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Posted (edited)

Hi All,

First off I would say how much I enjoy this forum. Kudos to all the chefs and members. There are an incredible amount of talented people who are on this forum and I have learned a great deal and have been a confirmed flash-aholic for some time.

I wanted to share with you my personal observation.

After flashing custom WM6.5 and 6.5.x ROMs I came to the realization that I would never find the "PERFECT" set-up for my Omnia 2. I've spent a lot of time playing, tweaking, flashing and overall just messing with my phone and I realized I'll never be completely happy unless I cook my own ROMs (which I may tackle at a later date) or design my own phone (I'm not an engineer). With that being said I decided to flash to the most current stock Verizon 6.5 DG21 ROM and just add the programs and registry edits I need and use. I no longer have any problems with anything I use my phone for. No dropped calls, no problems with SMS or MMS, no sleep of death, internet tethering works, Wi-Fi works, GPS works, long battery life, it's fast and most importantly, EVERYTHING JUST PLAIN WORKS!!!

I will probably never be completely happy with my phone but I am satisfied enough to now leave it alone and actually USE IT instead of play with it. You wouldn’t believe how much extra time I now have on my hands. So with that being said here is a list of the registry edits and cabs I used to get my stock Verizon i920 as useful as I needed it and get my life back.

First, back up your contacts, calendar, pics, music, ect. then flash the stock Verizon 6.5 DG21 Rom. Reset your phone then install your cabs and enter your registry edits. Install any other software you use on a regular basis and enjoy your phone.

I am not the original author or developer for any of these tweaks/cabs so all credit goes to them. I just wanted to consolidate this into one post for the group. Also, please feel free to add any registry tweaks or cabs you use so the rest of use can take advantage of them.

Saumsung Official DG21 ROM Release (Thanks to Snow02)

i920 Samsung PDA .nbo


Usefull Programs - ALL FREEWARE: (Almost all can be installed to "My Storage")


Bing (confirmed working for i920)


Clear Temp

Deluxe Moon

File Explorer Extensions

gchris Titanium

Google aGPS Settings (Use Google Servers for Omnia 2) FF_Google_aGPS_Settings_Generic.cab

GoogleMaps 4.1 (with voice)

GPS Controler

HTC Task Manager htc_task_2.1.cab

Internet Sharring

jInbox jInbox__Omnia_2_i920.cab

Mobile Finance

Mp3 Trimmer

O2 Compass & O2 Flashlight

Open Market

Open GLES V1

Opera Mobile 10

Pandora Internet Radio

Registry Editor

SamsungToday samsungntoday.cab

S2U2 Slide to Unlock

Soft Reset

TCPMP Media Player

Waze turn-by-turn GPS Navigation



MyMobiler (Install to PC): http://www.mymobiler.com/

Commercial Software:

SPB Mobile Shell

Registry Edits:

Add email to jinbox:

Enable Samsung skinned Email application: In more recent ROMs the Samsung messaging application has only included the SMS folders unlike older Samsung ROMs which allowed you to setup and navigate through email accounts within the Samsung messaging app. If you would like to re-enable this feature you can edit this registry setting: HKLM\Software\Samsung\JINBOX - change the ShowEmailAccounts entry from 0 to 1. Restart the Samsung messaging app and now you will have access to the email folders as well as SMS.

For Omnia Titanium Lovers:

If you want to use Omnia skinned contacts instead of WM Default just change this registry:

HKLM/software/microsoft/shell/rai/:MSCONTACTS replace: :MSPOUTLOOK contacts with: "\windows\SECContact.exe"

-Cclock plugin. I used that instead of some other fancy plugin mainly because you can make it link to samsung clock when you press it and still get the alarm icon when you set the alarm. Also memory usage is low.

