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[WM6.5 Omnia 2] Solved!: How to enable new panels to the new WM6.5 plugin screen (Titanium)?

Guest emperorben

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Guest xmort04

Hi guys,

first of all thank you for all your posts here in this topic, that helped me to customize home screen finally. ;)

I am pretty happy now, but i wonder if following is possible. Din't you somebody find a way to move the main line on screen, which activates the panels up or down? Is it possible in CPR file somehow? By default it is in the middle of screen and i would like to move it somewhere to the first third of screen.

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Guest Omega Ra
I have a working Splugins cpr file that includes HeroClock, Opera Favorites and ATFavorites. Tried attaching but I guess the site won't let me upload cpr files. If you have an email address I can send it to you. Or when I have time I can try to figure out how to post it here...

I managed to get the titanium weather to show up once, but once I did the setup it went all wacky, no icons or anything, plus clinks didn't work and I couldn't use cclock or smusic anymore...they just didn't show, so I undid it and went back to the regular SPlugins. For now I am going to use widgets and touchwiz to give it a shot, and wait a little until someone comes up with a more reliable way to get all the panels working properly.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest janvalek

Thanks to this thread ive finally been able to customize my titanium homesreen. Very nice work.

Now im looking to get Smusic back. i know the cpr settings, but its disabled in the registry i think.

Can anyone post the registry keys for Smusic?

Found out there is no such thing as Smusic <_<

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest HAL_9000

Hello guys.

I have a little problem.

First I must thanks to emperorben for his SPlugins_480x800.cpr file. Almost every Titanium apps works me now.

But there is one which does not...


Links here:


Problem is, that it not included of supported apps in emperorben Splugin file. If you install CQuickNotes then you can found default.plg file in installation folder. I opened it in WordPad on PC. There is some text similar like that in Splugin file. I was trying copy text from default file to Splugin. Successfully overwrite, restart Titanium but still nothing. CQuickNotes was not appear on screen.

Maybe I copied wrong part of this text. But I'm not a programmer and its too difficult for me.

Is there anybody who is able to include CQuickNotes to supported apps of SPlugin file?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Capt.KKK

i8000 by Samsung has its own set of applications that are specifically written for WM6.1 and WM6.5, where these applications have their own parameters that are different from the original WM set, make an example:

In WM6.5 Titanium, the CALENADER panel is looking at MSCALENDAR and both CONDENSED and EXPANDED page can be fed with the actual data from any event, the param is TEXT1 to TEXT6.

Whereas if users are using the "hacked" version of SCALENDAR panel and will launch the tcalendar instead, this does not has the param at the CONDENSED page, the only thing that can be displayed is the PLUGINLABEL.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest M102

I followed the guide and worked brilliantly! thanks to all who posted the helpful comments.

One thing to make it even perfect...

I downloaded the home screen customiser from Marketplace.

It has the favorites function where you can select a specific plugin (currently only cemail, windows live, opera favs cclock-which doesnt work) to default to when the phone is unlocked or when the end button is pressed.

Anyone know how to change this so that i can force any other plugin to be the favorite?

Currently i have the Sclock on the top because Titanium defaults to the top-most plugin and i like to see the clock when i press end or when it unlocks... Im running 6.5 (until a stable 6.5.3 comes out... too much memory leaks in JD and JE).

My wish is to have the Sclock in the middle of all the plugins and force titanium to default to it so it shows other plugins on the top and bottom (with clock showing on the middle of the screen). This should allow me to see status of other programs like the comm manager and phone, text, weather, etc etc.

I have tried to customise in CHome Editor (Showaco) and registry directly but found no traces or clues to enable the favorites icon to appear in Home Screen Customiser.

Any help would be appreciated :)

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Guest kestonikas

I was looking for a solution to enable and install panels easy and found this forum. Used to change SPlugin.cpr but found this too complicated for me :).

And now I have found solution for me (maybe it is already used by other also):

1.Disable Windows default view

2. Using registry editor (Resco) chaging registry keys:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CPRFile from SPanel to Titanium

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\DefaultXML - same, find in the string CPRFileName="SPanel" and change to "Titanium"

3. Restart device

4. Enable Windows default view

For the beggining I see only 2 panels :)

5. Install from Marketplace Home Screen Customizer.

6. Run it and for the beggining remove all panels.

7. Install MortScript (need to run some panels).

8. Add panels as you wish.

When you will install any other panels, it will appear on screen and you can handle them with Screen Customizer.

This is my easy way, how I use panels I wish.

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Guest kestonikas
Anyone know how to change this so that i can force any other plugin to be the favorite?

Any help would be appreciated :)

When you open Home Screen Customizer, in the right side you must see heart symbol at some panels name. The red one shows favorite. Change it and you will have what you want to be favorite panel.

