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Coolpad F1 8297w - Review / Info / Software / Custom Roms

Guest dakok

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Guest corvettec3

I have upgraded to 036 with  twrp. Now phone is again unroot.

To install gapps (thay are in my sd), I have to make with twrp or cwm ? 

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Guest corvettec3

for error I pushed vol+ and power. I' m in Android system recovery 3e: to exit , how I can do?

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Guest dakok

vol+ and power brings you to CWM or TWRP. 


You have reboot option or something like that...


You should read some stuff about root, recovery.flashing and so

before trying to play with your phone...


The things you are discussing here have very little to do with Coolpad F1.

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Guest corvettec3

vol+ and power brings you to CWM or TWRP. 


You have reboot option or something like that...


You should read some stuff about root, recovery.flashing and so

before trying to play with your phone...


The things you are discussing here have very little to do with Coolpad F1.


I'm on this forum to ask advice. The instructions of guide aren't clear, there aren't all steps for people who  makes it for the first time. anyway I removed battery because power button doesn't go. If I'll get more time I will make guide .I'm sure that will be more clear, because now I've learn more things.

If I make a question, you can't asnwer me, no problem. 

For other forum users: with phone unroot, can I charge gapps with cwm or trwp ? Thanks

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Guest dakok

Don't get offended now :)


It is true, instructions are not 100% clear, but to make them completely clear it would require much more

time and effort.


Another thing, if we insert a lot of basic info into this topic then the main thing, talk about Coolpad phone,

gets very diluted. You can find that basic stuff at numerous places - XDA forum, for instance...

Thats all.


P.S. You can flash gapps with cwm/twrp. You don't need root for that.

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Guest corvettec3

Don't get offended now :)


It is true, instructions are not 100% clear, but to make them completely clear it would require much more

time and effort.


Another thing, if we insert a lot of basic info into this topic then the main thing, talk about Coolpad phone,

gets very diluted. You can find that basic stuff at numerous places - XDA forum, for instance...

Thats all.


P.S. You can flash gapps with cwm/twrp. You don't need root for that.


to install gapps, I have to  enter on twrp or cwm . I push vol+ and power button for 10 s, but phone enter on android system recovery 3e . Maybe can be that phone is unroot ? because when I have phone with root , I made vol+ and power button and phone enter in cwm. Let me know

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Guest corvettec3

I didn't try yet the 036 lite by ATX, I plan to try it :). I never remove, I only freeze apps with Titatnium Backup. In the official version I freezed:


Alipay Wallet


Baidu 4.9

CoolStock 3.0.03_ver_2014.03.25_09:19:11


NetEase News 3.7.6

Popular apps 32.0_VER_2014.05.19_20:19:20


QQ? (blue icon with yellow star)

Sogou Map 4.6.0

Sohu TV 3.3.1

SohuNews 4.1

TTPod 6.4.5

Weibo 4.0.0

and these apps:




me too I have official 036. Why did you freeze apps and didn't remove them? 

Do you advice to use "system app remover" or "titanium backup pro" ?

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Guest dalyer

Tried 036 version by borsosg. Now i have rooted 034 official version, all my installed apps restored, data usage is working fine. Hope OTA upgrade is also will work. Thanks to borsosg for his backup.


My understanding and experience is that rooting stops OTA updates being seen.

That's what happened me on 015.

Had to flash stock 020 using Coolpad Download Assistant in order to be able to see subsequent updates (each in turn).

I may be wrong but if you have stock 034 and have rooted it then I don't think that you'll see any subsequent OTA updates.

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Guest borsosg

@corvettec3 I prefer Titanium Backup, and I prefer freezing apps, Bcouse if later any system app needs a freezed app to works normally I can simply unfreeze it. For example data usage needs coolmanager for work...

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Guest corvettec3

@corvettec3 I prefer Titanium Backup, and I prefer freezing apps, Bcouse if later any system app needs a freezed app to works normally I can simply unfreeze it. For example data usage needs coolmanager for work...

I froze all apps you said. I froze also news app that I had in 1st home screen. Now that home screen is white and I can't remove it or add icons on it. How can I remove that page? with "manage home" option I can add icons only in 2nd and 3rd page of home screen. If I try to add app or widgets appears "no more room on this home screen". Is there a way to disable home screen and use only menu? thanks

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Guest corvettec3

problem ISO setting: video camera


I installed Lenovo super camera but video aren't anyway fluid. 

With official app camera , problem is ISO: if I set iso 400 or auto iso, videos aren't fluid;  if I set ISO 200 videos improve. 

Maybe problem is Coolpad official rom that hasn't optimized ISO and focus on video.

Are there roms that haven't this problem and have solved it?

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Guest baniko

About my problem with Baidu 52:

The first boot is OK, but, when i make restart, the phone became stuck in one cycle between the baidu logo and the lockscreen.
No matter if i make again wipe cache etc. The reboot from recovery is OK but at the normal reboot again the same problem.
The same has happened with the 51 also.




I can make reboot with Baidu 52 without a problem. How did you install it? Which recovery?


Like this?



-- i have tried with CWM and with TWRP
-- i have tried the procedure which you have quote and various trials plus minus around this
The problem remain. When i make a reboot, tho phone sticks in one "cycle" between the baidu logo and the lockscreen.
Finally i understand that the problem appears when i have the phone with English. If i use Chinese is booting normally!!


Is possible to have download a different version from yours, of the Baidu ROM?

Can you give me a link please?

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