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Coolpad F1 8297w - Review / Info / Software / Custom Roms

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Guest borsosg

@dalyer I use TWRP. And yes:  after flashing the 029 CPB with Coolpad Download Assistant TWRP remainig on my phone.

Guest borsosg



I did a nandroid backup with TWRP from virgin official 036 rom. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36Ay7pVtck6MUNHMmZkVUxSNHc&usp=sharing You can copy to your backup directory (SD\TWRP\BACKUPS\0000000000000000\ Make a new directory\), and restore it with TWRP. I don't know that it is works or not with CWM. Try it, and tell me :)

If it dosen't work with CWM, You can download TWRP from my drive https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36Ay7pVtck6UHZLcFI4WHZvalU&usp=sharing and you can change the recovery with Mobile Uncletools (free in playstore).



Guest dakok

Now you made it extremely simple :)

I hope you didn't include your private data in that

backup :)

Guest borsosg

Of course not :) It is only a virgin system backup. I try it before I share it :) The first boot will take a long time (5 minutes) wait patiently. :)

Guest dalyer

I wait for a guide to upgrade to 036 rom version. Please write all informations step by step. thanks


borsosg has made it even simpler above with the Nandroid backup but for anybody wanting to use Coolpad Assistant and a CPB format ROM this guide was very simple for me:




The 029 CPB is available elsewhere if you don't want to install 020 (and then go 021 -> 029 -> 036).


when I install coolpad driver language is chinese. there are 3 options : II(M) , II(E), II® . what option I must choose? I tried to go to next step with 1st option and when install driver there is an other option to choose to install coolpad driver.msi (maybe ask connection) , I don't know. Please write me what I have to do. Thanks 


I used the Coolpad_driver.exe from the xda-developers link above and it just worked. 

It was all in Chinese but there were no choices to be made.

Worked for me on Windows 7 SP1 64 bit.


@dalyer I use TWRP. And yes:  after flashing the 029 CPB with Coolpad Download Assistant TWRP remainig on my phone.


OK - that's interesting. 020 didn't retain my CWM...




I did a nandroid backup with TWRP from virgin official 036 rom. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36Ay7pVtck6MUNHMmZkVUxSNHc&usp=sharing You can copy to your backup directory (SD\TWRP\BACKUPS\0000000000000000\ Make a new directory\), and restore it with TWRP. I don't know that it is works or not with CWM. Try it, and tell me :)

If it dosen't work with CWM, You can download TWRP from my drive https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B36Ay7pVtck6UHZLcFI4WHZvalU&usp=sharing and you can change the recovery with Mobile Uncletools (free in playstore).




Great - thanks a lot. :D

Guest corvettec3

borsosg has made it even simpler above with the Nandroid backup but for anybody wanting to use Coolpad Assistant and a CPB format ROM this guide was very simple for me:




The 029 CPB is available elsewhere if you don't want to install 020 (and then go 021 -> 029 -> 036).



I used the Coolpad_driver.exe from the xda-developers link above and it just worked. 

It was all in Chinese but there were no choices to be made.

Worked for me on Windows 7 SP1 64 bit.



OK - that's interesting. 020 didn't retain my CWM...



Great - thanks a lot. :D


I have windows xp sp3 32bit. On phone I have 015 rom without root . So , I have to make root, it's true? After I install 020 rom version , I make upgrade via ota to 021, via ota to 029, via ota to 036. It's true?

Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

Your 015 probably can't make OTA update. If you want new factory rom with OTA option (for future releases)

easiest way is to use borsosg's TWRP backup that you put on SD card and then restore


For that you need to have TWRP on your phone:

1) You can try XDA way - Stock recovery (holding vol- & power button) and TWRP.zip on your SD card

2) Or you can try with chinese rooting app - Vroot 1.7.7 or newer (for PC). Then MobileUncle tool from Google Play and put TWRP recovery.img in your SD card


BTW, Dalyer - regarding that XDA guide - how do you start TWRP recovery.img file from Stock Recovery in the first place? 


Personally, I don't see any advantage from flashing original factory CoolLife UI rom :D

You may use 029 lite version (custom rom) or 034 version by flashing it through CWM/TWRP recovery

and 036 custom will be out soon.


Question for others - if you remove china apps bloatware - you risk the system integrity check (if there is something like that)

and OTA may fail then. I guess?

Edited by dakok
Guest dalyer
Posted (edited)

BTW, Dalyer - regarding that XDA guide - how do you start TWRP recovery.img file from Stock Recovery in the first place? 


Sorry - I don't understand.

TWRP was not involved in anything that I was doing yesterday.


Just to clarify - my phone arrived with stock 015 installed and was already rooted.

A while back I installed CWM and backed up 015:




Since then I had played with jonzalvo's Pure AOSP a little bit:




Yesterday I decided to try 036 but to do so I had to get back to stock so I used the xda-developer thread to install stock 020 CPB using Coolpad Assistant and then update to 021 -> 029 -> 036.


I will probably try ATX "slim" (?) 029 soon alright.

And maybe some of the other popular ROMs mentioned here.


I'm not proposing that Coolpad Assistant CPB installs are the way to go in most cases but to get back to stock it seemed the easiest and it worked fine.

