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[ROMS] X920 Series: All-In-One (Sense 2.5.2021, Titanium, TouchWizUI)

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Guest xlightwaverx
Posted (edited)


This is the X-920 All-In-One RELEASE 2.0 Test.



Everything (Even the Start Menu)

Put Back In:

Windows Mobile 6.5.21916

WinMo Standard Today, Titanium, TouchWiz UI, Sense UI

Samung DG21 Dynamic Link Libraries

Executables for Samsung Configurations

Camera and Firmware for the i920

Samsung Stock Software

All Original Samsung Applications + jInbox + MobileAP (3G2WiFi)

Add-In Software

Adobe Reader LE 2.5

Advanced Config 3.3


BattClock 3.4.3

Google Maps 4.1

Java Wireless Client 20100813.7.1

JWMD Icon Changer 2.8.2010.929

MyPhone [Latest]

O2Flash 1.1

Skype 3.0

uZardWebP 2.0 [Equivalent to Skyfire w/o the Connection Problems]

xLighWaverx Green Acre Theme - My Personal WinMo, Titanium, TouchWiz (1440x800) Desktop Theme

The X-Menu

Currently Working On:

Landscape BattClock Settings

New BattClock Notification System [Added in SP1, loose-laid until developer gets back to me]

Wifi Routing Support [Added in SP1]

New iReflect Icons [Added in SP1]

New X-Menu Graphics [Added in SP1]

Sense 2.5.2018 Interface [Added in 2.0 Test]


If you would like additional 1440x800 (3 Page) TouchWiz Themes, PM me with the Wallpaper

ROM Information:

This ROM has been built from the ground up, literally. Based on what you select for a UI, decides on how much available RAM you will have. This ROM currently maxes out at about 120MB but then settles between 110 and 100 depending on your UI. This ROM can be used with other Today interfaces if you desire. If you have the knowledge to edit your phone's StartUp Folder, you can even further increase the RAM on this device, but I have included all Stock Samsung i920 Applications and their StartUp prerequisites. This is NOT an OOberLite version. That will be released prior to the X-920 Sense ROM. This ROM is built for the Samsung Enthusiast.


AMDZero - Without you, we'd all be running about like Swedish Chefs.

Wes - Awesome Rom Tool

My GF, for putting up with the Endless Nights of working on these ROMs

Appreciated Donations

Brian W, tedkord, nickmo20, ultralight23, Stylii


X-920 Version 1.0 [x920.21916.DG21.AIO.V1.0.nb0.7z] [01-29-11]

X-920 Version 1.0 SP1 [xLightWaverx.at.Modaco.XDA.X-920.Service.Pack.1.cab] 02-04-11

X-920 Version 2.0 Test [x920.21916.DG21.AIO.V2.0.SenseTest.nb0.7z] 02-07-11

X-920 Version 2.0 Pre-Release [21916.Sense.2.5.2021.Pre-Release.2.0_03.23.2011.nb0.7z]









Edited by xlightwaverx
Guest xlightwaverx
Posted (edited)



Edited by xlightwaverx
Guest xlightwaverx
Man this looks sweet! I like the x920 grafix

Thanks, I am hoping this cellular connection doesn't quit on me. Rom is at 59% right now.


Guest ultralight23

Wow X, that looks nice. Very tempting.

Any way you can take out widgets plus?....could really use the extra memory.

Guest xlightwaverx
Wow X, that looks nice. Very tempting.

Any way you can take out widgets plus?....could really use the extra memory.


I set the kitchen up so I can cook it anyway you like, but the memory usage (on the ROM) is only about 20Mb, and you do not have to use that UI if you do not like. In fact you could disable TouchWiz UI and utilize your PointUI if you wished. I am sure it would run amazingly fast though I have never tried it.


Guest Captain Clam

How dumb is this question?

I have been running a DC23 based ROM, now I want to burn a DC21 based ROM... do I have to burn something other than the PDA portion back to DC21? I don't right?


Guest amdzero
How dumb is this question?

I have been running a DC23 based ROM, now I want to burn a DC21 based ROM... do I have to burn something other than the PDA portion back to DC21? I don't right?


There is DC23, and DG21. Both have changes to phone(radios)/cfc/pda. since we only work with pda, it doesn't matter which one you choose. Personally I would recommend you do the VZW official update to DG21, then flash a DG21 rom (or DC23 as at this point its just files).

Just my 2 cents.

Guest ultralight23
....I have been running a DC23 based ROM, now I want to burn a DC21 based ROM...

My phone was originally DG23 then flashed it to DG21 (w/upgrade) and really don't see a difference other than more DG21 ROMs to choose from.

Guest amdzero
My phone was originally DG23 then flashed it to DG21 (w/upgrade) and really don't see a difference other than more DG21 ROMs to choose from.

