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Battery Recalibration ProTip

Guest AndyHibberd

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User ebola1986's experience:


1.Connect the phone to the charger with the phone powered on, and allow the phone to charge until the notification LED is green, indicating the device is fully charged.

2.Disconnect the phone from the charger, and power it off.

3.Reconnect the phone to the charger with the phone powered off, and allow the phone to charge until the notification LED is green.

4.Disconnect the phone from the charger and power it on.

5.Once the phone is powered completely on, power it off again and reconnect it to the charger until the notification LED is green.

6.Disconnect the phone, power it on in clockwork recovery, and wipe batt stats. You need to use this sequence only once.

Because we are using the Blade ignore the "green LED" because Blade goes green at 90%. Just charge it for a while, max it out each time.



Thanks I'm trying this but I have no LED indicator lit on my phone for stage 1 with my phone on - although my screen says 'charged'. Been like this 15 mins or so. I'm using a seb 2.2 froyo rom with the latest kernal (r0.3_update_de-softened_blade_signed.zip)

Is it something to do with this rom? Can I just skip to stage 2??

EDIT - now turned the phone off. Right LED is red and has been for about 10 mins?!?!?!?!?

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Guest ivanko021

Is it normal for the battery to drop by 1% every 2-3 minutes when I browse the forum over Wi-Fi with the lowest brightness setting? I'm using Seb's 0.3 de-softened ROM and I think that before the relcalibration battery life was better. ;)

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Guest dbeckett
Is it normal for the battery to drop by 1% every 2-3 minutes when I browse the forum over Wi-Fi with the lowest brightness setting? I'm using Seb's 0.3 de-softened ROM and I think that before the relcalibration battery life was better. ;)

I would be getting similar battery loss, wifi just gobbles up the battery

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I can see my battery % dropping while surfing (3G on, nothing else on, lowest brightness). Backside gets warm, but not hot.

Tried GPS+Wifi on+3G on+max. bright and used the google navigation. Backside gets really hot, but the battery does not discharge as fast as while surfing.

If my phone is charging, I can't use my phone! I can't pass the lockscreen, because the display won't recognize my touch input. As soon as I unplug it, it will work flawlessy.

Tried the recalibration, but I can't see a difference (placebo...). My Blade lasts one day and it needs really long to recharge.


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I can see my battery % dropping while surfing (3G on, nothing else on, lowest brightness). Backside gets warm, but not hot.

Tried GPS+Wifi on+3G on+max. bright and used the google navigation. Backside gets really hot, but the battery does not discharge as fast as while surfing.

If my phone is charging, I can't use my phone! I can't pass the lockscreen, because the display won't recognize my touch input. As soon as I unplug it, it will work flawlessy.

Tried the recalibration, but I can't see a difference (placebo...). My Blade lasts one day and it needs really long to recharge.


I honestly think that it has something to do with that ROM. I have tried all the JJ ROMS and whilst each one has improved battery performance whilst browsing using 3g or wifi I can see the battery levels dropping 1% every 3mins approx. Try another ROM and see how you get on, people tend to favour Fibbles ROMS more.

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I honestly think that it has something to do with that ROM. I have tried all the JJ ROMS and whilst each one has improved battery performance whilst browsing using 3g or wifi I can see the battery levels dropping 1% every 3mins approx. Try another ROM and see how you get on, people tend to favour Fibbles ROMS more.

I must agree with you on this, using JJ RLS8 and browsing on 3G my battery was dropping 1% every couple of minutes, the fastest battery drain I've seen on all roms.

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Guest meinnit

Maybe when developers release a ROM they should have a full battery and when we install the ROM we should also have a full battery? This may help sync the stats

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Guest clear sky

Tried the trick on "Japanese jellyfish rls7" Rom but saw no improvement, on the contrary battery life seemed worse than before and the drain on stand-by was unbelievably fast. I found the solution to my problem by accident, by changing from "go launcher" to "launcher pro" battery life improved dramatically so now I leave my fully charged phone on standby for 3 hours and it stays right on 100%. I estimate that my fully charged stock battery can last about 5.5 to 6 hours of continuous heavy use i.e. making phone-calls, watching YouTube videos, browsing etc.

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Guest JohnZaibatsu
If my phone is charging, I can't use my phone! I can't pass the lockscreen, because the display won't recognize my touch input. As soon as I unplug it, it will work flawlessy.

I have the same experience but it's caused by bad charger. Using another charger or connected to PC USB port I can use touchscreen fine.

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Guest WinterWonderland

I have two batts and did this on both and I still find myself charging after each day. MY usage on Jap Jelly RLS 8:>

Running setCPU ondemand 600Mhz and auto brightness.

playing music on poweramp for 15 mins, then angry birds / video for 20 mins, then poweramp again for 10 mins. Sleep mode with occasional check in for message then back to sleep mode (CPU goes to 122mhz on sleep). Then I would use the reverse on the train home from work.

Leaves the battery by bed time around 30%.

Maybe it is an improvement I don't know but both batts have gotten a full charge then full decharge then full charge again before a further full decharge then this trick.

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Guest targetbsp
The "rom". The battery stats are at /data/system/batterystats.bin.

Is there anything to stop you backing this file up to SD using root explorer and installing it to future roms after you've done this once?

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Guest handful
I have two batts and did this on both and I still find myself charging after each day. MY usage on Jap Jelly RLS 8:>

Running setCPU ondemand 600Mhz and auto brightness.

playing music on poweramp for 15 mins, then angry birds / video for 20 mins, then poweramp again for 10 mins. Sleep mode with occasional check in for message then back to sleep mode (CPU goes to 122mhz on sleep). Then I would use the reverse on the train home from work.

Leaves the battery by bed time around 30%.

Maybe it is an improvement I don't know but both batts have gotten a full charge then full decharge then full charge again before a further full decharge then this trick.

I'm running the same ROM JJ RLS 8 and found that reducing the brightness to 16% (AMOLED) has made a massive difference to battery life. I use Dazzle widget to do this and also turn off data/wifi/gps etc when not using them. Worth a try for you guys and the brightness is fine for normal use. Charged my phone about this time yesterday and currently on 80%. Only a couple of short calls and a few txts though. ;)

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Guest English Haze

I can vouch for this procedure. I switched back to the MoDaCo 2.2 ROM on Friday (restored a nandroid backup) and yesterday my phone was dead by 7pm after disconnecting from the charger around 11am with very little use throughout the day. This morning I followed these recalibration steps again and after 5 hours I still have 93% on the gauge and I've been using the phone as much as yesterday.

I think you need to do this after installing/reinstalling any new ROM. And be patient; the indicator will turn to green and you must wait for that stage to complete each time.

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Guest targetbsp

Surely it can't actually make your battery last longer? It just makes it report more accurately doesn't it? I found my battery was plummeting to 85% after a couple of minutes following charging and then by the time it had got to 30% it lasted hours of continual use as it kinda realised it had more power than it thought - or something. That's the reason I did these steps anyway.

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Guest Xenon0816
Installing the ROM on 100% battery is a better solution in my opinion.

As far as i experienced it's equal how charged your battery is during a flash... I flashed my last rom (JJ9) with sth about 25% of battery, but the battery lasts as long as before...

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Does anyone know how the battery history is maintained if you swap between different batteries in your phone? Can it detect some kind of unique ID from each battery and store separate stats, or would it only store one set of stats and not know that the battery had been swapped? - which would effectively make the battery stats meaningless.

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