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CyanogenMod 10.1 Build R22 [02/10/14]

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Guest Kra1o5
Posted (edited)

After a lot of work, here my progress with CM for Y300/G510:


Camera (SAM-3 Type too)

Wifi HotSpot

Recording Video

Radio FM

Not Working:


Changelog: https://github.com/Kra1o5/android_device_huawei_u8833/wiki/Changelog

Download: https://s.basketbuild.com/filedl/devs?dev=Kra1o5&dl=Kra1o5/Huawei/u8833/ROMS/cm-10.1-20141002-UNOFFICIAL-u8833.zip


GAPPS CM10.1: http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-jb-20130812-signed.zip

Credits: Dazzozo, Legacy-Mod, Blefish, Tillaz, Joestone

Source: https://github.com/K...ab=repositories


Hall of the fame:


  • Pazzie
Edited by Kra1o5
Guest Ducsidu
Posted (edited)

Thanks! Subscribed to the topic and waiting for a release with working network. What's up with the RIL, why is it not working in both CM10 roms?

Edited by Ducsidu
Guest Kra1o5

Thanks! Subscribed to the topic and waiting for a release with working network. What's up with the RIL, why is it not working in both CM10 roms?

Because we need to make one custom HuaweiQualcommRIL.java for our devices.


Guest Ducsidu
Posted (edited)

Because we need to make one custom HuaweiQualcommRIL.java for our devices.


Thanks for the reply and for your work too. Hope the network gets fixed soon, the other bugs wouldn't really bother me, so I could use it as a daily driver.

Edited by Ducsidu
Guest j00k3r

Network fix is what we all waiting,U are amazing man,thank U for the amazing work,subscribed and can't wait...

cheers! ;-)

Guest Laximus
Posted (edited)

thanks =)

I tried this rom, but I dont find developer and performance settings...

or there is no this two panel anymore on CM10.1?

display color issue is the same like in CM10.

other things looks good at the first sight, except the ril and colors of course.

thank you the hard work and the endurance.


Edited by Laximus
Guest tillaz

thanks =)

I tried this rom, but I dont find developer and performance settings...

or there is no this panel anymore on CM?

dev settings are hidden in 4.2 +

go to settings / about phone

keep pressing on the build number until it says you are a developer

Guest Hassams

working R.I.L ??G510

No, read the OP before asking about more bugs

Guest joestone

Hi Guys !

I have managed to get ril working . It stil needs some polishing , but the data is working fine , as well as voice calls.I am on vacation , but when I am back will upload sources to my github.


Guest worstenbrood

Hi Guys !

I have managed to get ril working . It stil needs some polishing , but the data is working fine , as well as voice calls.I am on vacation , but when I am back will upload sources to my github.


Nice, can't wait !

Guest vladandrei51

Nice, I will look forward for your work but I'd appreciate if devs that work at CM will give more attention to battery drain bug.

About RIL I don't care that much I can use a secondary phone but using CM roms battery drains 50% overnight or more.

Guest Clarkiieh
Nice, I will look forward for your work but I'd appreciate if devs that work at CM will give more attention to battery drain bug.

About RIL I don't care that much I can use a secondary phone but using CM roms battery drains 50% overnight or more.

No use in using as a daily driver if you have to keep your phone on charge to use it :/


Hello Kra1o5,

thx for the ROM.

I cant flash the ROM. I became a error, if i flash it.

assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "

E: Error executing updater binary in zip ´/sdcard

Error flashing zip ´/sdcard/cm-10.1-20130816-UNO

Updating partition details...

I have a Y300-0100(O2) and i use Lewa Recovery.

Can you help me?

Guest Glicerck

Hi Guys !

I have managed to get ril working . It stil needs some polishing , but the data is working fine , as well as voice calls.I am on vacation , but when I am back will upload sources to my github.


Nice job!

Can you upload the zip to try it?

Guest Glicerck

Hello Kra1o5,

thx for the ROM.

I cant flash the ROM. I became a error, if i flash it.

assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "

E: Error executing updater binary in zip ´/sdcard

Error flashing zip ´/sdcard/cm-10.1-20130816-UNO

Updating partition details...

I have a Y300-0100(O2) and i use Lewa Recovery.

Can you help me?

Try to change the updater binary and updater script of the zip for those ones



Thx Glicerck,

i flash it again with TWRP Recovery and it works.

Guest Laximus

Hi Guys !

