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[MOD] [JB] [Space MOD] 4.2 Statusbar For Fusion X [24/05/14]

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Guest Victod
Posted (edited)

Hey Guys!


I bring to you this cool mod, ported by me following this nice guide by @SpaceCaker 


All credits are to @SpaceCaker, without her work this would be impossible!



Only works in Fusion X... Don´t try this in others ROMs




V1.01 ->https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3zSrUQL37h9am1GOHVBRTdnUzQ&usp=sharing


V1.1 ->https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3zSrUQL37h9QUhza3I3NTRZNlE&usp=sharing


V1.5 ->https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3zSrUQL37h9d0d1TDBMcElFX3M&usp=sharing


V1.6 ->https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3zSrUQL37h9SDJYbWtiQXl3bms&usp=sharing









Transparent Status Bar! Won't work if you install Xposed






.- QuickPanel Quicksettings.


.- Lidroid Moved to Quickpanel


.- 16 Quick access to settings sections and apps.


.- Horizontal and Vertical Scroll on Quickpanel


.- Pressing illumination


.- Automatic close after pressing


.- KitKat Icons


.- Gradient transparency.[OPTIONAL] Thanks to @ATTACK

Edited by Victod
Guest Victod
Posted (edited)

Change Contact Image in Quickpanel!


  • Look for an image (160x150 pixels preferable) format PNG.
  • Rename it like "profile.png" no capital letters
  • Open SystemUI.apk with one compressed file manager (7zip or WinRAR)
  • Browse to "/res/drawable-mdpi" then drag and drop your recently created image.


  • Done!. To end, place SystemUI.apk at "/System/app" Reboot and Enjoy!

End Result!



Edited by Victod
Guest Victod
Posted (edited)



       Last Version:



       Older Version:








Space-Mod_Transparent Status Bar.zip





Fusion_X_Revert Transparency Backup.zip

Fusion_X_Stock_SystemUI Backup.zip



Edited by Victod
Guest Victod
Posted (edited)

Profile image and text at status bar only can be changed by editing SystemUI.apk



- Download .zip files and flash from Recovery.
           V1.01 [21/03/2014]
           .- Initial Version
           V1.1 [22/03/2014]
           .-Fixed landscape view
           .-Added horizontal and vertical scroll to quickacces icons...
           V1.5 [27/03/2014] [bIG CHANGES]

           .-Small fix at portrait view

           .-KitKat icons and Design

           .-Brightness icon and text replaced by display

           .-Added 7 new icons to quickpanel [Camera, Torch, Screen Filter, Dev Settings, GPS, Data, and Language]

           .-Included 2 apps to quickpanel [Don't delete it cuz are necessary to quickpanel functionality] [Torch, and Screen Filter]

           .-New transparency method [Gradient as Kitkat] [OPTIONAL] Thanks to @ATTACK

               .-And even more, I not remember. 


           V 1.6 [18/04/2014]
           .-Fixed issue.

           .-Resized power widget button

           .-Added Settings button to statusbar header
           .-Repaired the bug with brigtness button in toggles. Thanks to @Syssx420 --> Here
           V 1.7 [19/04/2014]
           .-Minor fixes at "status_bar_expanded_header"

           .-Updated "Screen filter" to its lastest version

           .-Removed unused functions as Rotation Toggle.

           .-Cleaned some mistakes. 


           V 1.8 [24/05/2014]
           .-New method to Contact's button
           .-New image to App button
           .-New KitKat icons (Signal & Wifi)
           .-Interchanged "dev" and "language" buttons 
           .-Included motorolla camera in zip file.
Edited by Victod
Guest fonz93
Posted (edited)

Very nice work! Thanks, work perfectly

Edited by fonz93
Guest Domino2115

is notification pulldown smooth with this mod?

Guest Victod

This mod for fusion And cm10.1?

Only works on Fusion X

Guest Victod

when you will port for stock ?

Asap, editing huawei SystemUI.apk is pretty hard...

Guest Victod

is notification pulldown smooth with this mod?

For me yes, just like Fusion X...

Guest fonz93

Asap, editing huawei SystemUI.apk is pretty hard...

If you will be able to recompile huawei system ui please let me know how because i cant compile it without change some line in public.xml, after this it recompile without errors but i have systemui FC

Guest Naikkon
Posted (edited)

Victod. if you recompile systemUI please make the clock/signal white like on KK roms.

Edited by Naikkon
Guest Victod

If you will be able to recompile huawei system ui please let me know how because i cant compile it without change some line in public.xml, after this it recompile without errors but i have systemui FC



Victod. if you recompile systemUI please make the clock/signal white like on KK roms.


Ok... Sure!  ^_^

Guest Victod
Posted (edited)

If you will be able to recompile huawei system ui please let me know how because i cant compile it without change some line in public.xml, after this it recompile without errors but i have systemui FC



Victod. if you recompile systemUI please make the clock/signal white like on KK roms.


So, seems that isn't possible to recompile huawei's SystemUI.apk using apktool and I don´t know other tool that makes the same that apktool.  Apk-multitool too wont work.... "more info here"



Q: Why won’t this company (Huawei, ZTE, other) / ROM not work on Apktool?
A: Changing the qualifiers of a ROM requires two changes. One in AAPT and another in the framework. These changes change the size of the ResConfig headers. (Currently we are 38 bytes as of 4.3). These changes don’t conform to standards and adding them into Apktool would cause problems on future Android versions and create a very hacky and ugly Apktool. Feel free to “fork” and create specialized Apktool versions for these ROMs and Companies, but they cannot be included in the main Apktool for risk of damaging the greater population.


Now, did where @Tillaz get that SystemUI.apk and others AOSP files ?


It only remains to try port Fusion X files to stock roms... 

Edited by Victod
Guest comax70

how to flash? I rebooted but did not find anything?

Guest Victod

how to flash? I rebooted but did not find anything?


Just flash.zip file and before that make sure that /system is mounted...

Guest comax70

I flash the rom flash ui 1.0 system reboot I do not see anything ... I do not know...i have fusionx

Guest comax70

nothing, and the third time I try to reboot I do not see anything

Guest Victod

first mod and flash after the rom?



nothing, and the third time I try to reboot I do not see anything


First install Fusion X, then when all be ok, go to recovery and flash [space-Mod]_SystemUI_V1.01.zip

Guest comax70

I tried so install the rom then reboot recovery and flash mod but I do not see anything ... or maybe I have to set it in settings?

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