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[ROM][ZTE Skate] H3 Holo (Dolby Audio + Linaro optimized kernel + frandom + ROW I/O scheduler)

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Posted (edited)

post-954400-0-46449800-1382894196_thumb. post-954400-0-70544800-1382894208_thumb. post-954400-0-57522100-1382897204_thumb.
post-954400-0-14066300-1382912020_thumb. post-954400-0-78285000-1382897500_thumb. post-954400-0-27176600-1382897541_thumb.
This ROM does everything that H3 Blues (my previous ROM) does and a hell of a lot more.

  • Uses a custom Linaro optimized kernel that contains performance, security and feature improvements
  • Built in support for SD-EXT partitions so that you don't need to install any scripts or apps
  • Audio output for apps such as Skype and Viber has been fixed via an audio rerouter app that I created
  • The master key exploits (8219321, 9695860 and 9950697) have been patched
  • You can set privacy settings for each app
  • The camera has a larger preview area and support for hardware keys (volume down to focus, volume up to take a picture)
  • The email app has been compiled and modified by me. It's built from the K9-Mail source
  • The keyboard is a skinned OEM version of Swype sourced from the Telenor stock ROM
  • The ROM will receive over the air updates from me
  • The whole ROM has had it's framework and every single APK optimized

The ROM literally contains hundreds of bug fixes and improvements for me to list everything, so try it out and you'll see and feel the difference.
Regular version (ZTE Skate / OMC):





Version 1.0.2 changes (12/11/2013):

  • Fixed the new master key exploit (9950697)
  • Improved toggle buttons
  • Updated the kernel
  • Updated Email, Holo Launcher, Shuttle and Google Play Services


Version 1.0.1 changes (29/10/2013):

  • Fixed bluetooth
  • Added German and European Portuguese to the keyboard


Install instructions:

  • From CWM wipe data/factory reset
  • Go to mounts and storage and format system
  • If you've got an SD-EXT partition then format that too
  • Select to install the zip from the SD card
Edited by H3ROS
Posted (edited)

Credits / worthy mentions:

C3C0, Tillaz, KonstaT, CM7.2 contributors, Timothée Jeannin, Jesse Vincent, alensw, svyat, CronicCorey, Opera Software, SimpleCity and XDA forums.


Special thanks for donations:

I can't always put a user name to a persons real name, so in this case I would like to thank Gary C and Alexander S. for their PayPal donations. It's really appreciated! :)


This ROM uses SuperSu NoNag. If you would like the premium version of SuperSU then click here.




ICS style keyboard (removes Swype) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzpRBylyuvsXbUNjSnVJSWdLcFE/

Stock music player (removes Shuttle) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzpRBylyuvsXMGg2U19RalpSM28/


Backup your ROM before applying addon's as I won't provide a way to remove an addon if you don't like the change it made.



Stopwatch - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geekyouup.android.ustopwatch

Firewall - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dev.ukanth.ufirewall

Pie Control - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1330150

Edited by H3ROS
Posted (edited)

Speed differences:


Download terminal emulator or run the following commands via ADB:

time head -c 10m /dev/random > /dev/null
time head -c 10m /dev/urandom > /dev/null


Try running the same commands with any other ROM. You'll find that with whatever ROM you try it'll take much longer to complete.


H3 Holo is all about speed. It's pushing the old hardware as much as it can.

Edited by H3ROS
Posted (edited)

Well, the ROM's based off AOSP Holo so it doesn't do 1% battery status.


I don't know if I'll provide an addon for it since it would break every time I provide an OTA update. It's also not something you can apply yourself via any online kitchen as it wouldn't space itself correctly.

Edited by H3ROS

Congrats for this rom, theme is perfect, sound is great, very good performances, no issues at this time, good work


Thanks :)


If I have time I might provide a patch for battery styles, but it shouldn't be expected right away. It's probably best for me to do it when a build is declared as stable. That shouldn't take too long as I don't expect any major issues.


Thanks :)

If I have time I might provide a patch for battery styles, but it shouldn't be expected right away. It's probably best for me to do it when a build is declared as stable. That shouldn't take too long as I don't expect any major issues.

Don't worry, the batt style is not a problem, is only a preference,


When the phone boots, just after intoduce pin, the system process acore is not responding, when I press ok, no more problems, it happens in every boot

Guest Marcosimo

Do we need to install Google apps together with the rom?

Posted (edited)

When installing the ROM did you wipe data/cache and format the system partition? And I trust that you're using a 150MB or larger system partition?


Two things that shouldn't be done too:


1. Don't modify the zip at all before installing the ROM.

2. Restoring backed up data from another ROM has the ability to cause issues.


@ Marcosimo

Nope. Everything's installed for you. Gmail and YouTube can even be uninstalled without an app requiring root if you don't use them.

Edited by H3ROS

When installing the ROM did you wipe data/cache and format the system partition? And I trust that you're using a 150MB or larger system partition?

Did fullwipe and use 230mb system partition, the fc is only after boot, then no more issues

Posted (edited)

I'll check it out. None of the testers mentioned an acore issue and I use pattern lock rather than pins, so I'll try using a pin instead.


