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[GUIDE] Ascend Y300-100 (B182) Bootloader unlock, TWRP, Root, Custom ROM flash

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Guest tooplanx
Posted (edited)

This is taken from the results of my own experiences found in this original thread: http://www.modaco.com/topic/366266-ascend-y300-b182-root-twrp-custom-rom-advice/


Re posting as a new topic for clarity's sake.




I have successfully unlocked the bootloader, installed TWRP, rooted, and flashed a custom ROM.


Below is the methods I followed:



1. First I downloaded drivers for the y300 from here: https://files.dc-unl...BE98BC29A9C1216


Extract the drivers and launch 'DriverSetup.exe'



Wait for this to install fully.



Then downloaded dc-unlocker and install: https://www.dc-unlocker.com/downloads


2. Next, turn off your phone and remove the battery for 5 seconds. Replace battery, and hold vol + and - and the power button for several seconds, until screen goes a violet colour. If your phone just boots as normal, go into your phone settings and turn off 'fast boot'.



Now connect your phone to your computer via USB and wait for the drivers to install fully.


3. Once your phone is connected, load up dc-unlocker. In the 'Select Manufacturer' box change it to 'Huawei phones'. Leave everything else as it is (including the 'select model' box).


Click on the large magnifying glass button. This will scan the phone for its bootloader code and show the unlock code required after around 10 seconds.


Copy and paste the 16 digit "Bootloader code" somewhere safe (like a notepad file).


Close the dc-unlocker, turn off your phone (you may need to remove the battery), and unplug from the computer. Reboot your phone.





4. I then followed Step 2 onwards from this webpage: http://huawei-y300.t...ascend-y300-all


I also had the lovely guidance of danny19901 :)


The files needed for these next few steps are at the top of the page, or you can use the newer version which danny19901 kindly uploaded for me: https://www.dropbox....O-ROOT-v1.5.zip


You need to extract this file and follow the instructions on the website linked above (or those given by danny19901 below).


At step 11 of the website instructions, when running 'unlock_bootloader.bat', type in the 16 digit unlock code generated by dc-unlocker.


Once you have completed these instructions, all being well, your phone will have an unlocked bootloader, be rooted, and have TWRP recovery installed.


From here you can choose and install a custom ROM.  

I choose FusionX (http://www.modaco.co...a-discontinued/) and this seems to have great performance and be very stable. Danny19901 recommended CM 10.2 for y300 ( http://www.modaco.com/topic/365931-jb-431-cyanogenmod-102-rom-all-nightly-builds-available/  ). This is more cutting edge as it's android 4.3. Meant to be very good but still has some minor bugs. Apparently you need to have TWRP 2.6 or higher installed before you can flash this - this tutorial installs 2.5.01 or something. I had difficulty trying to upgrade as GooManager didn't work and Fastboot also had errors so I just gave up. (If anyone can help with this issue, pls let me know).


Installing Custom ROMs:


To install a custom ROM, download the file and copy it to the root (ie not in any folders) of you phone sd-card.


Turn off your phone and restart into TWRP by holding vol + and power for several seconds.


Once in TWRP, go to 'wipe' and swipe across to wipe the phone system caches (this won't erase your sd-card).


Then go back to the main menu and click on 'Install'. Scroll down to the ROM file you copied to your sd-card and click on it. Follow the instructions on-screen.


Once this is complete (maybe a minute or so) reboot your phone.


Fingers crossed you should have successfully installed a custom ROM!!!



I would like to thank danny19901 for his help with all this and below are links to the websites I used for other guidance:








Feel free to ask for clarification if you need it. I offer this consolidated knowledge for other y300 users, but don't blame me if it all goes wrong for you!


If any more knowledgeable folks out there see any problems with my walk through or think something should be changed, then please let me know.


Thanks, and enjoy!

Edited by tooplanx
Guest MasterOran



at first, thank you for this guide, i really missing somethink like that.



but i need some clarification, u wrote about the CM10.2



Danny19901 recommended CM 10.2 for y300 ( http://www.modaco.co...ying this soon.


But in the topic they want the CWMR.


Could you extend the guide, what i need to follow for this ROM?

When and how to install CWMR , GAPP and when the rom?

Guest mockingbird


at first, thank you for this guide, i really missing somethink like that.

but i need some clarification, u wrote about the CM10.2

But in the topic they want the CWMR.

Could you extend the guide, what i need to follow for this ROM?

When and how to install CWMR , GAPP and when the rom?

You can flash CM 10.2 via the latest TWRP without any problems. And yea you need to flash gapps after the rom is flashed :)
Guest MasterOran

ok so, i follow these steps till the CROM section, and than i use TWRP to flash the following things in this order

1: ClockworkRecoveryMod (from the linkes topic)

2: CM10.2 (from the linkes topic)

3: GAPPS (from the linkes topic)

Guest tooplanx

Just edited the post as some links had merged with static text and hidden some of my sentences.