In order to make it link to samsung alarm (or any alarmapp) when you press it, you need to change this in registry:

HKLM/software/microsoft/shell/rai/msclock. Replace the clock.exe with "\windows\tclock.exe" on string 1

-Calendar plugin. You can make it link to sumsung calendar instead of windows. SAme way as clock. Change this HKLM/software/microsoft/shell/rai/MSCALENDAR

You need to replace: :MSPOUTLOOK calendar with: "\windows\tcalendar.exe" /next

P.S. With "\windows\tcalendar.exe" /next it takes you to the current day.

With "\windows\tcalendar.exe" /all it takes you to your next appointment.

With "\windows\tcalendar.exe" /new it takes you to the appointment creation screen

Add any other cabs or programs you use on a regular basis. I now consider myself a reformed flashaholic and just wanted to post this for the rest of the group. If you want your life back try this and see if it works for you.

Below are some screen shots: (Samsung Today, gchris Titanium, Samsung WidgetPlus, Windows Default (Titanium) and SBP Mobile Shell with DROID PRO+ 3.0 by DOC3000 & MSKIP)






Edited by dgyahn

Thanks for posting all of these useful files in one place!

Guest xlightwaverx

I went through this phase before. Now I am doing my own ROM as well. I'm just doing it more backwards than most. I can't have a ROM with ANY UNNEEDED FILES in it. Zero Strays. If you could see the file structure of stock DG21, DC23, CK21 or whatever else was released, it would make you sick. We are talking taking the i8000, and possibly others based on files I have found, and Chinese blogs of people doing what we do, with files that coincide with older initflashfiles.dat files from other models of phones, all pointing to where all these misc files go, or rather come from. Its horrible. There is (IMHO), THREE different phone setups on this phone (the i920, i8000, and another prior to that based on Chinese blogs and file structure lists). That is ridiculous.

Stock i920 is not a beautiful thing at all. It is 3 different phones, all put together, with a series of patches on top of one another to HIDE the old phone setups. That's dirty coding, and an embarrassment to have in my pocket.

In all reality, you want a fully working SYS

And after you have your fully working SYS, you have your "required" Samsung Libraries, and Settings Software Installed, and lastly, Samsung Apps.

That is a true working Stock. And instead of patching crap to make it not show up, we should spend our time putting things in that the phone needs, instead of sorting through trash file by file seeing what we can get rid of so we can have the lightest ROM.

All ROMS should start off as lite, and we choose how much STOCK we want them to be, and lastly, we "bling" them as someone else mentioned in another post.

Whatever, its just my two cents.


Thanks for posting all of these useful files in one place!
Guest tedkord
I went through this phase before. Now I am doing my own ROM as well. I'm just doing it more backwards than most. I can't have a ROM with ANY UNNEEDED FILES in it. Zero Strays. If you could see the file structure of stock DG21, DC23, CK21 or whatever else was released, it would make you sick. We are talking taking the i8000, and possibly others based on files I have found, and Chinese blogs of people doing what we do, with files that coincide with older initflashfiles.dat files from other models of phones, all pointing to where all these misc files go, or rather come from. Its horrible. There is (IMHO), THREE different phone setups on this phone (the i920, i8000, and another prior to that based on Chinese blogs and file structure lists). That is ridiculous.

Stock i920 is not a beautiful thing at all. It is 3 different phones, all put together, with a series of patches on top of one another to HIDE the old phone setups. That's dirty coding, and an embarrassment to have in my pocket.

In all reality, you want a fully working SYS

And after you have your fully working SYS, you have your "required" Samsung Libraries, and Settings Software Installed, and lastly, Samsung Apps.

That is a true working Stock. And instead of patching crap to make it not show up, we should spend our time putting things in that the phone needs, instead of sorting through trash file by file seeing what we can get rid of so we can have the lightest ROM.

All ROMS should start off as lite, and we choose how much STOCK we want them to be, and lastly, we "bling" them as someone else mentioned in another post.

Whatever, its just my two cents.


Waitaminute. You're saying that Samsung put together really nice hardware, then hobbled it with piss-poor software????!!!!

