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N7 slow down / laggy

Guest pritsey

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Guest pritsey

Hi all,

I've noticed over the past week or so that my N7 has started to slow down and become laggy - especially chrome and Facebook. I know that FB has recently been updated and may not be perfect but chrome is getting particularly bad. Checked my network connection and no problems there or on any other device. My gnex has pretty much the same apps as the n7 and its running fine.

There are a few threads on other forums where people have also said that their n7's are also slowing down but I don't really want to factory reset and install everything from scratch. Any ideas?


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Guest vagelis

I am experiencing the same thing; it started while I was on Jr6, and now on Jr7

I am not sure though that iit is because of the MCR roms. It is 'systemic' somehow, as I do not experience that on the Gallaxy Nexus MCR Jr5 Rom.

What I mean with that is that I do not think that it is something that Paul's custom 'stock' Rom is doing... it feels weird that a quad core Tegra 3 unit runs slower that the Dual core OMAP chip on the GN.

It lags, and then it all of a sudden starts working fine... and then it lags again... cleared Dalvik, then flashed stock and redid the Jr7... me thinks there is a ghost in da machine... any ideas?

Thank you all in advance.

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Guest peacanpie

I am experiencing the same thing <snip>

It lags, and then it all of a sudden starts working fine... and then it lags again...

I thought that this was just me... I'm getting exactly this on stock (no root). I had a poke around, and found that I only had around 700mb free (video files in the main taking up space for my commute :-) )

Cleared out a load of them and now have around 4gig free. Haven't had the same issues again so far.... But it's not been long enough to say that it's fixed...

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Guest Sirgeekalot

i'm getting this as well running stock rooted rom.. i thought it was due to trying a multiuser environment.. i will reflash stock and see how things go..

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Guest Colin Whiteside

Same issue, running totally stock and unrooted. Disabling Currents background sync and clearing all application cache (all 2GB of it) has alleviated the issue to a degree, but it seems to manifest once the device has had a significant amount of storage used. I've seen reports of this linked with poor IO transfer benchmarks. Current best guess seems to be that the device is having trouble writing and reading cache during background tasks and is slowing down everything else.

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Guest ahatomastarday

Is it that bad? Is it a general issue, does it happen in every device or yours are maybe faulty? I was thinking about getting a Nexus 7, I was attracted by the fact that I'd get unmodified Android from Google and future updates as well as the idea of having a lightning fast and responsive device that would provide a hassle-free user experience, so this issue really puts me off... I really want it to work fluidly, otherwise it doesn't seem such a bargain to me.

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Guest Colin Whiteside

Thing is it ran like a particularly greased up Usain Bolt for the first few months. I was sure it was some sort of app I'd installed messing things up but I can't isolate it at all, and it manifests as high IO usage. It really is incredibly annoying, with Chrome habitually showing the "Not Responding" dialogue, and Google Now becoming Google Eventually.

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Guest Tainlorn

Interesting. I had not read Colin's comments about Currents and storage use but I think we are on to something! I've switched to using Flipboard so disabled and cleared Currents. I also had my device heavily loaded with vids i was catching up on so there was very little free storage. Now ive watched 4 episodes of Dr Who and deleted them im back to 4gig of free space and its running smooth as ever.

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Guest ahatomastarday

If the connection between storage and poor performance is confirmed, it'd be a big bummer for some. Not only there's less than 16 Gb for you to put stuff in, but you can't fill them all if you want it to run smoothly...

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Guest Colin Whiteside

I'd almost peg it as storage fragmentation, which is mental given it's using flash memory and fragmentation shouldn't affect read/ write times. I'll keep on it and see if I can get a definitive source. Are there any good performance analysers for non-rooted devices? I'd like to see if the IO spikes tie into any particular running processes.

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Guest Colin Whiteside

Tell you what, I'll try uninstalling some of my absurd games pile tonight and see if things improve. It's definitely linked with background updates though, as it flies with wifi turned off (albeit becoming somewhat useless as a Google tablet, but still...).

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Guest Colin Whiteside

It's been a bit better this evening since clearing cache, disabling Currents and rebooting. Chrome is, frankly, still annoyingly garbage like while I install app updates, so I guess it is IO related.

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Guest peacanpie

I ended up restoring to factory defaults and starting again.... I've only installed a handful of apps, but intend to near fill the device with mkv files and see how chrome, currents etc, etc behave. Going by some of the comments above re: I/O, I would expect to see that performance would go downhill again - although Colin's comments that it flies when wifi is off is interesting.. (BTW I'm using stock and non-rooted).

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Guest Colin Whiteside

Definitely better than it was. I managed to get my home insurance bought on this thing via a certain meerkat themed site without much lagging at all. I also went through and cleared out some old download files and removed Zeebox. Just in case it's the lag source, I did install it shortly before the lagpocalypse.

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Guest Dabogues

Hey all. I just set up an account specifically for this topic, as my sudden slowdown on my N7 has been driving me up the wall. The other day, I thought it was perhaps Google Wallet, which I killed (don't even know why it was running to begin with) and after which I saw some better performance. Now it's back to crawling again, sadly. Clearing cache helps for about three seconds.

If it is directly tied to amount of storage space available, that is completely insane. As much as I've enjoyed the device, I still haven't forgiven Google/Asus for leaving out an SD slot.

I was probably going to eventually root and play around, anyway, but without stock even supporting USB OTG for storage, at this point I don't even see it as a choice.

I'll clean up the installed apps a bit and get rid of Currents---like Tainlorn, I only use Flipboard (and News 360), anyway. If it's memory related, though....ugh...what a major inconvenience. May have to contact Google directly about it if that is the case. Haven't seen any official comments yet, so if anyone else does, please share!

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Guest Colin Whiteside

God only knows what it was that fixed things but it has been running a lot better the past two days. Try working through what I've done and see if it helps any. My storage has been down below 10GB most of the time too. Also uninstalled BeyondPod, if that adds anything.

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Guest Colin Whiteside

Also, another thing pointing to IO-related issues: playing GTA3 is a lot less pleasant than on Day 1, and very reminiscent of playing the original on my PS2 with the slightly wonky drive laser. Every so often it would take a while to stream in the latest piece of scenery and stutter somewhat; exactly the same thing happening on my N7, which suggests it's having issues streaming game data off the flash storage fast enough.

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