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opera 9.5 plays video

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Okay, here is the news guy... well at least it is a news for me.

Just an hour ago I watched videofile that seems to be from youtube on my Opera 9.5 directly.

For those who want to try, here is how I did it.

I went to negri electronics website to check what they have to offer. On the very first page there I clicked on details button for dell streak tablet. On the bottom of the details page there is a video of a guy talking about streak. I clicked on play and it did.

I have no idea how it is even possible considering that opera does not have the flash support, that's what it is however. The video seems to be a posted from youtube. Sure enough, I went to youtube directly to see if I can watch anything else. Well... no I can't.

Can anyone explain it.

I am on stock Bell rom.

P.S. just rechecked it again. Yes that video played just fine.

Guys familliar with internet video formats more than I am, do you know what could it be?

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