Update: No issue here. Could you try to logcat it?

Edited by H3ROS

I'll check it out. None of the testers mentioned an acore issue and I use pattern lock rather than pins, so I'll try using a pic instead.

I use holo locker, maybe it have any relation?

Posted (edited)

I use holo locker, maybe it have any relation?


I got it set as the default launcher so that its run when it should be, but if I set a pin then there's no problem. It doesn't go directly to the pin screen though. I guess it behaves differently in CM?


Try downloading logcat and then search through for a big chunk of red text (it'll mention acore or holo locker). Take a screenshot of it or save the output.


To me it sounds like something didn't get fully wiped or some data was restored and that's caused an issue. It's just that no matter what I do it doesn't error.

Edited by H3ROS
Guest radashin
Posted (edited)

Thx man, u rock! :o

Edited by radashin

Nice work mate, so there we go , a new way to use this phone at it's best, new rom, glad to see how it works, there will be updates right? if will be, make updates for easy installation.

Guest honigfisch
Posted (edited)

I am going to flash the Rom today but before that i have 2 questions:
What partition do we need - 150MB or bigger?
And are you going to include PIE as a Addon or not? :)

Edited by honigfisch
Guest xander21
Posted (edited)

What should i backup before upgrade the rom ?
Is update need only a cache & Dalvik cache wipe or is a full reinstall needed ?

Edited by xander21

The launcher it's fast but not smooth, music app shuttle does a little lag, stock music app my opinion its the best, status bar feels okay, the ui is pretty smooth, good optimized, the ics theme from Atomic Mod was slow and lag, after i choose to reset the launcher because i modified some settings in launcher ,now launcher is unstable and slowest, i was thinking it will reset to stock rom settings.

Rom is really fast but it does little lags most times, it needs to be more smoother , this launcher its not so good with our processor,

quickpic is okay but do some little lags, gallery ics is smoother and it's faster, try it, and i have a question about row i/o scheduler, what it does? it is better than sio or others? i like the camera, i like the ui, status bar and more, but this Rom still needs improvements to work great, sorry for my english..again.

Guest honigfisch

Can you add German language for the Keyboard or Swype :wacko:

Or how i can change it ?

Posted (edited)

I am going to flash the Rom today but before that i have 2 questions:

What partition do we need - 150MB or bigger?

And are you going to include PIE as a Addon or not? :)

150MB will do.






@ xander21

A full formats needed as it's much different to H3 Blues.



@ nimic

The default launcher settings within the apk aren't great, but the ROM applies some that I've come up with that fix that. Resetting the launcher will lose these settings and it'll seem slower again. There's no way around that, because if I edit the APK then it can't receive updates from the Play Store.


This is built off of Gingerbread so there is no project butter. With that in mind the ROM has been optimized for speed over smoothness. Like I said in my other thread, just download terminal emulator and run these 2 commands:

time head -c 10m /dev/random > /dev/null
time head -c 10m /dev/urandom > /dev/null

Then try running the same 2 commands on any other ROM. You'll find that this ROM blows them out of the water.


Also keep in mind that if the media scanner is running (its worse if you've got lots on your SD card) then things will lag a bit until it's complete.


Gallery ICS was something I was going to install at one point, but I didn't because it's got adverts for other apps within it, it's requesting way too many permissions, it's editor isn't that great and it hasn't got many options. QuickPic is fast and it has a great editor with plenty of settings and no adverts for other apps. That's why I had to include it.


Heres a ROW description:



ROW stands for "READ Over WRITE" which is the main requests dispatch policy of this algorithm. The ROW IO scheduler was developed with the mobile devices needs in mind. In mobile devices we favor user experience upon everything else, thus we want to give READ IO requests as much priority as possible. In mobile devices we won't have as much parallel threads as on desktops. Usually it's a single thread or at most 2 simultaneous working threads for read & write. Favoring READ requests over WRITEs decreases the READ latency greatly.


So as mobile devices need to read more than they write we favour the read requests. That can mean that apps launch faster, games are smoother and good stuff like that.



@ honigfisch

I could of sworn that German was included. You'd just hold down the language key and it'll pop up with a list. If you don't see it then of course I'll try to add it. I had to hack in the other languages too, so I know what I'm doing there :)

Edited by H3ROS
Guest Ridik_nav
Posted (edited)

bad bluetooth, or rather not accept files

Edited by Ridik_nav
Guest honigfisch
Posted (edited)

Thx for reply H3ROS but there isnt any option to choose german language for keyboard

The problem is : the key z and y are switched at the german keyboard which makes it hard to write with english keyboard if you are not used to it :)

Hope you can include it with a Addon if possible


best regards


by the way: the Rom is fantastic :D






I think the Skate can not send files via bluetooth except videos and music

Edited by honigfisch
Posted (edited)

@ Ridik_nav

Bluetooths the same as stock, not modified at all. I can pair it with my TomTom and that works, and I can send files from the Skate to my PC.


@ honigfisch

The icon is the third on the bottom left. I've confirmed that German is missing though, so I'm currently working on adding that in.

Edited by H3ROS

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