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Guest Rapid81
Posted (edited)

nOObody and Rapid Sense 2.5 ROM

Last updated: 16/01/2011 (NXXJJ1 and AIJH1 with build 21916 - WM6.5)

Finally, we did it! Our Sense 2.5 is finished! 2 months hard work and we created the fastest Sense 2.5 ROM in the "market".

Everything is working and everything is smooth. :huh: This ROM is great for the everyday usage.

This ROM is english.

The ROM has a hungarian version, what you can found at the PDAFanClub.com.

Changelog at 16/01/2011:

  • O2Flash V1.2
  • Error Reporting off by default
  • MP3s removed, (from registry too) except Samsung Tune.mp3
  • Total Commander 2.52 ß3
    • Fully working Documents Tab
    • Fully working FaceBook Tab
    • Samsung Dialer, SMS/MMS stayed
    • Samsung Video Call stayed
    • The default CPU speed is Auto
    • Lanscape mode is disabled in Sense (The rotation only denied to the Sense, not in the entire ROM)
      • Browser Snapshot Fix added
      • Album's Fullscreen View Fix added
      • Facebook shortcut
      • Wi-Fi On&Off shortcut
      • Bluetooth On&Off shortcut
      • New Boot/Shutdown screens
      • A Possible fix of the MMS problem - I could not tried.
        • Contacts fix included
        • latest GK OpenGL wrapper included
        • Some little fixes in Sense
          • AS and KIES problem fixed (I tried the settings what wes58 recommended to fix this problems). I did not experienced the problem in AS during the 2 days testing.
          • The Manila's core changed to the Rhodium version. It feels a little faster.
          • File signing/certificate checking disabled.

            • Smart Sync
            • Cube
            • Smart Reader
            • Samsung Main Menu
            • Other languages and keyboards than english
            • Application Store
            • Games
            • Backgrounds
            • Youtube
            • QIK
            • Opera 9.5
            • Google Maps
            • Podcast
            • Samsung FunClub
            • i8000 handbook
            • Widgets
            • MSN Weather
            • MSN Money
            • Live Search
            • SkyBox
            • SkyMarket
            • Marketplace
            • Outlook Live Updater
            • Today Selector

            What's added:

            [*]Sense 2.5.2011.3030

            [*]m6 Color TaskBar Vista Theme (with my waitcursor)

            [*]O2Flash 1.1 (on Button1)

            [*]SDKCerts 2010

            [*]Samsung SDK 2.2

            [*]HTC TaskManager 2.1

            [*]Opera Mobile 10 Final

            [*]Total Commander

            [*]SoftReset program

            [*]Topaz CommManager

            [*]MS My Phone (newest)

            [*]Sense on-off shortcut added

            [*]sgoo's Backlight on Lockscreen patch

            [*]Camera fix to date-time picture name format

            Other modifications:

            [*]Page Pool Size changed to 8MB

            [*]Task manager on Button1 hold

            [*]WinMo Settings on by default

            [*]GPS on optimum settings (COM4 / 9600)

            [*]Changed icons

            [*]4 rows Start Menu

            [*]My own Lockscreen

            [*]My own call screen with bigger caller picture

            [*]Front Camera support

            [*]Black Theme by default

            [*]Registry entry to the photoalbum filter added


            Mirror (thx to aci666 and Du5an):

            JD6 V4.2

            JF5 V4.2

            JF5 V4.2

            JF4 CSC

            JG5 V4.2

            JG5 V4.2

            JJ1 21916 Sense


            [*]Flash with Octans 2.14

            [*]You can flash it with any CSC and you need to, because if you do not flash CSC, you may run into some troubles. :P

            Big thanx to who's appriciated our work 'till now!

