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[KK] [4.4.4] CyanogenMod 11.0 [ROM] [ALL] [WEEKLY BUILDS ON FRIDAY]

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Guest Dazzozo

CyanogenMod 11.0 for the Huawei Ascend Y300 and G510

Thumbnail_2013-11-24-22-39-08.png Thumbnail_2013-11-24-22-39-28.png Thumbnail_2013-11-24-22-40-08.png

You must use a recovery updated for 4.3+ (with the EXT4 fix) to use this ROM otherwise you will encounter issues. A CWM build is linked below.

Sources: github.com/Dazzozo & github.com/legaCyMod

Where did the developer/performance options go?
Tap on the build number 5 times in "About phone".

Where did the recovery reboot option go?
It has to be enabled in developer options, "Advanced reboot".

Why did the boot animation change? Why did the Play Store disappear? Why does my phone not leave the boot animation?
A change Huawei made (for seemingly no reason) completely breaks 4.3+. It has been reverted in the kernel here, but recoveries may need updating too.

Why isn't ADB working?
You need to update your Android platform tools and then approve the PC on your device. Android 4.2.2+ feature.

ROM available on my GetCM, which allows for OTA updates. Check out "CyanogenMod updates" in the "About phone" menu.


  • Fagulhas, tilal6991, Kra1o5, Blefish, KonstaT, alanorth and all other contributors - your hair pulling and loss of sanity is appreciated :P
  • Everyone who donated to let me get this device! :D
  • The guys in IRC - #huawei-g300 @ freenode for occasionally being cool :P
  • The CM team and contributors
  • Huawei! (sometimes)

Crazy donator list, I love you all

Arnette carstenheuer samjam x3 Umrtvovacz x2 sammyc77
bladebuddy skobywan goekane x4 Valicek1 x2 Dildano
22point8 x3 ugnius40 maritimesbob paddyponchero x2 RussellS
Matthew_Smithy tcpaulh dragpyre daewhin Cyda
Hans Gruber grmn shockdj ScutulatusCrotalus Wanyal
unaszplodrmann x2 raoulteeuwen mack_ lakyljuk x2 pepdavies
gnb10 alastor66 SdZ x2 Caglio x2 milamber77
Titas x2 MioCZ vice17 melodystyle2003 momoldn
Colossae3.23 dp29380 dwilkie x3 MediumDave TheSkeletoN
marcars x2 andysterling fiah84 timfimjim soulhand
thebuell x2 lakyljuk JRow rob4x4 _cobra
SL_The_Hedgehog raverrr andymac1969 dalyer MioCZ
todoleo intensedarkness x2 stumark Rebas ptoner
Kekenious sporksnail Sako Verife jordanclarke69 Artful Bodger
zdenacc Turquo1se alhimyaa Mhisani Fox raoulduke22
netmanmac thomanski solarmon Muzler clayts450
Patty1961 rymate1234 joba69 tomjanda rhen
painteramit mulardo hvy109 timli Nalaztre
Guest lucap00
Posted (edited)

Bugs? Random reboots? HWA? ART? This questions don't mean I don't like your work daz ;) but I heavy use this phone and for now I'm on cm10.1 and it's very stable and I prefer ROM where there aren't any o a few of bugs. Otherwise thanks for your work :D

Edited by lucap00
Guest PrinceEndymion88

In your first release recording video doesn't work! In this nightly it works?


Bugs? Random reboots? HWA?

What is this?



  • Vold switchable pair feature (switchable SD cards) may be broken, I rushed it last minute
  • Wi-Fi hotspot is probably broken

Daz the CWM is pretty crappy.... :(

I mean not supporting other roms and no charge animation, can you have a look in that?;)

Guest PrinceEndymion88

Daz the CWM is pretty crappy.... :(

I mean not supporting other roms and no charge animation, can you have a look in that? ;)


Guest coavasic96

In your first release recording video doesn't work! In this nightly it works?


Guest coavasic96

I can not connect my y300 on PC with mass storage. :P

Guest lucap00

What is this?

I asked about this ROM, did anyone test it?


Slow, slower than the test version. The cm browser still useless. The chrome is OK.


I asked about this ROM, did anyone test it?

Give sometime.... :P ;)

Guest lucap00

Give sometime.... :P ;)

Don't worry man, for this ROM I can wait all time that you want ;)

for who ask for hwa, is still the same of 10.2, so games are not good, but the rom drains less than cm10.2

Guest coavasic96

Youtube have a green bar on top when watching videos.

Guest coavasic96

Not bad, can you test ART?

Sorry, but how to test ART? :D 

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