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Guest cjb110

My 8Gb Nexus shipped, presumably last night, as the email was sent at 1am!

Anybody got theirs yet? TNT have no details as yet,

Guest tdroza

Who did you order with? No word on mine yet (ordered from the Play store).

Guest cjb110

Google, just arrived! Luckily as they mucked up the address, my name, their shipping building, and a odd postcode!

Guest jtc42

I ordered 16GB on the 28th from Google Play, I'm in the UK and have heard nothing so far. CC has been charged but no email or anything.

I wouldn't be so bothered except I ordered 2, one of which was a gift for a Birthday that was last week, so it's not ideal having to say "it will arrive..... but nobody knows when O.o"

Guest cjb110

I thought the launch date is the 19th...so they should arrive by then...I only ordered mine last week though!!

Guest PaulOBrien

I ordered a 16GB and an 8GB during the keynote, money has been taken but no sign of shipping yet! :/


Guest jtc42

I ordered a 16GB and an 8GB during the keynote, money has been taken but no sign of shipping yet! :/


It's weird how hundreds of accounts like this over at XDA just make me more anxious, and yet one comment by the founder of Modaco and I feel better already. Weird... O.o

Hopefully they'll arrive before the weekend, I start back at work in an office of Apple fans next week and I'd love a few days to play with it before I hit the s**tstorm of comments at work :P

Guest jtc42

I have a theory that they dont have enough 16GB stock for the UK. Lots of 8GB orders went out today but no 16GB have. If that's the case then it begs the question why bother pre-ordering? Not too happy.

Guest steedy27

I am typeing this with my nexus 7 right now - did your shipping address have Gordon house as well. I was like ayyyy! when I saw that

Guest m_liddell

There working late in Google Ireland. Just received my payment receipt and TNT tracking number.

Yet to appear on TNT, but should only be a couple of days now....

Guest cjb110

Yep, and Gordon House, so glad it didn't get lost.

Guest Zarch1972
Posted (edited)

Is there anywhere in the UK I could order from tomorrow and expect delivery Thursday or Friday? #optimistic

Edited by Zarch1972
Guest putbinoot

Dixsons site says expected 16th so may have them in stock for shipping, Ebuyer had already shipped since the 13th according to reviews but now states a date of 3/08. Ordered mine with an expected delivery today but no show.

Guest lordjubblydave

I got bored/Impatiant of waiting for my Google Play Pre-Order to ship so i ordered from PC World TODAY and i am expecting delivery tomorrow.

It is tracked and has got to Hatfield :)

Google really should have kept in touch.

Guest cjb110

I think the problem is that Asus would have already had regular deliverys to Ebuyer/PC World etc for all their other stuff,

The Google distribution site would have been a 'special one-off' shipment, where ever it is, TNT made no mention of Dublin/Ireland on the tracking, so I think it was mainland UK somewhere.

And if they follow the same pattern you'll get an email just gone midnight tonight, they've shipped it today.

Guest jtc42

I've still heard nothing at all! I feel like I'm in a minority now here :(

Guest james1uk

I ordered my 16gb nexus 7 on 6 July from ebuyer. It was delivered on Monday 16 July. I was actually suposed to get it on fri 13 according to parcel force tracking. But it was delayed as it was sent to the wrong depot. But hey, still very pleased with the ebuyer experience as always and I think I must be one of the first lucky punters to get one of these. I would have posted sooner, but with work and playing around with my new toy I haven't had the chance untill now. Must say I'm pretty impressed so far. I don't mind answering any questions people have who are thinking of purchasing

Guest Zarch1972
Posted (edited)

I got bored/Impatiant of waiting for my Google Play Pre-Order to ship so i ordered from PC World TODAY and i am expecting delivery tomorrow.

It is tracked and has got to Hatfield :)

Google really should have kept in touch.

Just tried ordering from PC World and got this at checkout. (same at Currys and Dixons, but same underlying group, so expected)


The item you are about to order is not currently in stock. We will order it directly from the manufacturer. As soon as we receive your item, we will will be in touch to arrange a convenient delivery date.

Please click Continue below if you are happy to proceed.

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Edited by Zarch1972
Guest lordjubblydave
Posted (edited)

Ooh excitement !

My its gonna be delivered in the next hour text arrived :)

The Eagle has landed :) :) !

Edited by lordjubblydave
Guest TheManicGibbon

I got bored/Impatiant of waiting for my Google Play Pre-Order to ship so i ordered from PC World TODAY and i am expecting delivery tomorrow.

It is tracked and has got to Hatfield :)

Google really should have kept in touch.

I ordered it from PC World and it's been in Hatfield since yesterday. Now the PC World site says they're not getting new ones in until the 24th, but next day orders are shipping for the 20th....like...what?

EDIT: Here is a simple diagram to illustrate my confusion.


Guest lordjubblydave

Both of mine from PC world have arrived now. (don't ask).

I know it depends on where you live but Hatfield was 2nd stop on my delivery route

Guest tdroza

I got an email from Google this morning with an "update" on my order. Basically says they received unprecedented demand, and all UK pre-orders of the 8GB version will be shipped by 20th (Friday) and have been upgraded to next-day delivery. Not sure whether that means I'll have it on Saturday though or have to wait until Monday. Would be nice to have it in time to play at the weekend though! ;-)

Guest ho66es
Posted (edited)

I have an email from them saying its shipped and a tracking number, but no courier info so can't track :)

arrived 3pm in belfast.

not sure if this is any help

I had to add a 70 to tracking number and courier was an agent for http://www.go2uti.com/ this may be ireland/northern ireland only

Edited by ho66es
Guest tkelly0727

i pre-ordered mines from HMV. when i pre-orderd it they said expecting stock on 21/07/12 and now it changed to 23/07/12

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