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Android on Omnia II - i8000 (18.04.2011)

Guest almar

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Ok, i just tested on clean, updated installation and linking to /system/bin/su isn't really enough (also chmodding 4755 isn't enough). When trying to strace, there is problem with setgid(32) function. Altough it's strange, because it worked fine...

If You have rooted phone - can You explain how? Are You using fully updated beta?

i want my phone rooted too.....

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Hi guys,

I have encountered some problems:

1) it doesn't wake from sleep

2) the time is not correct. (even though it has gotten network)

3) when unlock the phone I get lines (do I have to update 2d/3d drivers seperately?)

I am using the 4th Feb 2011 updates as posted by XeOS (post #4) on the thread " Android for the Omnia 2 info, Specifications, Modifications,Guides, FAQ and more..."

thanks in advance

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Guest emptyara
ive tried the last step about updating the .sh file but i get an error saying "In: command not found. where do i put the o2bupdate.sh? i have it on my storage.

i guess we need some other advice.. :P

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Guest voyteckst
install busybox on /system/xbin..that's the key to fully rooted...

That's only partially true... You need also passwd and group files - and this is also not enough. After adding them su is giving following info:

su: must be suid to work properly

chmod 4755 to su don't helps.

PS. Additionally, su which is default in /system/xbin does not need above files.

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Already edited the previous post.. #2046

the last command line in Ubuntu shud be "ln -s /media/disk/system/xbin/su"

Someone correct me if am wrong...

The last command should be "ln -s /system/xbin/su su"

You can refer my post on page 98, but this is still not enough to fully root the device...

p.s. From ADB shell, it is rooted.

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Guest emptyara
install busybox on /system/xbin..that's the key to fully rooted...

i know the necessary update to root android is already posted in first page (o2bupdate.sh). But it seems that i am still not able to root it properly..

this is what i tried as to get it work:

1- copy n paste it into My Storage and Launch Haret.exe. check with app, "device in not root"

2- manual update using Better Terminal in Android by type in this line

- "suid" - got this error "bash: suid command not found". Therefore i think there is no point for me to continue to next command line due to this error occurred.

- other step that shud take place are by type these line:

"su" then, type this "cd bin"

then, type this "rm -f su"

then, type type "ln -s /system/xbin/su su"

3- I have not try to update it using Ubuntu yet because my Android is already booted. I believe this method will only work if we do it before Boot the Android for the first time. But I read in previous post mentioned that this method also will not work..these are the steps:

Through Ubuntu..

type this "cd bin"

then, type this "rm -f su"

then, type type "ln -s /media/disk/system/xbin/su"

So, I hope someone from here can show me a proper guide how to root it correctly.. Am sure I did something wrong in the steps but can't figure it out..

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Guest avantgarde280
That's only partially true... You need also passwd and group files - and this is also not enough. After adding them su is giving following info:

su: must be suid to work properly

chmod 4755 to su don't helps.

PS. Additionally, su which is default in /system/xbin does not need above files.

i think chmod 6755 is better for su binaries... :P

tranfer su to /system/bin

delete su at /system/xbin

chmod 6755 /system/bin/su

install busybox at /system/bin/

chmod 0755 to busybox

create symlynk su binaries to /system/xbin

create symlink su binaries to /bin/

and last the importent step is

create symlink su binaries to data/busybox/

then check ur busybox version on terminal..

if same with the one in /data/busybox then u must start over..

tru "su" @ terminal..

granted or not..try 1st..then inform me..dun worry i'll help u..

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Guest emptyara
The last command should be "ln -s /system/xbin/su su"

You can refer my post on page 98, but this is still not enough to fully root the device...

p.s. From ADB shell, it is rooted.

actually i using that command line u mentioned.. but, my device still not properly root. then, some in this forum suggesting that i should change the last command line.

this is what the person says..

"Since you are working under ubuntu you have the android filesystem mounted somewhere so giving that command will create the link to a file on ubuntu filesystem. If you tried to link to file on android filesystem you would ln -s /media/disk/system/xbin/su su but that would not work once android is started."

btw, will have a look at ur post on page 98..


Haha..i did ur step earlier before boot android for 1st time. device not root yet..

thank u...

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Guest emptyara
i think chmod 6755 is better for su binaries... :P

tranfer su to /system/bin

delete su at /system/xbin

chmod 6755 /system/bin/su

install busybox at /system/bin/

chmod 0755 to busybox

create symlynk su binaries to /system/xbin

create symlink su binaries to /bin/

and last the importent step is

create symlink su binaries to data/busybox/

then check ur busybox version on terminal..

if same with the one in /data/busybox then u must start over..

tru "su" @ terminal..

granted or not..try 1st..then inform me..dun worry i'll help u..

i think this is what I am waiting for... thanx avantgrade... but can u be more specific ? how to transfer, delete su and other step..

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Guest voyteckst
i think chmod 6755 is better for su binaries... :P

tranfer su to /system/bin

delete su at /system/xbin

chmod 6755 /system/bin/su

install busybox at /system/bin/

chmod 0755 to busybox

create symlynk su binaries to /system/xbin

create symlink su binaries to /bin/

and last the importent step is

create symlink su binaries to data/busybox/

then check ur busybox version on terminal..

if same with the one in /data/busybox then u must start over..

tru "su" @ terminal..

granted or not..try 1st..then inform me..dun worry i'll help u..

