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Coolpad F1 8297w - Review / Info / Software / Custom Roms

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Guest borsosg

I use it too, and in my opinion this is the best version now. It has only small bugs like the notification sound can't change, but otherwise it is good.

Guest bore1989

Is it any difference in flashing with twrp and cwm...cause i tried flashing aosp rom with twrp from internal memory and i caused a soft brick....it said mounting internal memory error...I did all from instructions..backup,wipe cache,factory reset

Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

Is that Jonzalvo's AOSP? He did something with internal memory / SD card that goes realy bad if you

mess with SD card. You are not the first one that soft bricked the phone with that rom :)


CWM and TWRP are basically the same, You may use whichever you want,

and both can be installed through MobileUncle as a recovery.img file

Edited by dakok
Guest slime00

last AOSP has correct memory repartition and you can format sd from the phone without problems, i think the problem was putting the rom in the internal storage, you have to flash it from the sd

Guest m0dac0_bugmenot

I just got my coolpad f1 and downloaded the MIUI rom http://en.miui.com/download-208.html http://miuirom.xiaomi.com/rom/u27615941/4.6.28/miui_8297_xs_4.6.28_6ea8eb00f0_4.2.zip )


After I flashed the ROM my wifi/WLAN stopped working, its not turning on but neither 'off'. As you can see in the screens its stuck/frozen. its not bright orange as other icons and no matter how often i push it it won't go off or on. And in second screen you can see its stuck and i can't do anything, can't swipe it on or off and I have no internet....

Any fix?post-1043480-0-46691100-1404497541_thumbpost-1043480-0-12051200-1404497544_thumb

Guest Robi4ok

I download 034 beta vetsion, flash it and enjoying.

Guest pletko

Tried some Baidu version of the rom. Looks nice, feels nice, everything is finally working. I just have to wait and see how the battery will be acting but my phone finally recognizes my +3859 and 09 contacts as the same. Looks and feels smooth, I just hope it stays that way :-) I'll link the rom if I manage to find the link :-)

Guest dakok

Baidu v5 had some special camera app, as I can remember...

Guest borsosg
Posted (edited)



I found an easy way to root the phone, if you have CWM or TWRP. Just flash this zip and done https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36Ay7pVtck6alBkdEF0YmdYaGc&usp=sharing  It is very useful, if you install a rom that have no root...

And I found a great Miui rom that works perfectly. I dont find any bug... very fast and smooth, everything works, it has wsm tools, perfect :)


Source: http://www.7to.cn/androidrom/romdetail/20169

Download: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36Ay7pVtck6dDNPOHRlVnV4eFU&usp=sharing


It is originally a TD-SCDMA rom, but I copy WCDMA modem files to system\etc\firmware, and now it works good on WCDMA. :)
After install must root, and then install Gapps. 


Enjoy :)

Edited by borsosg
Guest bore1989

Is that Jonzalvo's AOSP? He did something with internal memory / SD card that goes realy bad if you

mess with SD card. You are not the first one that soft bricked the phone with that rom :)


CWM and TWRP are basically the same, You may use whichever you want,

and both can be installed through MobileUncle as a recovery.img file

yes.it was jonzalvos's aosp...after soft brick I cant run cwm..phone reboots from mobileuncle app and just goes into system again

Guest bore1989



I found an easy way to root the phone, if you have CWM or TWRP. Just flash this zip and done https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36Ay7pVtck6alBkdEF0YmdYaGc&usp=sharing  It is very useful, if you install a rom that have no root...

And I found a great Miui rom that works perfectly. I dont find any bug... very fast and smooth, everything works, it has wsm tools, perfect :)


Source: http://www.7to.cn/androidrom/romdetail/20169

Download: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36Ay7pVtck6dDNPOHRlVnV4eFU&usp=sharing


It is originally a TD-SCDMA rom, but I copy WCDMA modem files to system\etc\firmware, and now it works good on WCDMA. :)

After install must root, and then install Gapps. 


Enjoy :)

where can I find those wcdma modem files? I will try that rom now

Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

There are working google maps somewhere in this topic or another one.


Now for some good news:


Slyder, a chinese developer that makes MIUI releases for our phone (to be precise - for TDSCDMA version)

made his first MIUI release based on official CoolLife UI rom 086

According to user reports from China - it seems to be very fluent




Download (ALERT - TDSCDMA version!)


If you feel adventurous, you can convert that one to our WCDMA version.

Or wait for Odd Rabbit or YDSS to release it :)

Edited by dakok
Guest pletko
Posted (edited)

Oh come on... I just found one that I like and now you dangle this one in front of me... Not fair dude



how about a direct link to download? :D

Edited by pletko
Guest dakok

New official 035 wcdma is out today or tomorrow


      Fix: Under the File Manager thumbnail mode sporadic error problem
      Fix: occasional camera can not focus problem
      Optimization: Launcher angular scale display position
      Optimization: photographic effect
      Optimization: Merge google security patches, enhanced system security payments   
      Optimization: the problem of slow play interface initialization
      Optimization: Music widget update
      035 version is expected on Sunday or Monday publication, you can choose whether to update the 035 version according to the update instructions.
      To facilitate the collection of follow-up questions, post temporarily closed pending the release before opening.
Guest m0dac0_bugmenot

Hey, I can't login on my Mi Account on my phone. Everytime I try it gives: Network error for past 2 days.No problem when I try online on my computer though. Any fix? Greetz

Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

Thanks Slime!


Added two China forums to the first post with a lot of roms and other cryptic info :D

Anzhi (great forum)

Mumayi (has a lot of roms)


You wont be able to access Anzhi easily though ;)





029 Lite v3 by ATX Team is out


Edited by dakok

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