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Titanium Backup not working...

Guest CrystalLettuce

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Guest CrystalLettuce
So basically, to go by the title you gave this Topic, you slandered an app developer and his well-regarded product because you were too tight to get the Pro version, and didn't use the free version in an optimum way. Umm. Sorry if that sounds too abrupt, but you might want to be a bit more circumspect in how you introduce Topics to the Forum.

Sorry, it was a pretty bad thread title. "Titanium Backup isn't working for me" would have been more appropriate.

I am just so frustrated with everything.

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Guest unrandomsam

For just backing up and restoring apps

Qtadb works pretty well for basic stuff (Saving the hassle of downloading everything again from the market).

Backing up to the same device seems counterproductive.

I do a nandroid every now and again. (If I wanted something back badly enough I could get it from there).

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