Few questions:

- which su (magicandroid or busybox?)?

- where to do last step?

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Guest pepsipig

i found something interesting.When I use original battery made by samsung,i can wake up the device.But when I use battery made by other small manufacturer i bought,the device will just sleep to death...

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Guest avantgarde280
i think this is what I am waiting for... thanx avantgrade... but can u be more specific ? how to transfer, delete su and other step..

just copy original one from system/xbin

chmod 6755 /system/bin/su

to delete su @ xbin dir :- rm /system/xbin/su

to create symlink

1) ln -s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su

2) ln -s /system/bin/su /bin/su

3) ln -s /system/bin/su /data/busybox/su

to install busybox

1) put busybox binaries to /system/bin/

2) Go /system/bin dir using command : cd /system/bin

3) chmod 0755 /system/bin/busybox

4) install busybox using command : ./busybox --install -s /system/bin/

to test

1) type : busybox in phone terminal to check busybox version

2) type : su in phone terminal

3) or try type su in adb shell eventhough you are already rooted in adb..

for comformation please reboot ur phone 1st..

Few questions:

- which su (magicandroid or busybox?)?

- where to do last step?

magicandroid one..not su from busybox symlink...

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i found something interesting.When I use original battery made by samsung,i can wake up the device.But when I use battery made by other small manufacturer i bought,the device will just sleep to death...

I'm using the original battery and it still has wake problems sometimes. But runs fine for ages and doesn't seem consistent.

I was starting to think it may be related to the when the battery gets down to half. But that might have been a coincidence as I only thought that recently.

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Guest cicciosprint

One thing: as of late my android installation crashes whenever a ringtone is to be used (process.android.media has stopped working). Is that a bug or my ext2 partition is becoming corrupted? One other thing I noticed is the time being uncorrect not after sleep, but after boot, always an hour behind the correct time, which is instead reported in WinMo. Setting the correct time alters the one in WinMo and vice versa.

Also, to anyone in contact with the dev team: are ambient and proximity sensors also in working order, at kernel level at least?

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One thing: as of late my android installation crashes whenever a ringtone is to be used (process.android.media has stopped working). Is that a bug or my ext2 partition is becoming corrupted?

rapid posted an update recently that fixed the unlocking issue.

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Guest cicciosprint
rapid posted an update recently that fixed the unlocking issue.

Thanks :P Noticed a bit too late and amended my post, but noticed :D

Android sure is getting better and better...

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Guest erikcas

Hmm strange. On AC powercord device is charging up to 92%. On this moment I'm connected to laptop via USB and I have "charging 95%" on my device.

Is this known? Or did I miss something?

(I'm on B7610)

grtz Erik

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in the trac site, seem that sleep is finally corrected

can we hope for the patched file today? :P

Yeah! I saw that too. Hope so!! :D

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Guest FactionOne

Just an update in case it helps anyone reading...

I'm now running in My Storage; my i8000 is a 2GB model; I've got one ~728MB FAT32 primary partition, one ~728MB EXT3 primary partition, and 512MB of extended partition for Windows Mobile recovery, which should be hidden - but at the moment is visible to WinMo as 'My Storage2' (but it doesn't seem to be causing a problem so far).

I combined all the files from n00body's 2D/3D library package, and the files from o2update.tar.gz within the 31/01 update (zImage and o2update.sh from that package in My Storage) with the files from ext2.tar.gz found in the beta release. I extracted this 'slipstreamed' ext2.tar to my EXT3 partition in Ubuntu, adjusted default.txt to point at the partition on My Storage, and booted with HARET.EXE

There is a big difference between running from My Storage and running from an SD card; so far Android has never crashed at any point during boot up, and it is a lot more responsive when it's up and running. It does feel more solid. I have had a few niggles; some odd behaviour of WiFi/GSM Data, but a reinstall solved that. Calls seem to be fine, I just had a 15 minute conversation with the phone on battery power, and it didn't drop the call.

...However, I am still getting some sleep-of-death issues; sometimes I can run a long session in Android, with the device cycling through asleep/awake states quite often without any problem; but then in another session, the first or second time the handset sleeps, it will not wake up. In the test telephone call, the audio didn't drop out; but at the end of the call I couldn't make the handset wake up, so I had to pull the battery.

I'll keep playing with it :P ...


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just copy original one from system/xbin

chmod 6755 /system/bin/su

to delete su @ xbin dir :- rm /system/xbin/su

this command: chmod 6755 /system/bin/su return "No such file or diretory" error

I dit it in disk$, system$ and bin$ on terminal and its same error, can you put more details for no linux users, thanks!

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Guest voyteckst
this command: chmod 6755 /system/bin/su return "No such file or diretory" error

I dit it in disk$, system$ and bin$ on terminal and its same error, can you put more details for no linux users, thanks!

If You are not linux user and don't understand what You are doing, better not do that.

I will check it, and if it will be working i will prepare update script.

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If You are not linux user and don't understand what You are doing, better not do that.

I will check it, and if it will be working i will prepare update script.

Thanks for advising, but I'm hardcore-self-learning-crazy-guy and did install in My storage with minimal linux skills and unhappyless my auto-updates (with 02bupdate.tar.gz) dont work...

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