Guest dakok Posted June 20, 2014 Report Posted June 20, 2014 (edited) Nice to know that I didn't prepare roms and tools for nothing. I knew that you people are going to f*** up something, sooner or later. Me included. :D BTW, which one you used for root? Edited June 20, 2014 by dakok
Guest StratosGK Posted June 21, 2014 Report Posted June 21, 2014 The first one, Vroot V1.7.7. But it didn't work with the first try. I had to disconnect and connect the phone a couple of times to the PC and choose all the connections types in order to install all the drivers. After i got ROOT access i installed recovery and rebooted into recovery in order to restore my Lbxb Miui backup.
Guest Robi4ok Posted June 24, 2014 Report Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) Hi Dakok! Can you please post here several latest ROM's and write your oppinion? I know you have tried so many ROM's :) Edited June 24, 2014 by Robi4ok
Guest dakok Posted June 24, 2014 Report Posted June 24, 2014 :) Not so many, actually. Two miuis, one AOSP, lewa and color OS, Several custom factory roms and that's all. I am on 029 lite for some time now which suits me very well. It has few flaws like that thing with data monitor but I don't use that. One of my major findings is that phone can easily reach over two days of battery use with over 5.5 hours of screen on time, if you switch off WiFi while not in use.
Guest pletko Posted June 24, 2014 Report Posted June 24, 2014 Cool, I'll be contacting you through PM soon :-)
Guest Robi4ok Posted June 24, 2014 Report Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) I am also on 029 lite version. But it has a bug, data usage is not working :( Try to replace with some different apps to control data usage but can't get needed result. Data usage/monitoring is important for me so i want to try this "[ROM] Coolpad F1 custom rom based on official 029 version by seven wolves". Also interested in AOSP, and color OS. Edited June 25, 2014 by Robi4ok
Guest dakok Posted June 24, 2014 Report Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) Nandroid backup and go on! :D Edited June 24, 2014 by dakok
Guest jay0ind Posted June 25, 2014 Report Posted June 25, 2014 Hi all, I have flash new ColorOS 2.0 TD-SCDMA Firmware (Convert to WCDMA by Replace system/etc/firmware)... Very nice & very i faced one issue when i receive incoming call "Unfortunately, the process has stopped" mean incoming call block issue... Any Solution...???
Guest StratosGK Posted June 25, 2014 Report Posted June 25, 2014 I will post here some details about my case with the soft brick as i see that there are others with soft bricks and it may come useful to them. My PC is running Windows 7 64bit with all the updates. If your PC has known issues with blue screens and reboots, DONT TRY ANYTHING! Find another, reliable PC and try unbricking your phone. I soft bricked my phone in ColorOS V1.4. I remember that i unplugged the USB cable without safely removing it from PC (there wasn't an option to do it). Then on the phone screen a message appeared, saying that my SD card is corrupted and i should format it. I pressed the message a couple of times but nothing happened. Then i understood that i made a huge mistake and rebooted the phone in order to see if i had bricked it. The phone went into a boot loop and i couldn't get into recovery. I have to say that when i tried to flash a ROM the first time, something went wrong and the phone had gone into a boot loop. But i could get into recovery. It wasn't a soft brick. So before doing the steps to unbrick the phone, try first to get into recovery. I tried the first way to unbrick it with all three versions of the program many times. Each time it got stuck at 98% on the PC but my phone would show some fast text and then reboot. It's only then that the software on the PC would move from 98% and inform that it's done. Then i tried the second method and it worked with the first try. But this method is more complicated than the other, so before trying anything, read the guide first a couple of times. Don't read it on the fly. You will get confused and at some points you need to act fast (when you have to release the buttons after red 100% bar).
Guest Robi4ok Posted June 29, 2014 Report Posted June 29, 2014 Hi everybody! 1) After flashing to Coolpad Factory rom 020 in CPB format can't get official updates. It downloads and can't install, just crashes. 2) Is there any ROM with COOLIFE UI 5.5(based on 029 official version) with working data usage/monitor?
Guest StratosGK Posted June 29, 2014 Report Posted June 29, 2014 Here's newest 029 release I just tried the one that you have on the first page but i didn't like it. It consumes more RAM than MIUI 4.6.13 by Lbxb that i use. Is there a change log for this release?
