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Coolpad F1 8297w - Review / Info / Software / Custom Roms

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Guest StratosGK

waiting for official 035 version

No news yet?

Guest dakok

One admin says that 035 is prolonged for tomorrow morning.

034 is OK release...

Guest Robi4ok
Posted (edited)


In 029 version was a nice list view animation. it seems that they removed that option in 034 version.

Edited by Robi4ok
Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

I could find it and post it here. It is ATX tool or something similar (that dev group that makes roms for g300)





Copied this apk to system/app and set permissions as other apk's have but no luck there :(

Edited by dakok
Guest StratosGK
Posted (edited)

If i flash 034, can i update 035 from system update and not through flashing again?


Edit: Can i have a link of 034 official please? All i can find is modded versions.

Edited by StratosGK
Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

I think that 033 and 034 are modded

releases from official Odd Rabbit forum.

You won't find them as official release I'm afraid.

Although it looks like it has nothing to do

with official builds I think they are legit

since the version that is announced at Coolpad

forum has the next number - 035.

Similar thing was with 029 which was available

as zip flash before it came as regular OTA


I checked the updater app on 034 and it works.

Don't know whether it will make an actual update

when it arrives, though. :D

Edited by dakok
Guest Rammbock
Posted (edited)

So which 034 do you suggest using? Maybe the FIRE team one?


I have installed this one: http://www.7to.cn/androidrom/romdetail/20155.  A few hours ago it was without [FIRE]
So it's look like fine, no more errors with Data Usage or Coolpad Manager or Fast Dial etc.
Unfortunately english and chinese languages only.
I used a TWRP recovery to install it.
Made Cache and Dalvik cache wipe, System wipe, Factory reset, Internal storage wipe.
Edited by Rammbock
Guest Rammbock

So, Now is waiting for 10 of July for 036 Update :-)

Guest StratosGK

It's the same with the one i posted. Just flashed it and i am looking for ways to delete the weather app and some other apps that i don't want.

Guest dalyer
Posted (edited)

It's the same with the one i posted. Just flashed it and i am looking for ways to delete the weather app and some other apps that i don't want.


Any use?




As dakok says use a root explorer or a system app freezer/remover (I find Root App Delete useful/simple but there are lots of others: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=zsj.android.systemappremover )

Edited by dalyer
Guest StratosGK

Thanks! I already removed the apps i don't want. :)
It's a pretty good ROM. It doesn't have any problems so far.

Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

Here's the list of the various stuff I removed from 034:


  • Google Partner Setup
  • HiMarket
  • Market Feedback Agent
  • Music Visualisation Wallpapers
  • Phase Beam
  • Popular Apps
  • TalkBack
  • Zuimei Weather
  • ? it has circle icon in 4 colors
  • ? Chinese Maps - it has a rectangular icon with POI symbols or something
  • ? Cloud icon
  • ? Green icon with letter C (circle with 3 small circles around)


Used System App Remover from Play.




Here's few basic apps I added (if you need them):

  • Screen off (blue icon)
  • CM Browser
  • K-9 E-Mail 
  • N7-Player (music player)

If you have other suggestions for removal, be my guest - I can add this removal suggestion to the first post

Edited by dakok
Guest borsosg

New 036 official version is out today. You can use OTA update :)



Guest StratosGK

I can't update to 036 too.... I use the same version with Rammbock...
Is there a link for any official ROM we can use? I am borred of custom Miui and such. They all have some problems which are solved and replaced by others with every update....

Guest borsosg
Posted (edited)

I installed the official 029 with Coolpad Download Assitant 1.80. After the install must reboot the phone and then the wireless update works. Before start install you can try the wireless update with 034 after restart phone.


The download assistant and the official 029 can download from: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jGidnE2

Edited by borsosg
Guest dakok

Borosg, could you give more details how to

flash rom with coolpad assistant so I could

move that to the first page for others to see and


Guest StratosGK
Posted (edited)

I came to ask the very same thing :P
Thanks for the link barosg! :D



I did it! Put phone on flashmode and just pressed that green button on the Assistant. Phone is now 029!

Edited by StratosGK
Guest borsosg
Posted (edited)



Before you begin install with Coolpad Download Assistant, make sure that the drivers are installed on your pc. The hottest method to check it: launch the phone in fastboot mode (turn off the phone and press Vol +, Vol- and power at the same time for 10 seconds) connect the phone via USB serial cable with your pc and look at the device manager to see if your phone is Android Devices / Coolpad F1 . If you can not find it in the device manager, you must first install the drivers. 


If you see your phone on the pc, then start the Download Assistant Coolpad (of course after you have installed), choose the rom file "4.2.029.P0.140522.8297W.CPB"  turn the phone to fastboot mode, then connect the phone phone to PC and start the flashing method. 


The flashing reaches 98% and the phone restarts. Then the flashing method up to 100%  and see a big blue smiley and Coolpad Download Assistant's button will be green. 
:excl: But do not press the green button, and do not pull down the phone from USB!! :excl: 
Wait for the phone to start up fully (about 5-10 minutes). 
Only when the system is restarted fully, then press the green button and connect down the phone from USB.
If you've done that, you will be above the official 029 on your phone. You can not update, set it to English, and then reboot phone. After the restart, do the Wireless Update.
Thats all  ;)
Edited by borsosg
Guest StratosGK
Posted (edited)

I rebooted the phone and did the wireless update. It says that it is 22MB, i press download. After it gets downloaded i press OK and phone restarts. It gets into recovery and starts installing but about at half it says that the file it is not signed and asks me if i want to keep installing it. I choose OK but after a while it fails....



In recovery menu it says:
CWM-based Recovery v6.0.3.0
E: Invalid command argument

Finding update package...

Opening update package...

Verifying update package....

E: failed to very whole-file signature

E: signature verification failed

And asks me if a iwant to install untrusted zip. I press Yes and then it says:


Installing update...

asserted failed: getprop("ro.product.device")=="Coolpad8297W" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "Coolpad8297W"
E: Error in /data/media/0/update.zip
Status 7
Installation aborted.

What Recovery menu are you using?

Edited by StratosGK
Guest StratosGK
Posted (edited)

I rooted the phone, changed recovery, redownloaded update.zip and again Status 7 error.
Status 7 means that the update is not compatible with my phone..... WTF?

Edit: Took a screenshot of the wireless update. Was yours like that?



Edited by StratosGK

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