I have managed to get ril working . It stil needs some polishing , but the data is working fine , as well as voice calls.I am on vacation , but when I am back will upload sources to my github.


Hajrá Magyarok! =DDD

Y300ason nyomod vagy G510en? Ha Y300ason, akkor a kérdésem az, hogy neked is fakó e a kijelző ezzel a rommal is?

Do you have Y300 or G510. If you are on Y300, did you got also a milky color display?

Guest joestone

Hajrá Magyarok! =DDD

Y300ason nyomod vagy G510en? Ha Y300ason, akkor a kérdésem az, hogy neked is fakó e a kijelző ezzel a rommal is?

Do you have Y300 or G510. If you are on Y300, did you got also a milky color display?

Szia !

Nekem nincs bajom a kijelzővel , mondjuk nem ezt a romot fejlesztem , hanem saját verziót. G510-100 telefont használok.

I have no problem with the display , but i am using my own compiled rom for g510-100. I need to fix BT , wifi and so on, NFC is already working.

Guest joestone
Posted (edited)

Spanish guys : The troll is on again with the photoshopped screen as I read it on htcmania. :D You can check my previous jobs here on modaco or on xda (gt540, zte smarttab, g300).

You can download my build http://goo.im/devs/joestone/g510/cm-10.1-20130817-UNOFFICIAL-G510.zip it has a lot of non working parts , but ril and nfc are working.

Developers : This is my huaweiril2 whic was used to fix the ril. It logs a lot and not needed in production build.http://goo.im/devs/joestone/g510/HuaweiRIL2.java

How to fix ril .

First be sure you have ro.telephony.ril.v3=qcomdsds in your system prop . This is needed as our ril libs are made for multisim and have to send sub1 as main ril socket.

Qualcomsharedril is not suitable for our device as it has mQANElements=5 by default and we need 4. The main RIL has 4 as default.It is used by responseOperatorInfos(Parcel p) The second thing why it is not suitable it uses too many elements in responseIccCardStatus(Parcel p) by default (no sim pin request , invalid apptype in radiolog) . It can be switched off by using skippinpukcount oldril feature , but main RIL is fine with this too by default. Datacall routines are also fine in main ril.

The only reason why we should need a custom ril is to fix the shown baseband version. Of course if no other bug is found .

The non working state drops first this in radiolog :

W/RILC ( 144): RIL_onUnsolicitedSendResponse called before RIL_register

E/RILD ( 144): isMultiSimEnabled: prop_val = 0 enabled = 0



E/RILC ( 144): RIL_register: RIL version 7

While with the working version contains :

E/RILD ( 186): **RIL Daemon Started**

E/RILD ( 186): **RILd param count=1**

E/RILD ( 186): RIL_Init argc = 5 client = 0

E/RILD ( 186): isMultiSimEnabled: prop_val = 0 enabled = 0

E/RILC ( 186): RIL_register: RIL version 7

E/RILC ( 186): s_registerCalled = 1, s_started = 1, RIL_getMaxNumClients = 1

No custom ril needed in framework , we can use the main ril.java.

Copy the ril libfiles from stock rom. I used these files from stock VF rom : Copy libqcci_legacy.so also as it used by atserver.

check your init files to have the following services:

in on boot section

pcm-bridge is not needed as pcm-bridge does not exist in stock rom (at least in my stock rom)

service atserver /system/bin/atserver

class core


service netmgrd /system/bin/netmgrd

class main

service bridgemgrd /system/bin/bridgemgrd

class main

user radio

group radio


service port-bridge /system/bin/port-bridge /dev/smd0 /dev/ttyGS0

class main

user system

group system inet


service qmiproxy /system/bin/qmiproxy

class main

user radio

group radio


service qmuxd /system/bin/qmuxd

class main

user radio

group radio

In post-fs section

service ril-qmi /system/bin/sh /init.qcom.ril.path.sh

class main

user root


in on emmc-fs section (you need BOARD_WANTS_EMMC_BOOT := true in boardconfig)

write /sys/module/block2mtd/parameters/block2mtd /dev/block/mmcblk0p14

on property:sys.radio.shutdown=true

exec /system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.qcom.efs.sync.sh

sorry for the long post.

Edited by joestone
Guest Frankish

No need to apologise for a long post when it's all relevant to the topic some great information there this is what it's all about sharing and collaborating. Appreciate you not keeping it to yourself to take all the glory.

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