Hold on while I perfect my shocked face...that's never happened before!

Guest amdzero
Waitaminute. You're saying that Samsung put together really nice hardware, then hobbled it with piss-poor software????!!!!

Hold on while I perfect my shocked face...that's never happened before!

As if that wasn't bad enough, there are some 040c language files left in. In case you didn't know 0409 was English (what we use here in America) and 040c is what the French use.

Yes that's right, they left some french resource files in the stock rom.




These are essentially the same file, the only difference is one has English and one has French. Obviously since our phone language is set to English, that 62KB file is a waste of space.

Posted (edited)

Like others in this thread, I have determined that in order to have the device customized the way I like it, I'm going to need to build my own custom ROM. I'm going for something similar to Zero's Stock ROM without WM 6.5.x because I don't like how it works with some of my older WM programs-mainly PocketQuicken. I have managed to cut out most of the Verizon stuff, and I have modified widgetplus to remove all the Verizon branding. So anyway, I'm creating a lite ROM like everyone seems to do when they are starting out; it's a good way to get educated about the kitchen.

Here's my question. What are the benefits to increasing ROM space? Are there any performance benefits, or does it just give the cook more space to play with when customizing?

Edited by rbean
Guest amdzero
Like others in this thread, I have determined that in order to have the device customized the way I like it, I'm going to need to build my own custom ROM. I'm going for something similar to Zero's Stock ROM without WM 6.5.x because I don't like how it works with some of my older WM programs-mainly PocketQuicken. I have managed to cut out most of the Verizon stuff, and I have modified widgetplus to remove all the Verizon branding. So anyway, I'm creating a lite ROM like everyone seems to do when they are starting out; it's a good way to get educated about the kitchen.

Here's my question. What are the benefits to increasing ROM space? Are there any performance benefits, or does it just give the cook more space to play with when customizing?


first it creates space for the user to install more programs

second it can clear some programs that run in the background taking up valuable resources

  • 1 month later...
Guest Deusxmachina

I got an i920 last week, and after plowing through mod thread after mod thread, I may just go the route of the OP. I can't find some things, though:

How to get the "time" "notification" "shortcuts" rows separated like that in the first pic?

How to get the voicemail/email/etc notifier line with the four icons towards the bottom of the pic on the right, (and is also in the first pic)?

How to get that six-in-one widget in the right pic?

This stuff may seem obvious to people, but I looked through the links, tried searching, read a whole bunch of threads, googled, and I can't find those things. It's an i920 with DC23 and 6.5. Are those in DG21?

Are there really still few more nice widgets for TouchWiz? Even Samsung's "apps" link for cell phones says "coming soon," and the only other third-party ones I've seen are basically just bookmarks to websites.

There's no way to get rid of the Verizon bloatware without a cooked rom? Seems like no.

That aside, I'd add S2U2 to the list in the first post since it can do so much and better than stock. And Total Commander. I've played with that and Resco File Explorer and still don't have a favorite yet, but one costs and the other doesn't.

Posted (edited)
I got an i920 last week, and after plowing through mod thread after mod thread, I may just go the route of the OP. I can't find some things, though:

How to get the "time" "notification" "shortcuts" rows separated like that in the first pic?

How to get the voicemail/email/etc notifier line with the four icons towards the bottom of the pic on the right, (and is also in the first pic)?

How to get that six-in-one widget in the right pic?

This stuff may seem obvious to people, but I looked through the links, tried searching, read a whole bunch of threads, googled, and I can't find those things. It's an i920 with DC23 and 6.5. Are those in DG21?

Are there really still few more nice widgets for TouchWiz? Even Samsung's "apps" link for cell phones says "coming soon," and the only other third-party ones I've seen are basically just bookmarks to websites.

There's no way to get rid of the Verizon bloatware without a cooked rom? Seems like no.

