skyfire.com/

uZard Web Browser - "new" similar to "skyfire" faster then IE. Able to leap over tall buildings in a single bound.- SITE : http://uzard.com/en/down/download_windowsmobile.asp "yeah the uZard browser has support for Flash 10! Hello Hulu!" AMDZero

Download Opera Mobile 10 Touch http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?sub=+...mp;nothanks=yes --Samsung GT-I8000 Omnia II

• Windows Mobile – English

Opera Mini 5 beta - http://m.opera.com/mini5wm.cab?act=dl&tag=mini5wm

Easy Set S3Clock, Over/Under Clocking tool - By Daskalos - for overclocking--for the experienced only read before using


Screen Off- turn off screen but keeps active programs working . see my post #46- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=707458

AUDIO ROUTER- This is a little application that switches the audio output from the rear speaker to the front speaker

or Bluetooth headset of your PPC or SmartPhone.


Edited by kdkinc
Guest kdkinc
Posted (edited)


Edited by kdkinc
Guest kdkinc

Office 2010 added seems to work......

:P :D

Guest WinJo69

This Repository is a idea I copied from Tacchan23 & Lioryte

None of these Cabs were created or modified by me. I have used most all of these at one time or another.

With your help I would like to keep this updated to the latest versions of the cabs that most people use


Hey there!

Could you please tell me what to do to get some of these to install?

I know I probably just need to 'unlock it' and I did run the 'Security Off' cab file and reboot it, but I still get this message?

........not digitally signed with a Tursted Certificate.

Thanks in advance!

Guest amdzero
Hey there!

Could you please tell me what to do to get some of these to install?

I know I probably just need to 'unlock it' and I did run the 'Security Off' cab file and reboot it, but I still get this message?

........not digitally signed with a Tursted Certificate.

Thanks in advance!

That is because one of your files (probably a dll) is has been modified and is not signed properly. Just curious, what cab is it?

Guest WinJo69
That is because one of your files (probably a dll) is has been modified and is not signed properly. Just curious, what cab is it?

Office 10

Guest kdkinc
Office 10


i just downloaded and installed on my phone no issue.

The word icon was missing in the office folder but the link worked. i even did a short note and saved it .

Power point i did not test seeing that I no file on my phone for pp

Excell opened to a chart.

I see that quite a few people have tried it I guess with no issues.

Maybe you have something left over from a previous rom that's causing a issue ??

:P :D

Guest amdzero

i just downloaded and installed on my phone no issue.

The word icon was missing in the office folder but the link worked. i even did a short note and saved it .

Power point i did not test seeing that I no file on my phone for pp

Excell opened to a chart.

I see that quite a few people have tried it I guess with no issues.

Maybe you have something left over from a previous rom that's causing a issue ??

:P :D

Yes, what rom are you using?

Guest kdkinc
Yes, what rom are you using?

Ninja Black & Blue 7.3.7. XDA version from 5/6/10

Guest kdkinc

Added XM radio player ( need subscription )

:P :D

Guest kdkinc

ADDED... Link to Hundreds of ICONS... POST #1

:) ;)

Guest Ninja4Hire
Posted (edited)
ADDED... Link to Hundreds of ICONS... POST #1

;) :D

I cab'd up Samsung Task Switcher if anyone wants that. (pretty sure it works :) )


Edited by Ninja4Hire
Guest RoyalDrew

If you're interested in Geocaching GCZII

I use Slacker for my tunes.. go to m.slacker.com in your O2 browser(sign up to create stations)

I also use G-Alarm to wake me up everyday

Guest kdkinc
If you're interested in Geocaching GCZII

I use Slacker for my tunes.. go to m.slacker.com in your O2 browser(sign up to create stations)

I also use G-Alarm to wake me up everyday

Thanks for the suggestions

:rolleyes: :D

Guest kdkinc

added "new" HTC WOW 1st post .

remove existing SRS Wow add "new HTC" SOFT RESET is a must :(

:( :o

Guest amdzero
added "new" HTC WOW 1st post .

remove existing SRS Wow add "new HTC" SOFT RESET is a must :(

:( :o

does it actually work? Or complain about drivers not installed?

Guest kdkinc
does it actually work? Or complain about drivers not installed?

Got it going with a soft reset and uninstalling previous WOW from whiskey...

Also reinstalled security off driver.

I tested using crappy (imho) skullcandy ink earbud and touchplay.

Hope it works for you :(

:( :o

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