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All custom roms for Huawei Ascend Y300/G510

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Posted (edited)
I thought I should make a topic where all the roms for these phones are listed, because there are so much that I can't follow them and I think I'm not the only one.  :D
Please report it here in the comments if you found a rom that's not listed below, I will add it ASAP. I know that it will be very deficient, but there are too much roms.
Android 4.1.X
Stock based
TouchZ by minotaurus
FreeYourMind by minotaurus
OptimusDAY by corsoba 
Daytona revolution by rubenrpi 
Galaxy X by alfonso1010
MeijaJB by thejaimes111
Ascend Y300 (194) by ShockeyCzT
Ascend G510 (194) by ShockeyCzT
B194 Emotion UI 1.6 by josalaito
Amarulliz ONE by alfonso1010
Soft UI v2 by shayan4shayan
Ultra-light B196 by Jaccs 
B196 Slim V1 by jordilopez94 
Ascend Y300 (196) by ShockeyCzT
Ascend G510 (196) by ShockeyCzT
SymAnd roms by SymAnd 
OptimusPure by corsoba 
Stratosh by stratoukos19
Illusion by angelito5828
Infiniti by angelito5828
FusionX by tillaz 
Lunatic Pandora by infernape763 
Makabro Rom by Makabro 2929
Essential B199 by Alkalinorap
Dimension Rom by JALEGS0528
Gamer V2 by Jaccs
Galaxy rom by tirimosqui
iPhone rom by tirimosqui
Emotion UI 2.3 by SoI-Ieil-A
Infinity Emotion v2 by SoI-Ieil-A
Fluffy ROM by Dani 2014
SlimStock B199 by fonz93
DMore rom by davidmore
FusionX Reborn by Syssx420
Stock Pro B199 by JALEGS0528
NextGenROM by droidzone1695
GamerV4 by jaccs
Lite 2X B200 by jalegs0528
B200/B200 Lite by xSergioHP.
B209 LiteX by Jalegs
Cyanogenmod 10
Cyanogenmod 10 by josalaito 
Cyanogenmod 10 by Kra1o5 
Lunatic Pandora X by infernape763
XperiaTouch by Elblackfox
Jelly dark by alfonso1010
Gamer by jaccs
FluffyRom by Dani2014
FluidMOD Pandora by infernape763
Endora S by Florent 1510
RomKeny by megakeny123
CM Pure by xSergioHp
SlimCM10 by SrFarias
JellyKat Gamer by Antonio123
MIUIv5 3.9.27 by joba69 
MIUIv5 3.8.23 by m80dv
MIUIv5 by william1604
MIUIv5 4.0.10 by masterpascaler
MIUIv5 by tirimosqui
MIUIv5 by az1051495
Lewa OS
Lewa OS by ErManu86 
Official Lewa OS posted by paintermait
Baidu Cloud OS
Android 4.2.X
Cyanogenmod 10.1
Cyanogenmod 10.1 by Kra1o5 
Cyanogenmod 10.1 by joestone 
Cyano-S4 by tirimosqui
Cyanogen S4 by alfonso1010
Expert by Toliao
Cyanogenmod 10.1 by ChepKun
Endora UX by Florent1510
BlacRom by megakeny123
Cyanogenmod 10.1 by Davek_7
Zuitanes CM-Mod by zuitane
ATM CM 10.1 by JuanFran1984
Xperia Z1 Rom by shayan4shayan
PAC Milestone by Ceastel
PAC B5 by Eloimuns 
JellyBeer v4.33 by eloygomez
JellyBAM by Dark_Nightmare
Mokee OS
MokeeOS 42.2 by eloygomez 
Mokee OS w/ Fly UI by tirimosqui
MIUIv5 by tirimosqui
Endora C by Florent1510
SlimROM 4.2 by Dark_Nightmare
Color OS by tirimosqui
AOKP by Dark_Nightmare
CarbonROM by luca020400 & Y300-0100
Android 4.3.X
Cyanogenmod 10.2
Cyanogenmod 10.2 by Dazzozo
Fluffy ROM by Dani 2014
PAC by Eloimuns 
Paranoid 3.99 by asis_92
OmniRom by asis_92
AOKP JB-MR2 by Dark_Nightmare
Mokee OS
Mokee OS 43.1 by eloygomez
SlimROM (Slimbean) 4.3 RC1 by Dark_Nightmare
Carbon ROM by infernape763
Android 4.4.X
Cyanogenmod 11
Cyanogenmod 11 by Dazzozo
FluffyKitKat by Dani2014
Endora G by Florent 1510
Cyanogenmod11 by EloYGomeZ
Nebula by cyanide_cat2000
Cyanogenmod 11 by xjljian001 (Only for Dual SIM versions)
Cyanogenmod 11 by srfarias
Mokee OS
Mokee OS by eloygomez
SlimKat by chil360
Slim+ by David_Vaz
Project Ara by David_Vaz
Carbon ROM by infernape763
Carbon ROM by infernape763
Carbon ROM by EloYGomEz
Carbon ROM by luca020400
AOSB Kitkat by eloygomez
PAC rom by Y300-0100 and eloimuns
C-RoM-MIX by eloygomez
XenonHD by infernape 763
OmniROM by eloimuns
ParanoidAndroid by EloYGomeZ
AOSPA by luca020400
LiquidSmooth by Y300-0100
MahdiROM 2.8 by luca 020400
NamelessROM by chil360
Android 5.0.X
Cyanogenmod 12
Cyanogenmod 12 by luca020400
SlimLP by chil360
SlimLP by Mansi
Android 5.1.X
Cyanogenmod 12.1
F-AOSP by fonz93
TeslaOSv2 by srfarias
Firefox OS
Firefox OS by infernape 763
TWRP by Kra1o5
CWM by Dazzozo
Kernels (Can be unstable)
CeXstel kernel (for stock and CM) by Ceastel
Defroost kernel (for stock, CM and Lewa) by asis_92
Lirio Kernel (for CM11, Android 4.4) by IbzH
"Stock" Huawei (for stock) by moddingg33k
Slimkat kernel (for CM11) by Chil360, repacked by Dark Cricket
synopsis (for CM and SlimKat) ported by fonz93
Personalizations by pashapuma
SystemUI FC Fix by fonz93
Modded Huwai theme by cislaghi7
Sony Small Apps port by shayan4shayan
SwapDragonX by infernape763
Stock Framework MOD by Jairus1998
GLTools by n0n3m4
Other sites and forums where the Y300's and G510's community is gathered:
Please report if you found a typo or bad link!
Edited by Ducsidu
Guest Market88
Posted (edited)