That aside, I'd add S2U2 to the list in the first post since it can do so much and better than stock. And Total Commander. I've played with that and Resco File Explorer and still don't have a favorite yet, but one costs and the other doesn't.

Hi Duesxmachina,

The items shown in pic #1 are from the Samsung Today screen. The file is listed in the "Useful Programs" section of post #1. Download the cab and install to your device. Activate it by going to Settings/Display Settings/Items on Today and checking the Samsung Today check box. Once it is loaded you can edit the panels and items. (NOTE: for the SMS notification widget to work correctly you will also need to download the jInbox cab and install it to your device.) It gives you a nicer threaded SMS experience anyway.

The 6 in 1 launcher in pic #4 is the My Favorites widget. You just move it to your Samsung WidgetPlus page and tap on the plus symbol to add your programs. You can put as many on the panel as you like.

You are right, you cannot get rid of the Verizon bloatwear unless you flash a custom ROM.

Hope that helps.

Edited by dgyahn
Guest Deusxmachina

Man... thank you. I don't know if my brain ignored "Samung Today" up there in the list because it's the last one in the list and is regular text or what. And now that I know what to look for, I see there is also a Samsung Today 2.

Is that email/voicemail notification bar at the bottom of the right pic a widget? Looking around, I read maybe it's a widget that starts with an "i". I have turned on all widgets and am not seeing it, so figured I better clarify exactly what it is. If you have widgets turned on, you can't turn on anything else, so it must be a widget, I guess.

Man... thank you. I don't know if my brain ignored "Samung Today" up there in the list because it's the last one in the list and is regular text or what. And now that I know what to look for, I see there is also a Samsung Today 2.

Is that email/voicemail notification bar at the bottom of the right pic a widget? Looking around, I read maybe it's a widget that starts with an "i". I have turned on all widgets and am not seeing it, so figured I better clarify exactly what it is. If you have widgets turned on, you can't turn on anything else, so it must be a widget, I guess.

Samsung Today 2 is for the Omnia i910 not the i920. Also the notification bar in pic #4 shows up only when you have a missed call, sms, email, ect. otherwise it does not show on the today screen.

Guest Deusxmachina
Also the notification bar in pic #4 shows up only when you have a missed call, sms, email, ect. otherwise it does not show on the today screen.

lol. I should have known. I just got the i920, it's my first Winmo phone, (can you tell?), but it's not actually getting activated for another week, so just been playing with it and the wifi. Thanks!

Guest pma7779

The original VZ Rom is a waste of space and time. If anyone is looking for a ROM that is basic, AMD created an awesome ROM. It is what verizon should have created in the first place.

  • 1 month later...
Guest SergioTio
The items shown in pic #1 are from the Samsung Today screen. The file is listed in the "Useful Programs" section of post #1. Download the cab and install to your device. Activate it by going to Settings/Display Settings/Items on Today and checking the Samsung Today check box. Once it is loaded you can edit the panels and items.

Hello dgyahn,

I still didn't get that comment about the first picture in the Post#1. Is that Samsung Today a separate program? because I cannot find any link with the name "Samsung Today". And is that on the Lock Screen?

Also, as I understand when you activate the Samsung WidgetPlus it is impossible to activate other items in the list, so I concluded that the first picture is really the Lock Screen.


Guest dgyahn
Posted (edited)
Hello dgyahn,

I still didn't get that comment about the first picture in the Post#1. Is that Samsung Today a separate program? because I cannot find any link with the name "Samsung Today". And is that on the Lock Screen?

Also, as I understand when you activate the Samsung WidgetPlus it is impossible to activate other items in the list, so I concluded that the first picture is really the Lock Screen.


Samsung Today is a Today Screen program that is not included in our stock Verizon ROM. The link to it is in post #1 but here it is again. Install it to your Main Storage. To activate it go to Settings/Display Settings/Items on Today/Samsung Today. Also, to get the SMS notification to work correctly you will need to download and install jInbox. The link is also in post #1 and is a nicer threaded SMS client.