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Guest _Reaper_7
I was looking for a solution to enable and install panels easy and found this forum. Used to change SPlugin.cpr but found this too complicated for me :).

And now I have found solution for me (maybe it is already used by other also):

1.Disable Windows default view

2. Using registry editor (Resco) chaging registry keys:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CPRFile from SPanel to Titanium

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\DefaultXML - same, find in the string CPRFileName="SPanel" and change to "Titanium"

3. Restart device

4. Enable Windows default view

For the beggining I see only 2 panels :)

5. Install from Marketplace Home Screen Customizer.

6. Run it and for the beggining remove all panels.

7. Install MortScript (need to run some panels).

8. Add panels as you wish.

When you will install any other panels, it will appear on screen and you can handle them with Screen Customizer.

This is my easy way, how I use panels I wish.

i love you !!!! found !!!!!!

thx thx thx :)

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Guest tanyasiapa
i love you !!!! found !!!!!!

thx thx thx :)

Hi, i'm new to Windows Mobile and PDA world. Sorry if my question is dumb.

Okey, so i just flashed my Omnia 2 with alex's JE3 lite rom found in this forum

http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000-omnia-...e-wm-6-5-3-rom/ .

And then i installed the Chome Editor. Unfortunately, maybe due to the 'lite version' the registry entry for HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Chome is not as complete as the official ROM, i.e : I can't find entry for SClock, SMusic, SText, and other Samsung's plugin for Titanium. There are only standar WinMo plugin like CClock,CText,CPhone, etc. Therefore, i can't add Samsung panel in the CHome editor.

I'd like to know is there any solution to this problem?i tried to install Cab's of Chome from JE1


but it gives me error of unsufficient permissions when i install it.

So, can you please share the registry entry for HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Chome ? All of it, than contain all of samsung's panel..maybe you can export the reg file?and then i can import it later to my device?

thanks for your help... :)

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Guest tanyasiapa
Hi, i'm new to Windows Mobile and PDA world. Sorry if my question is dumb.

Okey, so i just flashed my Omnia 2 with alex's JE3 lite rom found in this forum

http://www.modaco.com/content/i8000-omnia-...e-wm-6-5-3-rom/ .

And then i installed the Chome Editor. Unfortunately, maybe due to the 'lite version' the registry entry for HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Chome is not as complete as the official ROM, i.e : I can't find entry for SClock, SMusic, SText, and other Samsung's plugin for Titanium. There are only standar WinMo plugin like CClock,CText,CPhone, etc. Therefore, i can't add Samsung panel in the CHome editor.

I'd like to know is there any solution to this problem?i tried to install Cab's of Chome from JE1


but it gives me error of unsufficient permissions when i install it.

So, can you please share the registry entry for HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Chome ? All of it, than contain all of samsung's panel..maybe you can export the reg file?and then i can import it later to my device?

thanks for your help... :)

i guess there's nothing i can do...i've come to the realization that the chef somehow deleted/not installed Chome for Samsung App on the JE3 lite ROM. So, i reflashed to JE1 lite by twu2, and voila..everthing works like a charm... (just don't forget to install the JE1 Chome Cab).

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  • 1 month later...
Guest NoNam3


Can someone help me with:

1. I would like to make the titanium plugins to be center aligned on today screen

2. I created one panel on omnia II with 3 pages ( apps, games, internet ) but now i would like that when i click on page apps to send me to the panel similar when you press start on top left.


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Guest bobor

Some app -- not sure which one -- that I'd installed corrupted my Omnia 2 and forced me to do a hard reset. I followed the steps outlined in this thread and got Titanium and various panels installed and back to a working state BUT when I add custom panels via CHome editor I'm not able to see them on the home screen.

The additional panels look to be 'registered' and show up on CHome editor but I just can't see them on the home screen.

My steps:

1) Disabled 'Windows Default'

2) copied the mega SPlugins_480x800.cpr into /Windows (with Read Only enabled)

3) installed Showaco's Chome Editor

4) installed and activated MortScript 4.3 (and even SDKCert and NET Compact Framework for good measure)

5) Installed CNotifications and CLaucher, Save Order, Exited

6) Created a number of custom panels and Save Order, Exited

I can see CNotifications and CLauncher but not my custom panels after I reactivate Titanium. I've spent the better part of today pulling my hair out and trying different things but to no use -- the custom panels don't appear.

The frustrating thing about all of this is that adding custom panels worked fine BEFORE I did a hard reset and I don't think that I did anything different setting it up the first time around

Am I missing a step? Does SPlugins_480x800.cpr or the Titanium cpr need to be modified further?

