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call quality y300 noise cancel

Guest strat62

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Guest strat62

hello sorry for my english, im french,i want to know if the y300 have two mic for noise cancel, i have not see any information about this, and on the pics there is no little hole near the flash, can someone who own a y300 can confirm that please, and what is the best beetwen y300 and g510 about call quality, thanks!! :)

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Guest ZolaIII

all the y series(200 201 have two mic i dont understand why this one have no noise cancel,i hope the call quality is good

The active noise cancellations seamed to make more problems then good since the G300 model! I don't know is it possible to do one on satisfying level with 350Mhz DSP at all? They will probably tray it in the next firmware releases...

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