            [*]5€ Kosturica

            [*]10€ Moco22

            [*]10€ + 10€ Ramy

            [*]10€ Winform

            [*]5000 HUF Imhotep

            [*]10€ jclarel

            [*]18€ Charles Edgar

            [*]10€ Du5an

            [*]5€ eduuuuu

            [*]2780 +2220 HUF Kova04

            [*]10€ muchospesos

            [*]3€ Szabó Máté

            [*]10€ Galdemorph

            [*]8€ Skoda60

            [*]8€ tekes

            [*]5€ greganovak

            [*]5€ dgmorland

            [*]5€ Tarr Levente

            [*]10€ Chelonian

            [*]5€ Michael Baron

            [*]10€ Walther Schubert

            [*]10 AUD kyda



Edited by Rapid81
Guest Rapid81
Posted (edited)

Separate Sense 2.5 Installer

We provide you a separate installer of the Sense 2.5

Steps of the install:

  1. You need a light (naked) ROM with at least 105MB free space on the Device
  2. Disable any UI in "Items on Today"
  3. Install the CAB to the Device (do not let the phone to sleep in the meantime, it takes 20-25 minutes)
  4. Soft Reset
  5. Enjoy!

The Sense supports english and hungarian only!

Cooking into ROMs is allowed with one condition:

You need to mention our names and the donation's link!

Download (old version) - 04/05/2010

Download (Rhodium Core Version) - 11/05/2010

I must warn you, the Sense maybe not perfect in this way!

You'll probably face with crashes and not working functions!

I recommend you to use the ROM if you want a perfectly running Sense 2.5.

Separate TouchFlo3D 1.3 Installer

I created an installer from the version of the TouchFlo3D 1.3 what I'm using in my ROMs.

The installation method the same as at the Sense 2.5.

Download (TouchFlo3D 1.3 Fixed Edition) - 15/05/2010

Edited by Rapid81
Guest Rapid81
Posted (edited)

Sense Fixes, Extras and Others

Sense Fixes

Edited by Rapid81
Guest avantgarde280

Im first...yes..downloading it now...:-)

Guest willis111
Posted (edited)

downloading now, looks nice.

Seems I can't get this area to appear in english, trying w/no csc and original ij6 csc as well as the one provided in the original post.


After reflashing w/out a csc I have no problems with the text there, trying again w/my original csc, then going back to none to see if any other errors pop up. Maybe I was having trouble w/octanes/flashing the wrong csc. Looks like chteditor is semi-working. Crashes sense when I try to change the home layout.

Edited by willis111
Guest williamwong

I will try it now! It seems very good!...

Guest williamwong

Downloading................I am so excited at this moment!

Guest williamwong

Noobody and Rapid, you're our hero!

Guest sioppao
Posted (edited)

trying this now..

many many thanks!!

EDIT: just flashed, so amazed!!! will test it now!

Edited by sioppao
Guest Basil Daniel

Dear Rapid

you are a gentleman!

Thank you! your effort and contribution to us omnia users is without question!

Thank you!

Best wishes


Guest koko5800

thanks for this masterpiece

downloading now.........................................

Guest cengaver83

Thankssss.. Flashed and booted. No problem at all. Up to now it works well.

Guest karos

Great wrok guys.

It really worthed waiting for.


Guest mavado
Posted (edited)

WOW, the master's have done it! Downloading now!

I was just finding out how to install sense 2.5 using the Sense 2.5 thread. But while searching, this thread show's up.

Thnx again for your hard work!

Edited by mavado
Guest sioppao

take note guys, the default performance of this rom is at auto, and it is still amazing!

Guest sioppao

i just have a query - how do i unlock the default 'My Internet' data connection. it seems to be locked to t-mobile. it didn't ask for me to save the settings of my local network.

did i do something wrong?

Guest Rapid81
i just have a query - how do i unlock the default 'My Internet' data connection. it seems to be locked to t-mobile. it didn't ask for me to save the settings of my local network.

did i do something wrong?

Read the first post carefully. Ah, what the hell. I'm copy it here to you:

  • Flash with Octans 2.14
  • You can flash it with any CSC and you need to, because if you do not flash CSC, you may run into some troubles. :huh:

    • To this JD6 ROM, you need the JD9 CSC
Guest gejenn
thanks for this masterpiece

downloading now.........................................

Nice rom,1 problem..it freezes when you sync with pc.cannot transfer files from pc to phone.have to remove battery everytime it freezes.

Guest Rapid81
Nice rom,1 problem..it freezes when you sync with pc.cannot transfer files from pc to phone.have to remove battery everytime it freezes.

This problem was discussed in my other ROM's thread.

The solution is to uninstall completely (updates too) then reinstall the Mobile Device Center.

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