As Mockingbird stated above. You can use TWRP to flash CM 10.2, but apparently needs to be TWRP 2.6+. The files in this guide install ver. 2.5.


I too was looking at this issue and tried a few things to try to update TWRP to the latest ver., but I had probs with both GooManager and Fastboot so couldn't do it.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TinaEire

2. Next, turn off your phone and remove the battery for 5 seconds. Replace battery, and hold vol + and - and the power button for several seconds, until screen goes a violet colour. If your phone just boots as normal, go into your phone settings and turn off 'fast boot'.



Now connect your phone to your computer via USB and wait for the drivers to install fully.


Just a note to that process: It is nessesary to remove the SD card. Otherwise the Phone will try to do a Firmwareupdate ;)


Just a note to that process: It is nessesary to remove the SD card. Otherwise the Phone will try to do a Firmwareupdate ;)

Not nessesary if there is no dload folder in SD card

:P :P

Guest jackosterman
Posted (edited)

Off-topic, but from the looks of your photo-- are your volume buttons on the left side? Edit: vvvv Ugh, you're right. Clearly not the Y300, after a second look. I need a nap. :wacko:

Edited by jackosterman

Off-topic, but from the looks of your photo-- are your volume buttons on the left side?

That's not Y300 maybe G510 ? :)

Guest TinaEire

Not nessesary if there is no dload folder in SD card

:P :P

Thanks :blush:

was not aware of that but you'll learn always something new :rolleyes:

  • 1 month later...
Guest Linkest

hi there. i tried to root my y300 using this method but somehow i just can't unlock the bootloader. i follow the instructions, install everything, even got the bootloader code, but when i run check_bootloader.bat all i get is 

Found the following devices:


or when i run unlock_bootloader i get "waiting for device"

any idea what am i doing wrong here?

my version is B171, if that means anything

thx in advance

  • 1 month later...
Guest tooplanx

hi there. i tried to root my y300 using this method but somehow i just can't unlock the bootloader. i follow the instructions, install everything, even got the bootloader code, but when i run check_bootloader.bat all i get is 

Found the following devices:


or when i run unlock_bootloader i get "waiting for device"

any idea what am i doing wrong here?

my version is B171, if that means anything

thx in advance


Hi, sorry for the slow reply.


After getting the unlock code and then starting following the instructions from Step 2 on the website link, did you install the second lot of drivers linked to at the top of that website?  I'm pretty sure i installed 2 lots of separate drivers: one as described at the top of this thread, then one described in the linked webpage.


I think both are needed as the phone is being communicated with in two different ways.


If you have done this, have you put your phone into the splash screen mode (as described in point #8 of the linked webpage) before connecting it to the computer and running the unlock_bootloader.bat?


I know you posted over a month ago, so perhaps you've already sorted it. 

  • 3 months later...
Guest Linkest

Hi, sorry for the slow reply.


After getting the unlock code and then starting following the instructions from Step 2 on the website link, did you install the second lot of drivers linked to at the top of that website?  I'm pretty sure i installed 2 lots of separate drivers: one as described at the top of this thread, then one described in the linked webpage.


I think both are needed as the phone is being communicated with in two different ways.


If you have done this, have you put your phone into the splash screen mode (as described in point #8 of the linked webpage) before connecting it to the computer and running the unlock_bootloader.bat?


I know you posted over a month ago, so perhaps you've already sorted it. 

sorry for the very late reply too, but i've given up on this a long time ago.

i did install both sets of drivers and it still didn't work. but the last time i tried a message popped up saying that one file is missing, i forgot which one. it was one of the drivers and i looked for it online and every single download site asked for a sign up and i just hate sign ups, so i gave up on it :)

anyway, thanks for the effort, but i guess i'll just have to hang on until my next phone


hi there. i tried to root my y300 using this method but somehow i just can't unlock the bootloader. i follow the instructions, install everything, even got the bootloader code, but when i run check_bootloader.bat all i get is 

Found the following devices:


or when i run unlock_bootloader i get "waiting for device"

any idea what am i doing wrong here?

my version is B171, if that means anything

thx in advance

hey I had the same problem and I managed to solve it by uninstalling the drivers and then installing the ones from the link again. So just uninstall what drivers are already on your pc and install the ones from the links provided. I did this by going to the control panel on the computer: Control Panel>Hardware and Sound >Device and Printers>Device Manager>then click on Android Phone> Right click on the Android Composite ADB Interface and click on uninstall. Then install the drivers from the link and make sure you have "allow unknown sources checked on your phone"....This method worked for me. Hope it works for you. All the best  :)

  • 3 years later...
Guest opethian2014

Hello everybody. I have tried to download the files from the Dropbox link but the link seems dead, if anyone could provide another link with those files i would be very grateful. I also wanted to ask if this whole process (installing the drivers and unlocking the bootloader) could work on a Windows XP machine?

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