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Coolpad F1 8297w - Review / Info / Software / Custom Roms

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Guest corvettec3
Posted (edited)

Sorry, no italian in China roms (except for YunOS or Color OS maybe - not 100% sure about this)


There is an older multilanguage CoolLife UI release from ET aliexpress store and it may be possible to

use that language part in new roms but I don't know how to do that :(


Word "Lite" means that most of the chinese bloatware apps are removed - average "lite" rom size is about 390 - 410 MB then


What is changed in those releases? Use Chrome translate and visit forums from the first post and when you find out that,

go back here and tell us :D


I don't need  google translate, maybe you need :D . 

I read all pages of this forum and I haven't found huge differences between 029 and 034 by atx. I want to know by people that have installed roms, which rom they advice. Anyway jonzalvo's roms have italian language installed.

Edited by corvettec3
Guest borsosg

I started to translate 036, but only to Hungarian language. If I will success with it, I will try to build a multilanguage version :-)

Guest m0dac0_bugmenot

Probably it's a TD-SCDMA version Miui. You can change the modem files in zip file system/etc/firmware directory from a WCDMA version. And then install it again.


I have no idea what you mean. I'm a noob, I only know how to flash ROM, can you help me? :s

Guest Robi4ok


I will try your backup 036 version on monday.

Guest pletko

Damn, now I'll have to buy two pizza's and beer.


Better make it three ;-)
Guest dakok

It seems I'll have to make

a reservation in a restaurant.


Guest Rammbock
Posted (edited)

Btw anybody tried to use my Twrp backup with Cwm? Does it works?



Yes it works fine for me but it is unrooted.
Anyway i will try another way too (just for an experience): instal 029 by using Coolpad Download Assistant and update to 036.
A new experience:
I have used Coolpad Download Assistant 1.85.
During the flashing of a version 029 my TWRP recovery was deleted too :-(
The update from 029 to 036 was successful.


Date: July 13  2014.


I tried several times to install CPB versions (029 and 036) via Coolpad download assistant 1.85 and every time i lost custom recovery and root.
Also i have tried to update rooted ver. 029 to ver. 036. The Rooted version of 029 was compatible with a new updates. But the during the update i lost root and custom recovery too.


However i have a ver. 036 updated from ver. 029 now. And it have Root, Custom recovery - TWRP and Gaps.


1. Before start any manipulations with updates and flashing i have prepaid a recovery.img (TWRP), gapps-jb-20130812-signed.zip, MobileUuncle tools on to my externel SD card and installed it in to the my Coolpad F1.

2. I have installed the last version of VROOT on to my PC (To get Root access).

3. I have installed Coolpad Download assitant 1.85 on to my PC. 

4. I have installed Drivers for Coolpad F1.

5. Flashing a ver. 029 via Dowload Assistant 1.85. by Borsosg Guide from here

6. Go to the Settings change languge to English, go to "About phone" menu, tipe several times to "Build number" until get access to  "Developer options" . Go to "Developer options"  and mark "USB debugging". NOW is ready to get root access via VROOT

7. Open your VROOT installed on PC, do not switch off your phone and connect it via USB to PC. VROOT will check the connections and should find Coolpad F1.  When it found press the Green Button "Root" on the left bottom side. Wait a few seconds and get the root. The phone will automatically going to reboot (if not - something goes wrong). Now you have Root and switched ON phone.

8. Go to "Downloads" application, find a MobileUncle tools on your external SD card, install it and open. Go to "Recovery update" , chose your recovery.img and istall it. The phone will go to Recovery mode with a new custom recovery. Reboot the phone using the recovery menu.

Now You have Root and Custom Recovery with your ver 029. 

I did it just to check will i save Root and Custom recovery after update to 036. And i lost both of it.


So You may do the same steps to get the root and custom recovery with ver 036 after wireless updating from 029.

Edited by Rammbock
Guest dalyer
Posted (edited)

I have no idea what you mean. I'm a noob, I only know how to flash ROM, can you help me? :s

Some ROMs are TD-SCDMA for Chinese networks only.

The rest of the world uses WCDMA.

To make a TD-SCDMA ROM work on WCDMA you need to hack it slightly.

See the first few posts in this forum. It's explained there.

Edited by dalyer
Guest johnickz

Guys is there anywhere to download, the official 036 version to flash it like any other rom with CWM?

Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

[ROM] CoolLife UI 036 Lite v04 by ATX



  • Based on the latest official from 036 to streamline production, 
  • perfect ROOT privileges, will not rebound 
  • on the desktop icon into the re-arrangement, and remove unwanted icons 
  • added busybox instruction set, 
  • remove the boot sound, etc. Cool 
  • merger ODEX, more convenient we DIYROM 
  • revising ATX settings remove magic interesting list of animation, alarm clock has been normal, support custom ringtones
  • detail adjustment, frame segments, more attractive globally 
  • to solve the next problem to set up a small FC and set inlaid into the ATX 
  • Dual Bluetooth settings to solve small problems 
  • re-edit style, transparent global framework to support transparent to the desktop 
  • to solve the next problem to set up a small FC and set inlaid into the ATX 
  • power support percentage under Settings / battery can switch 
  • from pure code from Kai Kai housekeeper effective management software , and does not account for memory 
  • add The status bar is set to support the status bar color custom colors, support transparency, we own settings, the default boot black 
  • screen to add ZTE assistant, like self ATX set to open 
  • add goggles, set to open in the ATX 
  • add speed to display the status bar support the switch 
  • supports cameras mute function can be set to open in ATX 
  • most useless program to streamline the system fairly pure
  • zipalign ROM has been optimized to reduce memory usage 
  • optimization of 3G networks to optimize the effect of the global response to touch 
  • the bottom of the frame to optimize power consumption optimization, more power 
  • Adding RE Manager
  • add ING market
  • adjustment detail, self-experience,,,,
Edited by dakok
Guest johnickz
Posted (edited)

Have you tried man?

Is it good translated to English or again the known China letters everywhere?


The link isnt working.

Edited by johnickz
Guest dalyer
Posted (edited)

Deleted - ignore.

Edited by dalyer
Guest johnickz

The download link for CoolLife Lite is linking in a modaco page!

Guest dakok

Link for CoolLife UI 036 Lite is corrected and edited in post #3




I cant see china letters everywhere in any of roms with english UI.


Matter of fact I like to see them occasionaly because they remind me that I have 

a very nice China phone :p

Guest dalyer

dakok - two questions...


  • These ROMs are billed as being from a team named "ATX" but elsewhere (e.g. here: http://www.7to.cn/androidrom/romdetail/20155 ) they are billed as being from "FIRE-...". Why is that?
  • Where are you  getting the bullet point list of features as I can't correlate it to the translation of the page linked above.



Guest dakok
Posted (edited)

It's simple :)


ATX is one team (appearing mostly at Anzhi forum)

Fire is another team (appearing now at Odd Rabbit forum)


I have not much experience with Fire but I know about ATX team that they've been making very god roms for g300 phone.


You linked to Fire's 034 release. ATX has 036.


For those of you skilled enough to mod or cook roms, here's interesting

place with official rom releases (roms, OTAs, and OTA difference files)

Official Coolpad Roms - baidu drive


Page with guide and link to that stuff above


You can find next TD release there - build 100 :D






Just found out how to fix that troublesome downloading,explained in the first post


Some of that baidu links don't want to cooperate with downloaders but I managed to get files this way:


If you get link like this from Chrome downloads:



just remove the first part from the address - remove this part:

Copy and paste the rest of the address in IDA or other downloader...(tested with IDA)

Edited by dakok
Guest m0dac0_bugmenot

Some ROMs are TD-SCDMA for Chinese networks only.

The rest of the world uses WCDMA.

To make a TD-SCDMA ROM work on WCDMA you need to hack it slightly.

See the first few posts in this forum. It's explained there.

Thanks bro! It works.  Will I be forced to do this every time a new build comes out and I use the build in updater? Or will this ignore those files?


You guys have any idea how to import a language file (everything) into a ROM? I found a dutch language pack for this ROM, but i have no idea how to import it into the rom.

Guest m0dac0_bugmenot

If you are talking about MIUI, try to translate this short guide in Croatian

Yes I tried but I can't select my dutch language pack I found on other MIUI site. And in the tool it seems I can only pick a few from list?

Guest dalyer
Posted (edited)

Thanks bro! It works.  Will I be forced to do this every time a new build comes out and I use the build in updater? Or will this ignore those files?


I don't think that those files will be retained each time you flash a new ROM.

You'll probably have to add in the WCDMA files each time unless the ROM is already WCDMA enabled.

Edited by dalyer
Guest dalyer

It's simple :)


ATX is one team (appearing mostly at Anzhi forum)

Fire is another team (appearing now at Odd Rabbit forum)


I have not much experience with Fire but I know about ATX team that they've been making very god roms for g300 phone.


You linked to Fire's 034 release. ATX has 036.


Thanks dakok.

Sorry - I didn't realise that I had linked to the wrong ROM!

Where do you find the ATX ROMs? They don't seem to appear on the OddRabbit forum...

Sorry about all the questions!  :blush:

Guest dalyer
Posted (edited)

OK - probably me being dumb here but I have stock 036 installed and can't seem to root.

Tried VRoot 1.7.7 from the top posts but it's all Chinese so I'm not sure what to do.

It seemed to do something when I first connected it but I don't have root - at least MobileUncleTools to install CWM fails with "please root device" message.

In VRoot I also tried clicking the green button a few times but that doesn't seem to do anything.

I tried Framaroot mentioned on another site but that fails.

Any ideas?  :blush:


Edit: Also tried the approach here to rooting http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2785891 but the stock recovery seems to be screwed up somehow. Can't even reboot from it (have to pull battery) as everything reports "No command" or something like that... Might have to use Coolpad Download Assistant to revert to stock 020 again maybe...?

Edited by dalyer

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