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i920 software upgrade from Samsung

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I ran across this article today:


It's posted as being published on Sept 10 of this year (2010). I click on the source link and it brings me here:


So now I'm full of questions. Has anyone done this? Is this a real thing? If you did do it and you use widgetplus, does it run any smoother? I have an i8000 in Canada, would work for it as well?

I've googled this phone quite extensively and spoken with Bell here and there has been no word of a firmware update until just now when I saw this article.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


When you click on the Windows Vista banner it prompts an update .exe file. I didn't dl it cause I'm pretty sure it's not compatible with my phone but still, interesting.

Edited by Echo30
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I ran across this article today:


It's posted as being published on Sept 10 of this year (2010). I click on the source link and it brings me here:


So now I'm full of questions. Has anyone done this? Is this a real thing? If you did do it and you use widgetplus, does it run any smoother? I have an i8000 in Canada, would work for it as well?

I've googled this phone quite extensively and spoken with Bell here and there has been no word of a firmware update until just now when I saw this article.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


When you click on the Windows Vista banner it prompts an update .exe file. I didn't dl it cause I'm pretty sure it's not compatible with my phone but still, interesting.

No, I doubt it would let your flash it and if it did you'd probably brick it.

But yes DG21 is the latest update for i920s, I do not know anything about updates for i8000s but if you couldn't get any word of an update out of your carrier I would try contacting samsung.

Edited by bmt10
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Thank you bmt. That's a good idea, will call Samsung Canada on Monday.

Did you do the update? What did it do for you?

DG21? Added some new widgets for touch wiz(which was broken at first and the update had to be re-released), updated verizon crap, and the second version of the update changed the CSC and messed up our flashing procedure. There might be performance improvements from it or it may just be wishful thinking.

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Guest DJ Nfinity

The update bricked my phone. I called up Verizon, they called up Samsung, and we all had a nice little chat together about all the things I could have done wrong. After answering all of Samsung Reps questions, he concluded that I did everything right and that I need a new Omnia i920. Verizon jumped in and said they could have one to me in 2 days.

I tried to get some sort of trade for another phone, such as the Incredible. TBH, I really like the O2, but every day the fact that Windows Mobile 6.5 is a ram hungry, buggy, crash-happy OS is shoved into my face. It's getting harder and harder to defend it when there are options like the galaxy S phones out there. I find most of my solace in the fact that the O2 really does everything I want a phone to do, in a few cases better than the leading competitors.

Anyways, longer story short, they told me they could only do same phone replacement and now there's a refurbished O2 on it's way to my house. Maybe this one will be magical and not have the issues that drive me crazy on a daily basis. (Screen taps and slides not registering, and screen orientation randomly switching from landscape to portrait, and vice-versa.)

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So I ended up calling Samsung Canada. HUGE surprise there have been no issued updates, and when I asked the call centre rep if support was planned, she sheepishly answered "I don't really know, they don't tell us that stuff."

It's so so frustrating owning this phone, and especially owning this phone in Canada (or any for that matter). We never get updates or support for devices, let alone devices that the manufacturer has abandoned. I came to the Omnia 2 late cause I've never been able to afford the top of the line, and I got this just a couple weeks before the S Vibrant was announced. Even when I got this one I had wanted an Android phone, but at the time the O2 was $0, vs an Android device they had for $80. My wife was getting an iPhone for $50 so I said no worries I've looked into the O2 a bit, I can have fun with this one. I don't regret my decision based on the fact that it afforded my wife to get a good phone, I regret it based on the ripoff that is windows mobile.

I should have remembered my nightmare ownership of the original HTC Touch in 2007 and the stress of windows mobile back then. In hindsight I'm sure we could have come up with the extra $80 somewhere. Oh well. I just know that never. Ever. Will Microsoft get another dime out of me concerning mobile devices. Ever. I don't consider going to windows mobile again being "fooled twice", cause it wasn't my first choice, but I will never. Ever. Ever. Own another windows phone. I don't care if wp7 takes off as the top of the line easiest, funnest thing in the world. Never again. Ever. I'll keep saying it till it happens; as soon as the opportunity presents itself, I will be using an Android phone and never looking back.

I'm sorry for bringing negativity to the forum, sometimes you just gotta get stuff off your chest.

On that note, I want to say that if it wasn't for modaco I don't know what I'd do. A very huge and sincere thanks and hats off to all those who work so hard and do so much to make these paper weights useable. This community is simply fantastic. I've pm'd several people asking for help over the last couple months, and all of them without question have written me back detailed instructions/answers, etc. Thank you to all, you make owning this device passable to everyday use.


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