Guest dakok Posted June 29, 2014 Report Posted June 29, 2014 Coolpad F1-8297W 029 based optimization - Global Transparent - speed switch - Magic Fun List animated - Second EditionROM Features Introduction: Cool Great God F1 Unicom version 029 enhanced card swipe second edition | speed switch magic interesting list of animation, global transparency Advanced Settings Changelog: Based on the latest official production from 029, perfect ROOT privileges, will not rebound to add busybox instruction set to remove the boot sound, etc. Cool merger ODEX, facilitate DIY fix alarm FC, has been perfect, we appreciate their own individual residual oil reaction Desktop icons, himself Delete to support the charge percentage, you can switch under Settings / Battery add global transparency, support transparent to the desktop, and other settings interface to modify the default desktop, wallpaper and unlock the background, very beautiful and add a status bar displays speed, support switch Added Magic Fun List animation, supports switching, closed etc. (see ATX Advanced Settings thank ZJL and R9) to add advanced settings, supports a variety of customization features (specific location in the ATX Settings / Advanced Settings) to streamline the most useless program, the system is quite pure ROM has be zipalign optimized to reduce memory usage optimization optimize global touch 3G network effect response optimization framework to optimize power consumption underlying, more power to add RE Manager detail adjustment, self-experience,,, P.S. ATX Team did very good rom releases for g300 and ZJL is a respectable chinese developer
Guest Robi4ok Posted July 1, 2014 Report Posted July 1, 2014 Here's newest 029 release Dakok Did you flash this ROM? Data usage is working?
Guest dalyer Posted July 1, 2014 Report Posted July 1, 2014 (edited) Hi Dakok - apologies if these are dumb questions but I'm a bit confused. Is 029 the latest stock ROM and is it official for WCDMA or patched to work on WCDMA? And what versions are there - original 029 (, the lite 029 (beta?) based one in your third post and this other (?) lite one above in your previous post? It looks like the latter two are ATX team mods of the (official or beta?) 029 stock and the one linked in your previous post is simply the latest? As I said - apologies if I'm being dumb here... :blush: Edited July 1, 2014 by dalyer
Guest dakok Posted July 2, 2014 Report Posted July 2, 2014 Hi dalyer! It goes like this: As we know, there are two Coolpad F1 versions - one is TD-SCDMA (China 3G network), the other is WCDMA (EU compatible 3G network) TD-SCDMA was released first so it has higher rom version number - now it's 086 WCDMA is at 029 now These factory rom releases are official and arrive at phone as OTA upgrades. Smart guy (or guys) from China take that roms off their phones and make them flashable thru CWM/TWRP recovery, with some editing (removing bloatware and adding stuff) Good thing is that TD-SCDMA rom version can be used on our phone, too (with minor changes) since all of the difference is in modem software and that can be copied from one rom to another. In conclusion and taking the above stuff in account - we have TWO official roms. One with high number 08x and another with low - 02x :D To make it more clear - pure official version comes only thru OTA (wifi/3G) upgrade Everything else that you download and flash thru recovery is altered - more or less... P.S. to correct myself - pure official versions can be installed thru Flash Tool or CPB software, too but it is more complicated and I wouldn't recommend that except for the phone unbrick purpose
Guest borsosg Posted July 2, 2014 Report Posted July 2, 2014 If I know well that the higher official wcdma rom version is 033... I use this version and almost perfect.
Guest dakok Posted July 2, 2014 Report Posted July 2, 2014 029 was latest official last week. Did you get that version by auto update?
Guest borsosg Posted July 2, 2014 Report Posted July 2, 2014 No. I downloaded it from ydss (if I remember good) but the Ota update is works on this version. I will share the link afternoon.
Guest arya00 Posted July 2, 2014 Report Posted July 2, 2014 hi i don`t install recovery for this phone. how i can install recovery ? i examine Mobileuncle Tools but the img file don`t show in this program. and my pc don`t recognize the phone i test every thing . my os is win 7 x86 i very trial to recognize phone in pc but nothing.
Guest dalyer Posted July 2, 2014 Report Posted July 2, 2014 (edited) hi i don`t install recovery for this phone. how i can install recovery ? See here: Edited July 2, 2014 by dalyer
Guest dalyer Posted July 2, 2014 Report Posted July 2, 2014 Dakok - thanks a lot for taking the time to post that summary - much appreciated and it clarifies some issues for me. Also interesting about 033. Just one thing ... is the ATX "lite" 029 here the latest: And is it based on a beta version of the official 029 or does beta refer to their own work and it's based on the official stock 029 WCDMA? (Hopefully I'm making that question clear! :D) I was hoping to try this ATX lite version soon. BTW is there any logic to the Coolpad stock ROM version numbers or are they simply likely to be internal build numbers or something? 021 - 026? - 029 - 033? - 085...
Guest dakok Posted July 2, 2014 Report Posted July 2, 2014 (edited) @arya I think it should have this name: recovery.img, so rename it like this. @dalyer latest two 029 releases were "light", so I think you cant miss that (rom is slimmed down to ~420 MB or less) I have 086 since yesterday and it looks good for the time being. Network data manager is working fine... @borosg do you have link for that one? Edited July 2, 2014 by dakok
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