I suggest you to add the rooms from ShockeyCzT, however nice work, really useful

Edited by Market88
Posted (edited)

I suggest you to add the rooms from ShockeyCzT, however nice work, really useful

Thanks, I'll add them in a minute.

I didn't add these because I thought these are just repacked stock roms.

Edited by Ducsidu
Guest Waqar118

Thanks,very usefull thread.

Latest version of MIUI is also released on HTCMANIA. add that one also:)


Thanks,very usefull thread.

Latest version of MIUI is also released on HTCMANIA. add that one also:)

Added one

Please link if you have another rom, because it's hard to navigate on HTCMania with Google Translate.

Guest Waqar118

Added one

Please link if you have another rom, because it's hard to navigate on HTCMania with Google Translate.

Ok i will if i know about any new rom :)

Posted (edited)

Thanks, added.

Edited by Ducsidu

Off topic, but I'm curious about the MIUI. I'm going to try a few roms today and I want to try MIUI too. Which one am I supposed to try on my Y300? Is it fully working?

I know that there's also one here on MoDaCo, but people said that that's laggy/slow.


most of the rom doesnt says for what device they works...it means that they work for both G510 and Y300??

sorry for my english


most of the rom doesnt says for what device they works...it means that they work for both G510 and Y300??

sorry for my english

Every rom that works on the G510 should work on Y300 and inversely. But there's a chance that a rom works without bugs on Y300/G510 but on the other device there are a few more bugs.

Guest Waqar118

check this one, i found in my system dowloaded from given link. i think its rom but not sure bcz i did not tested it yet. if u want, u can confirm it or otherwise u can just ignore this :)



Guest bogdanwp
Posted (edited)

Do not test it if you`re not sure it`s for G510/Y300, It could brick your phone. I`m downloading it now but it`s taking forever.

Edit : Rom appears to be for Qmobile A900 , at least from the build.prop

Edit2 : CM modified rom to look like S3/S4 appeared on HTCMania : LINK , based on Kra1o5`s CM 10.1

Edited by bogdanwp
Guest Waqar118

Do not test it if you`re not sure it`s for G510/Y300, It could brick your phone. I`m downloading it now but it`s taking forever.

Edit : Rom appears to be for Qmobile A900 , at least from the build.prop

Edit2 : CM modified rom to look like S3/S4 appeared on HTCMania : LINK , based on Kra1o5`s CM 10.1

Thanks for correction :)


Do not test it if you`re not sure it`s for G510/Y300, It could brick your phone. I`m downloading it now but it`s taking forever.

Edit : Rom appears to be for Qmobile A900 , at least from the build.prop

Edit2 : CM modified rom to look like S3/S4 appeared on HTCMania : LINK , based on Kra1o5`s CM 10.1

Thanks, added

Guest bogdanwp

Mate not a big problem but i see that XperiaTouch says it`s based on CM R4 by Kra1o5 :D

Posted (edited)

Mate not a big problem but i see that XperiaTouch says it`s based on CM R4 by Kra1o5 :D

It has changed to v2 (which is now based on CM) a few minutes ago.  :D Wow.

Thanks for reminding

Edited by Ducsidu
Guest jackosterman
Posted (edited)

Found this ROM ("Stratosh") over at xda. Another B194 based one. Haven't tested, but for the curious..

Edited by jackosterman

Found this ROM ("Stratosh") over at xda. Another B194 based one. Haven't tested, but for the curious..

Thanks, added  :D

Guest painteramit
Posted (edited)


there is an official version released of lewa OS for Y300-0000.(Edit: I am having Y300-0100, but it works fine.Only thing is it shows settings for two SIM)


http://bbs.lewaos.com/download.php or

for download http://bbs.lewaos.com/down_detail.php?id=74


but it's unicom version (does not include any of the Google apps).

so you needs to download and flash the gapps for lewa os.



works like a charm. no bug till now. :D

my favourites:

1. full screen caller image (need to set once)

2. Perfect call recording 

Edited by painteramit


there is an official version released of lewa OS for Y300-0000.(Edit: I am having Y300-0100, but it works fine.Only thing is it shows settings for two SIM)


http://bbs.lewaos.com/download.php or

for download http://bbs.lewaos.com/down_detail.php?id=74


but it's unicom version (does not include any of the Google apps).

so you needs to download and flash the gapps for lewa os.



works like a charm. no bug till now. :D

my favourites:

1. full screen caller image (need to set once)

2. Perfect call recording 

Is 3G and hanging up calls also working? Because in my theory it shouldn't work, but please confute me. :D

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