Edited by dgyahn
Guest SergioTio
Samsung Today is a Today Screen program that is not included in our stock Verizon ROM. The link to it is in post #1 but here it is again. Install it to your Main Storage. To activate it go to Settings/Display Settings/Items on Today/Samsung Today. Also, to get the SMS notification to work correctly you will need to download and install jInbox. The link is also in post #1 and is a nicer threaded SMS client.

thank you dgyahn, I installed the Samsung Today, and it works. Also I installed the compass, it's great:)

one thing I wanted to ask you, do you know if there is a way to edit or setup the program more deeply, for example it allows only one screen of World Clock or Appointments, but for Photo Contacts it has three, so I can scroll it to the right or left. Also seems this program is for Europe, the date on the Time line shows 11.03.2011, here in US we used to have month first then the date :( although I am from Europe originally , but used to have the month first :(

anyway, thank you for the fast and accurate reply .

Guest dgyahn
thank you dgyahn, I installed the Samsung Today, and it works. Also I installed the compass, it's great:)

one thing I wanted to ask you, do you know if there is a way to edit or setup the program more deeply, for example it allows only one screen of World Clock or Appointments, but for Photo Contacts it has three, so I can scroll it to the right or left. Also seems this program is for Europe, the date on the Time line shows 11.03.2011, here in US we used to have month first then the date :( although I am from Europe originally , but used to have the month first :(

anyway, thank you for the fast and accurate reply .

There is no way to change the depth of the items. 3 screens for programs and contacts, no way to expand them. I've tried to change the date display also with no luck. I've searched the registry too but without success. So what you see is what you get.

Guest SergioTio
There is no way to change the depth of the items. 3 screens for programs and contacts, no way to expand them. I've tried to change the date display also with no luck. I've searched the registry too but without success. So what you see is what you get.

I finally decided to go with WindowsDefault on Today's screen. It is light, intuitive theme. Disabled the SamsungWidgets, uninstalled SamsungToday. I also tried the SPB Shell, but it seemed to me very crouded, although the interface was absolutely new and interesting but I like simplicity.

Anyway Thanks for the help :D

  • 4 months later...
Guest hammerjr
Posted (edited)

my phone has the stock DG21 official verizon ROM. but it has just gotten so cluttered up with stuff and now internet explorer isn't working so wanted to re-flash it. I have the offical rom, but when I tried to flash, it said you already have newest software, this tool does not allow re-installations. so I ended up here. I saw two downloads, one which looks like the official rom I have based on size. not sure what the other one is that says pda.nbo? can someone tell me how to re-flash my phone to DG21?

also, tested out the Jinbox. went to delete it and then I had no text messaging at all? no icon? had to reinstall Jinbox. how do you get back to stock messaging?

pandora doesn't work? get multiple errors.

Edited by hammerjr
Guest dgyahn
Posted (edited)

my phone has the stock DG21 official verizon ROM. but it has just gotten so cluttered up with stuff and now internet explorer isn't working so wanted to re-flash it. I have the offical rom, but when I tried to flash, it said you already have newest software, this tool does not allow re-installations. so I ended up here. I saw two downloads, one which looks like the official rom I have based on size. not sure what the other one is that says pda.nbo? can someone tell me how to re-flash my phone to DG21?

also, tested out the Jinbox. went to delete it and then I had no text messaging at all? no icon? had to reinstall Jinbox. how do you get back to stock messaging?

pandora doesn't work? get multiple errors.

If you are already running DG21 you will need to flash the i920 Samsung PDA .nbo file found in Post #1. Download this file and use the i920 flasher program I've attached to the bottom of this post. Instructions on reflashing your ROM can be found here.

jInbox overwrites your messaging program. If you uninstall it your original messaging app will still work but you will loose the messaging link in your program directory.

Try the Pandora app below. It works for me.



