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[ROM] MIUI Liquid 11.05 (v0.7)

Guest koudelka

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Guest L0cu7us

i hope that when acer froyo sources will be available to us, phh & dev team fix this rom that is really beautiful, for now, for me, it is unusable due to random reboot,

battery discharges & other small bug that all here well know :)

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Guest koudelka
Will you update the ROM?

Yes, I plan to update the rom as soon as english translations are released and I can find time to put it together and do a fast QA (probably I can do it on friday or saturday).

I plan to include some stuff from CM 6.1 (DSP forexample) and I also got updated audio, and 2D graphics libaries I have compiled from codeaurora.

i hope that when acer froyo sources will be available to us, phh & dev team fix this rom that is really beautiful, for now, for me, it is unusable due to random reboot,

battery discharges & other small bug that all here well know :)

I will try look into ways to improve battery life

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nice work... with launcher

quadrant = 985 (883MHz)

CPU at 768MHz

no stable since 7 days...

- some reboots

- no crash.

ps : the car's mod work well ! (never work, crash, with LCR F 1.0 and Xian (LiquidF) v1)

edit 1:

. the "Auto Brightness" is too low.

. in french version ,many words in english

. must to fix GPS with "xian fix"

. somes errors in market... impossible to find some french software (.podkast. per exemple)

. with "launcher pro", the app drawer can't to be in 3D drawer... (lags in scrolling)

remove this ROM ... too many bugs and unstability

Edited by gatch
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Guest akira.pwr
Photos should be working, video recording is not

for those who are interested in seeing what should come in next update (tomorrow), there is a post on MIUI forums.


How can I see changes made on the new release of the rom? I'm not good to read chinese and the english version shows only a presentation and a video...

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Guest nadoolau

MIUI 0.10.15


Nexus One:


HTC Desire:


  1. Solved the reboot and sleep(could not wake up) problem when using wifi.
  2. New UI (parts of Message & Contacts)
  3. Optimized the speed of message listing.
  4. Reduced the time of deleting message preview item on lock screen, and added vibration for notification.
  5. Optimized the speed of desktop browsing.
  6. Changed the background color of notification bar to black. (except home screen)
  7. Fixed an issue: when clearing notifications on lock screen, the notifications under the notification bar still there.
  8. Fixed several issues which lead to unnormal states of launcher.
  9. Updated Google IME to the latest version.





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Guest android76
Yes, I plan to update the rom as soon as english translations are released and I can find time to put it together and do a fast QA (probably I can do it on friday or saturday).

I plan to include some stuff from CM 6.1 (DSP forexample) and I also got updated audio, and 2D graphics libaries I have compiled from codeaurora.

I will try look into ways to improve battery life


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Guest koudelka

English translation is under way, and I got good news. I got help from one of the HTC incredible developers on how to fix logcat :) so I will include that in next update. (replace liblog.so ... doh...)

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Guest Piti8576
English translation is under way, and I got good news. I got help from one of the HTC incredible developers on how to fix logcat :) so I will include that in next update. (replace liblog.so ... doh...)

Can include a german translation when is out, please?

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Guest koudelka
Can include a german translation when is out, please?

Since the translations are just in the apk files, translation packs found on XDA for 10.15 should work on the rom i release (as long as they update.zip only updates the apk and framework). If people find translation packs that works, please post them here and I will add them to first post :)

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Guest akira.pwr
Since the translations are just in the apk files, translation packs found on XDA for 10.15 should work on the rom i release (as long as they update.zip only updates the apk and framework). If people find translation packs that works, please post them here and I will add them to first post :)

If i have a traslation pack in italian, can i flash it over the new version?

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Guest koudelka
If i have a traslation pack in italian, can i flash it over the new version?

if you have the translation pack is for MIUI 10.15 then yes. if you flash over with old version it would probably create a mess (and you wont have the new miui anymore)

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Guest akira.pwr

Downloading... I'll try to use it in chinese :)

EDIT: I've found english language....

EDIT2: There is a kind of market, the icon have a chinese name; where you can download some apps like beautiful widgets for free, here BW is a pay app...

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Guest akira.pwr

During first setting, you can set it, but the rom it's not completely in english, some parts are in chinese, but nothing tragic, at least 90% is in english.

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