It might also be a useful equivalent of the G300 "install stock B952" if one gets into trouble! :D


I need to play around a bit more with the phone and some ROMs but am still on my trusty old Haier W910 for day to day use and am reluctant to pop my micro SIM out of the mini SIM holder for use in the Coolpad until I am sure that I'm ready.... :D

Edited by dalyer
Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

I compiled several posts from last few pages regarding easy

original factory 029 CDA rom installation and even easier

original factory 036 recovery backup restore

and turned them into a simple guide at this topic first page 2nd post


All kudos go to Borsosg who supplied instructions and his Google Drive space :D

Edited by dakok
Guest corvettec3
Posted (edited)

dimensions of 029 from baidu link says 879.6mb but file that I have downloaded is 404mb . why?

Edited by corvettec3
Guest borsosg

Bcause your download breaked. It sometimes happens with Baidu downloads.... The file real size is: 879 MB as you wrote. Unfortunately Baidu Cloud is very slow. I will upload this file to my Drive and I will share it soon :)

Guest Robi4ok
Posted (edited)


I am sure that myui(as other custom ROMs) also has at least 1-2 bugs. And thats normal. I prefer quite simple but completely working official versions rather a bit better looking but bugged ROMs.


if i understand you right your 036 version is rooted and can be updated by OTA in future?

Edited by Robi4ok
Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

Added several interesting new releases (034, 029 Lites, MyUI, Baidu Rom 051)

@Robi4ok - it is normal for official rom to have a bug or two. Else it wouldn't be fixed in the next release. :D

Edited by dakok
Guest borsosg

We will see it...Before I did the 029 version CDA install I used a very good Miui (4.7.3 wonderful) and my phone was rooted. When the installation completed and the phone rebooted with 029 official rom I didn't check that it rooted or not. I only changed the language to English and then I rebooted the phone. After restart the phone automatically did the update: restarted in recovery and installed the update zip file. When finished TWRP ask me: Fix root? and I choose yes. So my phone is rooted now, and it has 036 build. If come a new update, I will try to update with the rooted phone. If it isn't work I can unroot, make the update, and then root it again... :)

Guest borsosg
Posted (edited)

I never did unroot, so I don't know why is it dangerous. If I want to loose root I simply install a new ROM which had no root permission... Why must to be careful with SuperSu unrooting ?

Btw anybody tried to use my Twrp backup with Cwm? Does it works?

And a little off topic for dakok :-) Split is one of my favorite town. I often go to Brac for holiday :-) One of my friends has an apartment in Sutivan I like it very much. Croatia is beautiful. I adore the sea. It can very good thing to live there..

Edited by borsosg
Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

Thanks borsosg! :D

Next time you arrive here you'll

have a pizza and a beer before you

catch the Supetar ferry.

Edited by dakok
Guest dalyer

Btw anybody tried to use my Twrp backup with Cwm? Does it works

Sorry meant to try that but had to watch my team tonight... :-) Maybe tomorrow.

I agree about Croatia based on my one visit a while ago :-)

Would love to return someday...

Guest dakok

Damn, now I'll have to buy two pizza's and beer.


Guest m0dac0_bugmenot

Helo, I'm using 4.7.11 (V5) MIUI rom and my sim card is not being detected. Its not my phone since I just flashed stock default rom and then its detected instantly. But not now with my current phone.

Phone: Coolpad F1 8297w
MIUI 4.7.11 (V5)
Sim not detected the MIUI rom it seems
Sim detected on stock default android rom

Also please also help me with my other MIUI problem (network error, can't sign in on MI services):  http://en.miui.com/thread-27433-1-1.html

Any fix?

Guest borsosg

Probably it's a TD-SCDMA version Miui. You can change the modem files in zip file system/etc/firmware directory from a WCDMA version. And then install it again.

Guest dakok

Next week brings newly designed Coolpad F1 phones, oriented to young and female customers



Guest corvettec3
Posted (edited)

Added several interesting new releases (034, 029 Lites, MyUI, Baidu Rom 051)

@Robi4ok - it is normal for official rom to have a bug or two. Else it wouldn't be fixed in the next release. :D


what differences there are among these rom: 


029 CoolLifeUI Lite (with Root) by ATX , 

029 CoolLifeUI Lite 0629 root & List View animations by ATX Team ,  

029 CoolLifeUI Lite v3 by ATX Team, 

034 CoolLifeUI - ATX release ,  

AOSP by jonzalvo ( http://www.needrom.com/mobile/coolpad-f1-8297w-aosp/ ) , 

PURE-AOSP by jonzalvohttp://www.needrom.com/mobile/coolpad-f1-8297w-pure-aosp/


Which among these do you advice?

Is italian language installed (full translate)? 

Edited by corvettec3
Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

Sorry, no italian in China roms (except for YunOS or Color OS maybe - not 100% sure about this)


There is an older multilanguage CoolLife UI release from ET aliexpress store and it may be possible to

use that language part in new roms but I don't know how to do that :(


Word "Lite" means that most of the chinese bloatware apps are removed - average "lite" rom size is about 390 - 410 MB then


What is changed in those releases? Use Chrome translate and visit forums from the first post and when you find out that,

go back here and tell us :D

Edited by dakok

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