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Guest NoNam3

CHome editor edit the default wm 6.5 Titanium cpr. Omnia 2 use SPlugins, so you need to use CHome editor and then copy all text inside titanium.cpr to Splugins.cpr ( or there is a registry trick to allow CHome editor to change directly in Splugins. )

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Guest bobor
CHome editor edit the default wm 6.5 Titanium cpr. Omnia 2 use SPlugins, so you need to use CHome editor and then copy all text inside titanium.cpr to Splugins.cpr ( or there is a registry trick to allow CHome editor to change directly in Splugins. )

Thanks NoNam3, is this the registry trick (from the poster above)? --

Using registry editor (Resco) chaging registry keys:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CPRFile from SPanel to Titanium

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\DefaultXML - same, find in the string CPRFileName="SPanel" and change to "Titanium"

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Guest wicked.ludicrous

As a newbie to all this jargon, I can't seem to find the file SPlugins_480x800.CPR. I haven't really done anything to my O2 yet, so is that normal? Should I just download and copy it into my / folder? I also can't find Titanium_480x800.cpr...

And once that gets working, do I need to worry about 'pointing' to that first cpr file? After reading this thread, I'm totally confused....


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Guest asus535

I again advice to read my post #254 for newcomers.

indeed this thread is obsolete after my post.

stock rom owners need to replace ATPluginInstaller.exe file in cabinets with a compatible one (hexedited by me). Even chome editor becomes compatible then.

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Guest NoNam3
As a newbie to all this jargon, I can't seem to find the file SPlugins_480x800.CPR. I haven't really done anything to my O2 yet, so is that normal? Should I just download and copy it into my / folder? I also can't find Titanium_480x800.cpr...

And once that gets working, do I need to worry about 'pointing' to that first cpr file? After reading this thread, I'm totally confused....


1. Install into O2 one registry editor

2. Disable Windows Default

3. Enter in reg editor and edit: (first you can backup this 2 regkeys)

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CPRFile from SPlugins to Titanium

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\DefaultXML - same, find in the string CPRFileName="SPlugins" and change to "Titanium"

edit, after restart, the method above is not kept in registry

4. Save the changes and exit registry editor

5. Install CHome editor 1.6.

6. Enter CHome editor, make the panels as you like, save them and enable windows default plugin ( AKA Titanium )

( it worked for me w/o restarting the device )

For finding the CPR manual, enable view hiden and system files on PC and find the files via MS activesync, or from PPC open one file explorer and set the option " show all files, or hiden files, etc "

CPR files are in Windows folder

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1. Install into O2 one registry editor

2. Disable Windows Default

3. Enter in reg editor and edit: (first you can backup this 2 regkeys)

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CPRFile from SPanel to Titanium

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\DefaultXML - same, find in the string CPRFileName="SPanel" and change to "Titanium"

4. Save the changes and exit registry editor

5. Install CHome editor 1.6.

6. Enter CHome editor, make the panels as you like, save them and enable windows default plugin ( AKA Titanium )

( it worked for me w/o restarting the device )

For finding the CPR manual, enable view hiden and system files on PC and find the files via MS activesync, or from PPC open one file explorer and set the option " show all files, or hiden files, etc "

CPR files are in Windows folder

Thanks NoNam3. That clarifies a lot. however two points:

1) my registry editor only shows 'SPlugins' at the end of HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CPRFile and not 'SPanel'.

Is this a typo? I should be replacing 'SPlugins' with 'Titanium' right?

1) Will the above procedure still allow me to edit the Samsung plugins with CHome? I actually like some of those panels

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Guest NoNam3

1) my registry editor only shows 'SPlugins' at the end of HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\CPRFile and not 'SPanel'.

Is this a typo? I should be replacing 'SPlugins' with 'Titanium' right? Yes, that's right, it's SPlugins not SPanel.

1) Will the above procedure still allow me to edit the Samsung plugins with CHome? I actually like some of those panels

It will allow you, but .. some problems for me. ( I can't save to reg. For instance, I select in CHome Editor to edit the panels name. Example for Sclock in the right down key I edit the SK2Txt to Set Alarm, it's working untile phone restart, after that come back to it's default value = Clock

If someone knows why the registry for SPanels doesn't keep the values)

The method with the registry edit, didn't worked well for me so I re-edit the above regs to their original values.


HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\DefaultXML - same, find in the string CPRFileName="SPlugins"

1. Download CHome Editor and Microsoft Screen Home Editor from marketplace (or from here omnia_2_panels_editor.rar / here (apps are portable so no need to install them) and place them inside u'r phone.

2. Disable Windows Default item from Today items.

3. Open CHome Editor and add/remove SPanels ( S=samsung panels )

4. Open Screen Home Editor and add/remove CPanels ( C=WindowsMobile Panels )

( tap and hold to move them up/down ) From here can add weather, apps, and more.

5. Exit and enable Windows Default.

for extra panels create in CHome Editor new panels with/without pages, and save them. Place them on the latest position






new panel1

new panel2

and save them, then find them on Titanium_480x800.cpr and place them on SPlugins_480x800.cpr

Edited by NoNam3
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