Edited by dgyahn
Guest hammerjr
Posted (edited)

If you are already running DG21 you will need to flash the i920 Samsung PDA .nbo file found in Post #1. Download this file and use the i920 flasher program I've attached to the bottom of this post. Instructions on reflashing your ROM can be found here.

jInbox overwrites your messaging program. If you uninstall it your original messaging app will still work but you will loose the messaging link in your program directory.

Try the Pandora app below. It works for me.

Thanks. I did get pandora working. the buttons are hard to use (have to go about 1/4" to left of a button to use it), but it does work.

I liked the Jinbox app, but when I would get a text and click on the icon, it would take me into the samsung messaging. I am sure you can set registry to make it go to Jinbox, but wasn't sure how. is there anything missing in Jinbox like on some I have seen You can't do MMS

or other little things that you lose. ninja for hire did that app right? maybe I can track down a website that gives more details.

big question about the flashing. went to link. so I need the file labeled samsung cdma modem which I guess is drivers. says to install that--anyplace in particular I am to install it? I know I need octans as well and there is download for that. but there are three other downloads on that page. two I know I don't need as they are for 64bit and i have xp 32 bit. do I also need that file that says xp 32 bit?? I am totaly new to this so please be patient. at that link, they don't mention the flasher program that you attached so that confuses me too?

oh, and by your signature wondering do you have dual boot on your phone? you have droid pro listed there so was curious. I wasn't sure if the i920 could run droid? I was looking some places last night and seemed like only i8000 was able to do so.

Edited by hammerjr
Guest dgyahn

Thanks. I did get pandora working. the buttons are hard to use (have to go about 1/4" to left of a button to use it), but it does work.

I liked the Jinbox app, but when I would get a text and click on the icon, it would take me into the samsung messaging. I am sure you can set registry to make it go to Jinbox, but wasn't sure how. is there anything missing in Jinbox like on some I have seen You can't do MMS

or other little things that you lose. ninja for hire did that app right? maybe I can track down a website that gives more details.

big question about the flashing. went to link. so I need the file labeled samsung cdma modem which I guess is drivers. says to install that--anyplace in particular I am to install it? I know I need octans as well and there is download for that. but there are three other downloads on that page. two I know I don't need as they are for 64bit and i have xp 32 bit. do I also need that file that says xp 32 bit?? I am totaly new to this so please be patient. at that link, they don't mention the flasher program that you attached so that confuses me too?

oh, and by your signature wondering do you have dual boot on your phone? you have droid pro listed there so was curious. I wasn't sure if the i920 could run droid? I was looking some places last night and seemed like only i8000 was able to do so.

No problem. Yes, you will need to download the Samsung_CDMA_modem_4_1_.34.zip file and install it to your computer. You may also need to download and install to your computer the WinXP_x32.zip file. Once you have done that install the i920 flasher. Once everything is installed follow these instructions:

0) Make sure to install (or to have installed already) the Samsung_CDMA_modem_4_1_.34.zip driver.

1) Make sure your phone is not connected to your PC; if it is, disconnect it.

2) Make sure to Turn off your phone.

3) Start i920 flasher and fill required fields/checkboxes Select the PDA buttons and open the .nb0 file.

4) Press "Detect" button.

You should see the flashing process update in the display window and on your phone.

As for your other question about my phone being able to dual boot to Android. It does not. My signature references the current ROM I am using (found here) along with my today interface. You can find this at my post here.

Guest Bryan W.

jInbox is a Samsung app that was 'ripped' from another model phone. It only partially works in our phone. That's not due to registry settings but the way the program was written to integrate with the design of the other phone. That's why as a whole, it never taken off as a messaging replacement for our phone. The most you will get is for it to work partially, but never completely. And the more you use it, you will find it has other little quirks as a result of not being meant for our phone.

Guest dgyahn

I have currently gone back to the official ROM as I will be selling my O2 soon. Decided to run Windows Default (Titanium) with a couple of plug-ins as my UI as it is still the fastest UI for a stock ROM.


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