DG23? I was not aware of a DG23 build. I know of two DG21 builds one was V1.0.2.1, and the other was V1.0.2.3

Guest ultralight23
DG23? I was not aware of a DG23 build. I know of two DG21 builds one was V1.0.2.1, and the other was V1.0.2.3

My bad... DC23.

Posted (edited)

Hi LightWaver,

I have been running this ROM for a couple of days now and I have to say it's sweet. I've had no problems with it. I use SPB Mobile Shell and it performs very fast. Memory settles in around 96mb even with MS active . Thanks for a great ROM. This one is a keeper.

Edited by dgyahn
Guest xlightwaverx
Posted (edited)
Hi LightWaver,

I have been running this ROM for a couple of days now and I have to say it's sweet. I've had no problems with it. I use SPB Mobile Shell and it performs very fast. Memory settles in around 96mb even with MS active . Thanks for a great ROM. This one is a keeper.

Good to hear. I'll be releasing a service pack with the latest updates ASAP.

Cleaner Samsung Icon Pack for the iReflect Theme

New X-Menu Graphics

New TaskBar Settings

3G to Wifi Support


Edit: Enjoy, X-920 V.1.0 SP1

Edited by xlightwaverx
Posted (edited)
Good to hear. I'll be releasing a service pack with the latest updates ASAP.

Cleaner Samsung Icon Pack for the iReflect Theme

New X-Menu Graphics

New TaskBar Settings

3G to Wifi Support


Edit: Enjoy, X-920 V.1.0 SP1

I'm getting an error on installation. I get to about the half way point and then get the following error: "Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions." I tried to install it to main memory. Any ideas?

Edited by dgyahn
Guest xlightwaverx
Posted (edited)
I'm getting an error on installation. I get to about the half way point and then get the following error: "Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions." I tried to install it to main memory. Any ideas?

I am also having issues with this CAB. It might be a signing issue, or an Overwriting a running Executable issue. (BattClock and X-Menu) I am not sure, and I only have another 15 minutes to work on it. My apologies if I don't get it tonight, I have to get up in 3 hours to go to work. If all else fails I'll consult AMD about it, he seems to have a signing mechanism already setup.


Edit: Tried numerous signing engines and techniques. Gonna have to plug at it after work tomorrow.

Edited by xlightwaverx
Guest amdzero
will this one work on OMNIA sgh i900?

The i900 is GSM, and wqvga. The hardware and drivers are also different. This rom will NOT work for you. Try the i900 Forums.

Guest goran1985
The i900 is GSM, and wqvga. The hardware and drivers are also different. This rom will NOT work for you. Try the i900 Forums.

i know that...but anyway hoped to try it ;)) already i'm on all of thoose i900 forums downloading ROM's... who know maybe i'll cook one for myself ;))

Guest xlightwaverx
I am also having issues with this CAB. It might be a signing issue, or an Overwriting a running Executable issue. (BattClock and X-Menu) I am not sure, and I only have another 15 minutes to work on it. My apologies if I don't get it tonight, I have to get up in 3 hours to go to work. If all else fails I'll consult AMD about it, he seems to have a signing mechanism already setup.


Edit: Tried numerous signing engines and techniques. Gonna have to plug at it after work tomorrow.

Any other chefs know how to solve this error message? I won't be home for another 7 hours... I would hate to have to release a whole new nb0 every time I update.


Guest amdzero
Posted (edited)
Any other chefs know how to solve this error message? I won't be home for another 7 hours... I would hate to have to release a whole new nb0 every time I update.


I've looked at the cab, and it only looks like a few files and a bunch (400+) reg settings. I tried it on my rom and it stopped half way through saying could not install. Not sure what to do but I'm looking at it now.


I've narrowed the failure down to Mainmenu.exe

I am not able to sign this file (keeps failing)

I CAN sign the cab file but the install still fails.

Also renaming the MainMenu.exe file to something else does NOT fix the problem. Its like this file doesn't want to install via cab no matter what.

what did you do to the file? Or is this a stock file from elsewhere?


okay I modified the .cab 4 U, not sure if this will install as my phone just went to the mall to do some shopping. If it works I'll tell you what went wrong.


Edited by amdzero
Guest nvrmind
I've looked at the cab, and it only looks like a few files and a bunch (400+) reg settings. I tried it on my rom and it stopped half way through saying could not install. Not sure what to do but I'm looking at it now.


I've narrowed the failure down to Mainmenu.exe

I am not able to sign this file (keeps failing)

I CAN sign the cab file but the install still fails.

Also renaming the MainMenu.exe file to something else does NOT fix the problem. Its like this file doesn't want to install via cab no matter what.

what did you do to the file? Or is this a stock file from elsewhere?


okay I modified the .cab 4 U, not sure if this will install as my phone just went to the mall to do some shopping. If it works I'll tell you what went wrong.


Nope... it still gets the same error.

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